Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/108165-MacGyver---The-Complete-First-Season
ID #108165
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: W E L T Y 69 Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 12.40
Product Rating:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this DVD...
The first series about a super spy that does not use a gun to fight criminals. He uses a much more dangerous weapon... his mind. Using basic science he can put together many different items and get out of almost any situation.

A paperclip, and a stick of gum? your basic hand held laser...

A deck of playing cards and a tree branch? A small bomb...

This type of DVD is good for...
the whole family. This is the way to learn a bit of science and have fun at the same time. They do not make stuff like this anymore, sadly...
I especially liked...
Everything about the whole DVD and the series....
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
I really can not wait for the rest of the series to come out so I can have the whole set.
This DVD made me feel...
Just like a kid. the way I used to feel when I watched it, long ago.

It also gave me some ideas I can use for my new novel.
The cast of this DVD...
Went on to star in Stargate SG-1,

Sadly the star who played Peter Thorton (Dan Elcar) jus passed away last month.
Created Aug 22, 2005 at 5:07pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/108165-MacGyver---The-Complete-First-Season