ID #107938 |
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Summary of this Video Game... | ||
A collection of Mega Man games. This lovely disc of retro goodness includes Megaman 1-6(NES), Mega Man 7(SNES), Mega Man 8(PSX version) and two arcade games that have never seen an U.S. release. If you're keeping count, that's 10 games stuffed onto one disc. Each game is true to the original version, although all have been slightly enhanced for the collection. In addition to these said games, you get the option to change the difficulty, choose the number of lives you start with in each game, and in the PS2 version, the option to play with the navi mode on, which provides hints and remixed music tracks. Oh, and there's more! The game now includes an auto-save feature for all the games, even Mega Man 1! But rather than shove the save feature down our throat, Capcom has also kept the password systems from Mega Man 2-7. Ohh, and it gets better. By beating certain robot masters and even the games themselves, you can unlock art, credits, music tracks, and even some lovely video content. ![]() | ||
This type of Video Game is good for... | ||
Retro gamers, Platform gamers, children, and the guy who still can't accept that the NES has been dead for 10 years ![]() | ||
I especially liked... | ||
The emulation of the games, most notably, the NES games. Slowdown, sprite flicker, and other hallmarks of the ol' NES are things of the past in this collection. Also, the two arcade games are very fun to play.. Bascally, they strip the game down to only the b attles with the robot masters. Playing by your self or with a friend, you pick a course and fight the robot masters in any order, and like MM 1-8, you gain the waepons of the defeated masters.. Bascally, the arcade games are like abridged versions of MM1-8, good fun:) | ||
I didn't like... | ||
That the actual game play wasn't tweaked more. It would have been nice to be able to slide and charge the Mega Buster in Mega Man 1-3(although you can slide in Mega man 3). Also, no navi mode in the Gamecube version!!! Come on Capcom, show a little love to the GC gamers of the world! Finally, why do I have to unlock the arcade games?? This is a problem on game collections like this, and it often begs the question, why do I have to unlock "hidden" games on a $30.00 collection I just bought?? I but the collections to play games, not unlock them. | ||
I recommend this Video Game because... | ||
If you are a fan of the original series Mega Man games, then defintly get this. You'll be walking happily down memory lane as you take out the likes of Cutman, Metal man, and the other loving Robot masters. Also, if you love old-school games but somehow missed the series, than give this collection a try, there is a reason why this series has survived for so long. Finally, if you came into the Mega Man series through the Battle network games, than take a look to see how the Mega Man series began | ||
I don't recommend this Video Game because... | ||
If you only liked the Mega Man X or Battle network series, than stay away from this, this series isn't for you (although the X games are based off the classic series). Also, gamers who never liked Mega Man won't find anything to change their minds here. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
As far as retro collections go, this is as good as it gets. 10 games, remixed music tracks, a hint mode, and lots of unlockable goodies, this is worth it to retro gamers. If you even have an interest in old-school games, than be sure to pick this up. You won't be disappointed | ||
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![]() Created Jan 15, 2005 at 12:07pm •
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