Summary of this Book... | ||
This small volume is compelling with the lessons learned by one woman's prayer journey and suggestions for our own. It is thematic throughout the book that we must believe in the sovereignty of God. Bateman's approach to prayer as an honor shines through her entire approach to prayer. She acknowledges that she is not a theologian and that her experience comes from the classroom of "on my knees" and not formal training. She seeks to encourage and support others in prayer through her own experience. | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
Reading this book affirms one's own sense of God's presence and answers. Bateman insists that God answers prayer and we need to attune ourselves to hear his responses. Upon reading this book, I wrote, "So, this is what (prayers) I have been doing the past nine months! In my humanness though, I have feared sharing it aloud with any other person in fear of hearing the words, 'why would God want to speak to you of all people?'" | ||
I especially liked... | ||
The affirmation that my own prayer life over the past 33 years has matured far beyond what I had ever imagined. Assertions in the book supported a mature prayer life finding prayer escaping from our lips and our minds as readily as breathing. I found the entire volume to speak to my heart in my present prayer life. Prayer is both a time I look forward to and long for as well as a sentence in the flight of living life. | ||
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to... | ||
I wanted to share it with my women's circle at church where prayer is one of our key topics this year. I also wanted to share my impressions with others on the prayer chain I belong to. It is affirming. | ||
The author of this Book... | ||
Lana Bateman is the Prayer Intercessor for the Women of Faith speaking team. For those not familiar with the Women of Faith Conferences held in dozens of cities each year, it is an interdenominational Christian revival type of weekend reminiscent of the tent revivals of old but held in arenas with tens of thousands of women in attendance. My experience is that the spirit is on fire even moreso than the meetings I attended growing up. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
This book goes to the very heart of a mature prayer life. Whether one is as perceptive to the gift of intercession or not, this book can be a tool in growing one's prayer life. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
I believe that though this book was written with the female reader in mind, it is a volume that can speak to the prayer life of both men and women. | ||
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![]() Created Sep 27, 2005 at 9:34pm •
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