Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/109545-Aristotle-and-an-Aardvark-Go-To-Washington-Understanding-Political-Doublespeak-Through-Philosophy-and-Jokes
ASIN: 0810995417
ID #109545
Amazon's Price: $ 9.98
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
The excrement that issues forth from the oral cavity of a politician is by design an effort to cofound our synapses and steer us toward an unenlightened decision.

If this overlong sentence was at least mildly confusing, then I did it right. This is the kind of doublespeak American voters deal with every election. Their lame arguments leave us in the voting booth ready to use the "close your eyes and point" method. After reading this, a reader will be able to recognize commonly used strategies which look good on face value but prove worthless under the microscope. Meanwhile, the jokes included as illustration keep a reader entertained and make the read go faster.
This type of Book is good for...
Anyone who wishes to understand American politics and politicians enough to see through their smoke.
I especially liked...
The fact that the authors quote modern politicians as illustration. I was very surprised to see many quotes from Hillary, Obama, and McCain.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
Look for similar works.
This Book made me feel...
A little more able to ignore political BS.
The author of this Book...
Daniel Klein, Thomas Cathcart
I recommend this Book because...
It's straightforward and easy to understand, unlike a political speech.
Further Comments...
Even if you're not a regular voter, read this. With what's contained in it, you'll be able to detect even the faintest odor of BS. You might even be more inclined to vote with the newfound clarity.
Created Jul 30, 2008 at 3:07pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/109545-Aristotle-and-an-Aardvark-Go-To-Washington-Understanding-Political-Doublespeak-Through-Philosophy-and-Jokes