Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/108298-Heavier-Things
ID #108298
Heavier Things   (Rated: ASR)
Product Type: Music
Reviewer: Ms Kimmie Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 5.05
Product Rating:
  Length of CDs & Vinyl:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this CDs & Vinyl...
I fell in love with "Room for Squares"  Open in new Window. and had to get this CD too! I'm glad I did. I'd heard some of the songs on the radio, like "Bigger Than My Body" and "Daughters" but the rest of the album is equally good, and in some cases, even better.
This type of CDs & Vinyl is good for...
relaxing, thinking, pondering, motivating yourself.
I especially liked...
My favorite song is "New Deep." Down with the old me, this is the new me. How many times have you felt that kind of determination? Somehow, he uses just the right music and lyrics to convey a dual meaning. This song can be invigorating and make me feel as though my plan to be a whole new me is entirely possible, yet at other times, it's comfort to me that I'm not alone when I fail again at that very thing. My other favorite is "Come Back to Bed." It has an end of the day feel to it and can inspire you to believe that a lost love is coming back, or can be good to cry to when you know that's not going to happen. And "Split Screen Sadness." It's so gentle (the melancholy of sadness) yet the intensity of it is almost unbearable at times--but I just have to keep listening and keep feeling. Oh, I love the whole CD!
I didn't like...
that it wasn't long enough. I can never get enough of John Mayer's music so my assertion that the album isn't long enough is subjective, but I hate when the CD ends.
When I finished n/a this CDs & Vinyl I wanted to...
listen to it again!
This CDs & Vinyl made me feel...
everything. There is not an emotion that can't be felt when you're listening to John Mayer. All of them, good and bad, come to the surface. It's gently comforting in a paradoxically intense way. John Mayer's music is a reflection of our secret selves--the one we rarely show to others.
Created Dec 26, 2005 at 8:09am • Submit your own review...

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