Summary of this Software... | ||
Your private personal and financial information is always at risk on the Internet. GhostSurf protects you by hiding your identity, removing spyware, and blocking hackers. GhostSurf allows you to surf the Web anonymously by routing your information through anonymous hubs around the world so that Web sites can't identify you. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
The setup was easy but maybe a little too easy because there wasn't much to explain as to how it works. I did find the IP address hiding features and the spyware scans to be better than its popup blocker, trace viewer, etc. I did came across a few problems not covered in the little and I mean little booklet that came with it such as I had to turn it off and exit it to run my varies programs such as the system defragment. I know there are other versions of ghostsurf so another may work better. | ||
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![]() Created Jan 11, 2005 at 6:40pm •
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