Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/109047-Eaters-of-the-Dead
ASIN: 0060891564
ID #109047
Eaters of the Dead   (Rated: 18+)
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: A Non-Existent User
Review Rated: 18+
Amazon's Price: $ 8.88
Product Rating:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
In June, A.D. 921, the Caliph of Bagdad sent a member of his court, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan as an ambassador to the King of the Bulgars. His incredible journey took over three years and never actually accomplished his mission.

From warrior-like Turks to slave trading Huns, his travels brought him to the land of the Norsemen, otherwise known as the Vikings. A mysterious beast came down from the mists of the mountain, killing all who fled their blood thirsty savagery.

Through trial by fire, Ibn Fadlan learned the fearless courage of his pagan comrades.

Historically correct as only Michael Crichton is famous for, this page turner of a book is sure to please even the most devout fans of heroism and true bravery.
This type of Book is good for...
I would recommend this book to mostly young boys and men, it's definitely not a girly type read.
I especially liked...
The pace kept to a steadily growing anticipation of the inevitable onslaught of the glowing worm.

The fight against the Earth Mother couldn't have been more suspenseful.
I didn't like...
There are a few passages which are rather terse and awkwardly translated, but you can usually get the meaning from the context.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
This being my first first Michael Crichton book, I then read every one of his over the course of the next year. I enjoyed it that much.
This Book made me feel...
To imagine being there with the Vikings in A.D. 921 sent a frightful suspense down my spine with each menacing attack.
The author of this Book...
Michael Crichton is the creator of the television series, "ER", his best selling novels turned into movies include "Disclosure", "Rising Sun", "The Great Train Robbery", "Timeline", "The Andromeda Strain", "The Lost World, and "Jurassic Park."
I recommend this Book because...
I have yet to read one of Michael's stories that disappointed me. You can't lose.
I don't recommend this Book because...
I wouldn't recommend this book to girls or most women
Further Comments...
There are no lack of quite interesting episodes where they each learn more about each other's religions and culture.
Created Jun 07, 2007 at 2:58pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/109047-Eaters-of-the-Dead