Summary of this Book... | ||
Fantasy Lover is the first book in connection with Kenyon's Dark Hunter series. In this book, you meet Grace Alexander, a thirty-something sex therapist who's running on pure fumes. Her wacky-tarot-card-reading friend Selena (a.k.a. Madame Selene) decides it's time for Grace to just have a love feast with a sexy guy. She manages to get Grace drunk and has her call a sex slave from within an old book. And it works! Enter Julian of Macedon... Julian isn't just a sex slave. He is the son of the Greek goddess of love: Aphrodite...a demi-god. Two thousand years ago, he was cursed into a scroll by his half-brother, who just happens to be a minor Greek god. For all that time, he has been summoned by women to perform for them for one month before he is again sent back into the scroll/book to wait for the next woman to summon him. Two thousand years is a long time. It isn't until his other half brother, Eros, explains to him that only a woman with the name Alexander could set him free that he began to crave freedom. Because of course Grace's name is...Alexander. But he never thought he'd fall in love with her and feel guilty knowing he was just going to use her to gain his freedom... | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
Curling up on one of those days when you know you have nothing better to do than read a fantasical tale of love. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
The Greek mythology. I always loved the gods and to read of them in this way is quite nice. | ||
This Book made me feel... | ||
Romantic. It's hard after reading a book like this not to want something like it to happen to you, as well. Of course, it's fantasy. | ||
The author of this Book... | ||
Sherilyn Kanyon is wonderful. She does an amazing job bringing the reader in and letting us feel what the characters feel. She's humorous as well as emotional in a great balance. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
It's great. For anyone who likes mythology, humor and romance, this is the book for you. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
Don't forget to check out the Dark Hunter series by this author. This book isn't actually a part of the series, but it is in its own way. Enjoy! | ||
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![]() Created Jan 30, 2005 at 12:21am •
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