Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/106771-Things-Fall-Apart
ASIN: 0385474547
ID #106771
Things Fall Apart   (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 8.69
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Summary of this Book...
Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart” is a tragic and moving story which depicts the horrors of colonialist experience from the eyes of the colonized. It has an authentic and daring perspective, brought about by Okonkwo, a powerful and respected village elder who cannot single-handedly repel the foreign culture into his village. The major theme of the novel is that British colonization and the conversion to Christianity of tribal peoples has destroyed an intricate and traditional age-old way of life in Africa. The administration that the British imposed on the African cultures were civilized, well in fact they had the effect of cruelty and inhumane practices that conquered large native populations to the British. Also, Western missionaries endeavored to move the natives away from the superstitious practices that they perceived as primitive and inhumane and convert them to Christianity, building churches and schools.
I especially liked...
Okonkwo (the lead charcter) is ambitious and hardworking and who believes fiercely in his traditions. He wishes to achieve the highest title in his village but his impetuous behavior leads to his fall. Okonkwo refuses to break away from the cultural and religious values he holds dear. He refuses to conform to the forces of domination and therefore makes this character truly respectful and admirable.
This Book made me feel...
I learned a lot about what it is like to live in a traditional African society. I must admit that I didn't know much about African societies before reading this book, and most of what I believed turned out to be false. Many people would consider most traditional African societies primitive. True they might not have many of the technology and conveniences that we have, but do those conveniences make our lives any better? I do not think that a person should be judged on the number of material possessions they have but what kind of a person they are. Westernized societies today seem to be very individualistic. Many people seem to look out for themselves and no one else. This is not always true in African societies; many times the community comes before the individual. So I think that there is a lot to be learned from traditional African societies about how to live and how to survive.
The author of this Book...
Achebe has truly made a remarkable effort in the forefront of African literature. "Things Fall Apart" is his first novel, written before he was 30, back in 1958--a time where the effects of Western colonization were still prevalent in Nigeria and neighboring African countries.
I recommend this Book because...
This book has a broad subject matter, that it is recommended in high school and college reading, as well as favored for all. Its application to such a number of fields reveals its historical importance in the world. This novel reveals colonialism as a traumatic experience common to all colonial territories.
Created Apr 16, 2003 at 9:55am • Submit your own review...

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