Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/107436-The-Pirates-Of-The-Caribbean---The-Curse-Of-The-Black-Pearl
ASIN: B00005JM5E
ID #107436
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: Scottiegazelle Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 7.50
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Length of DVD:
Summary of this DVD...
Captain Jack Sparrow [Johnny Depp] seeks to reclaim the legendary ship, The Black Pearl. To accomplish this, he promises to help a young blacksmith[Orlando Bloom] rescue the damsel in distress. This was a great action film with fantastic effects (though the walking dead may be too much for small children). Depp is highly unique, and has been quoted often as saying he modeled himself after a rock star for this role. He definately makes Sparrow unique and memorable. Bloom does a fantastic job in his role, also, and is quite believable in his shift from pirate-hater to, well, a pirate.
This type of DVD is good for...
Anyone who likes action/adventure, with a touch of comedy. And of course, all the women who want to drool over Bloom & Depp.
I especially liked...
When Elizabeth passes out because of her corset. Fashion is a killer! I also enjoyed Depp's fantastic take on this role. The whole movie left me feeling young at heart. I also enjoyed the, um, sacrifice.
I didn't like...
That it ended.
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to...
Go back to Disneyworld and ride the ride; I don't remember it.
This DVD made me feel...
young at heart. I left the movie - at 11 pm - full of energy and practically skipping. I don't know why, or how, I just felt young and carefree.
The cast of this DVD...
Did an extrodanary job. The acting was superb.
I recommend this DVD because...
It is great fun to watch. The effects are great, the acting is great, and Depp is SO FUNNY.
I don't recommend this DVD because...
If you have small children, the skeletons might be too scary.
Further Comments...
Depp did a fantastic job in this role. I don't see any way for a sequal to be made, but I wish this one hadn't ended, I enjoyed it so much!
Created Dec 28, 2003 at 6:19am • Submit your own review...

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