ID #109916 |
Amazon's Price: $ 13.40
Summary of this Book... | ||
This is a story of a woman who has a ranch I hope to emulate in a few years. This is the story of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch, a place where abandoned horses and abandoned hearts go to heal. The book tells the tales of miracles, triumphs, sadness and thoughts to ponder as a woman and her husband develop a ministry to matching broken horses with broken hearts in the bodies of young children to try and make some sense of a world gone wrong. A young boy whose father left his teeth jagged bonded with a large horse who put his head around the young boy's fragile body and hugged him close to his sturdy heart. A young girl who would die shortly, and wanted the freedom of her body again, found it by riding a horse who had been close to death itself. A young boy, in jail and with no hope, finds love and acceptance by a tribe of horses and the people who love them. When you want to feel again, for just a moment, this is a book to pick up and remember that there is life worth living and there are people in it who are worth knowing. | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
Coffetable, discussion, special sanity nook | ||
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![]() Created Mar 09, 2009 at 3:29pm •
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