Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/109001-Schindlers-List
ASIN: 0671880314
ID #109001
Schindler's List   (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: A Non-Existent User
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 23.35
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
“He who saves a single life, saves the world entire."
Talmudic verse.

‘Schindler’s List’ is the true story of how one man saved the lives of almost 1100 people. A member of the Nazi party, a drinker and adulterer, Oskar Schindler is not your typical hero. Indeed, Schindler is a more endearing character for his flaws. Charming and flamboyant, he was a successful industrialist and was able to influence some powerful Nazi officials. Owner of Deutsche Emailwaren Fabrik (German Enamel Works), Schindler was able to provide sanctuary for many Jews during the war at constant risk to his own life.

With an array of characters, life during the war is vividly portrayed. The reader is left with a clear impression of the true horror and suffering endured, and the story is all the more powerful for being true. Skilfully written and extremely well researched it is easy to become immersed in the book.

This type of Book is good for...
People who enjoy historical books.
I especially liked...
The vividity of the writing.
The author of this Book...
Thomas Keneally was born in New South Wales, and began his writing career in 1964, winning the Booker Prize for Schindler's List. Inspired By Poldef Pfefferberg (featured in the novel) to write Schindler's List, 4 of Keneally's novels have been shortlisted for the Booker prize.
I recommend this Book because...
It is powerful and moving.
Further Comments...
Some parts of the book may be too graphic for younger readers.
Created May 14, 2007 at 4:32pm • Submit your own review...

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