ID #106845 |
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: A Non-Existent User Review Rated: E |
Amazon's Price: $ 29.99
Summary of this Book... | ||
Harry Potter is having a bad summer with the Dursleys (What else is new?). It gets a lot worse when Aunt Marge comes to visit. Aunt Marge says one thing too many that Harry gets so mad, he inflates her into a large ballon and leaves. Fearing he'll be kicked out of Hogwarts, he takes to the streets of London. After unexpectedly calling a special bus for stranded witches and wizards, he spends the rest of his summer at the Leaky Cauldron. Harry learns that Sirius Black, the man who killed his parents, has escaped from Azkaban and now wants a piece of Potter. Dementors (Azkaban guards) have been set up all around prison and everytime Harry gets close to one, he passes out. Can Harry find Black, put an end to all of this madness, and most of all, let his parents legacy finally rest in peace? | ||
I especially liked... | ||
It was, like the another two, well written. I liked the new characters like Professor Lupin. He takes a liking to Harry, and I hope there is more of him in future books. Then there is Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw seeker, who has a thing for Harry. I just wish there was more of her. Hopefully, Rowling will develop her character more in future books. I do like how she developed more on the reason behind Snape's grudge for Harry and his late father. Also, there are some big time revelations for Harry about his family tree. You'll have to read it to believe it. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
There wasn't anything to dislike in this one. | ||
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to... | ||
I am pumped and ready for the 700+ page monster, The Goblet of Fire. BRING IT ON!!! | ||
The author of this Book... | ||
I said it before and I will again, JK Rowling deserves every pound, Euro, and dollar she has made from these books. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
I recommend this because it is probably the best one I have read yet. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
JK Rowling has shown a lot of improvement (and maturity) in the third book. Harry, Ron and Hermione have grown as the series progresses (Harry's magic has gotten better and Hermione finally has a breakdown, if you can believe that). I loved all of the revelations that are revealed to Harry at the end. This book is a turning point for Harry Potter and it will change him for the better. Now, as for the movie version, I just hope they do it right this time. I wasn't that impressed with the sequel to the first film (they took out many elements and messed with the ending) and as far as I am concerned, there is only one Dumbeldore, Richard Harris. At least Dawn French (one of my favorite British Comediennes) is finally getting the worldwide attention she deserves by having a role in the upcoming film. But for now, read the book and enjoy. | ||
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![]() Created May 14, 2003 at 1:21am •
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