Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/108615-Yankee-Hotel-Foxtrot
ID #108615
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot   (Rated: 18+)
Product Type: Music
Reviewer: Lynn McKenzie Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 24.99
Product Rating:
  Length of CDs & Vinyl:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this CDs & Vinyl...
An electronic/folk mix of incredible depth and profundity. Songs that you'll hum at odd moments in time. Lyrics that will make you think and move you and sound like an eulogy to America post 9/11 (but aren't; this record was completed before that date). An overall atmosphere of eerie, timeless beauty. Requires several concentrated listens before the full power of it sweeps over you.
This type of CDs & Vinyl is good for...
Late night listening or anytime you feel the need to be moved.
I especially liked...
"I Am Trying To Break Your Heart", "War on War", "Ashes of American Flags", "Pot Kettle Black".
I didn't like...
There's nothing I didn't like about this record.
When I finished n/a this CDs & Vinyl I wanted to...
Call up Jeff Tweedy and Wilco and tell them, "Thank you."
This CDs & Vinyl made me feel...
As if life had reached out and touched me.
The n/a of this CDs & Vinyl...
Wilco, with Jeff Tweedy as the leader and lyricist. Jim O'Rourke deserves a lot of credit as producer as well.
I recommend this CDs & Vinyl because...
It's the greatest album of the new millenium and one of the greatest of the rock era.
Further Comments...
Seek out the five extra tracks from the sessions; Wilco's website used to have them for free, but doesn't any more, unfortunately. They're also marvelous.
Created Aug 12, 2006 at 6:38am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/108615-Yankee-Hotel-Foxtrot