Summary of this Book... | ||
Martie, the main character, develops this fear that she is going to kill her husband in some horrible way. It steadily takes shape from an uneasy feeling to her tearing the house apart trying to locate anything she views as a possible weapon and throwing it away. Her husband tries to help her through it, and they figure out somehow that she was hypnotized. The person who hyptonized her put all these images into her head and basically got this fear going. They soon realize that both her and her husband were hypnotized, as was her husband's brother, her best friend Susan, who is suffering from agoraphobia, and Susan's ex-husband. After figuring out what the trance triggers are and erasing the hypnotism out of each other's minds, Martie and her husband begin gathering evidence against her psychatrist, who they believe to be the guilty party, so they can confront him with it and take him down. | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
People who like a little action, but don't over analize things. You really have to make some allowances in this one. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
There was a lot of action. No where in this book did you lose track of any of the characters, and something was always happening in their lives. And more than a few times you really felt like you had the upper hand over the bad characters because you knew their plans and plotting weren't going to work out. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
The conflicts appeared to be solved too quickly and easily. This book has some girth to it, so it was a little surprising that these complicated issues were solved so easily. Example, the hypnotism itself. To get to the state the doctor wanted them, it took a long time of drugging them and programming them with their trigger names and hiakus. Once they realized they were under a trance, they pretty quickly and easily found their trigger names and hiakus, then erased the trance state from their mind so they could no longer be accessed. At one point you think it didn't work and start to regain some good feelings about how it is playing out, but it was only a trick. | ||
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to... | ||
Read another one by Dean Koontz, which I have already started to do. | ||
This Book made me feel... | ||
Rushed. The last chapter was a really fast run down of the next several years of the lives of the main characters. It was nice, you didn't get left hanging, which is something I really hate. But you feel like you are sitting in a speeding car. When I finished the book, I felt complete and satisfied, but I felt like ten years had just flown past me. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
It really is a good read, and it's different. Any aspects that were taken from another source were cited, and it makes you want to look into them, too. It's a good sized book, but it moves quickly and keeps you wanting to read more. It keeps you involved, and it is very easy to visualize. | ||
I don't recommend this Book because... | ||
It's easy to stop and wonder why things were so easy to do when you would assume it would be a little harder. Anyone who looks deep into things is going to have a tough time getting through this book without a billion questions going through their minds. | ||
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![]() Created Nov 27, 2003 at 11:04pm •
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