Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/106728-Night-Watch-A-Novel-of-Discworld
ASIN: 0060013117
ID #106728
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: A Non-Existent User
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 14.57
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
Akhn-Morpork City Guard, the most useless, most worthless, most mixed up law enforcement ever has a slight problem, or at least Commander Samuel Vimes does.

It all went wrong when Vimes was helping his officers try and nab a very dangerous man called Carcer who, just before the story had started, killed an officer and many others. Vimes has been after this guy for ages, so off he goes to catch him.

But something, as always, goes wrong and Vimes and Carcer are thrown backwards in time by 30 years into Vimes's past, and someone important to Vimes in the past dies as a result.

Can Vimes pose as his old mentor and teach his younger self how to be a Nightwatch man or will he cause his own end? Can Vimes beat Carcer and the gangster version of the City Watch without changing history? And will anything in Discworld make sense? Hope not.
I especially liked...
Well the jokes for a start, beautifully timed jokes and the ginger beer trick mentioned in the story can have you cringling. The character of Vimes is great, he's like a Discworld version of every famous fictional detective made. Plus Death gets a few good scenes, as do some very strange monks.
I didn't like...
Finishing it, even though it had to be finished, I would have loved a lot more story and jokes. Still good for what there was though.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
Read the one before it, even I think I've read it anyway, not sure. I just wanted another Discworld book, but I don't own any!*Cry*
This Book made me feel...
Little sore, was in a poor position when reading.
The author of this Book...
Is well known to some and not known to some, he's a good author, but not the kind of author for everyone.
I recommend this Book because...
If you love Discworld or you're looking for something new to try, then this is perfect, if you're just starting with Discworld though, then maybe it's best to start with the series from the beginning and work your way up, they have a lot of combining parts.
I don't recommend this Book because...
Discworld isn't to everyone's taste and the jokes might either be beyond some people or just not funny enough.
Further Comments...
I love Discworld, been reading it since I was a teen. I love the rich and detailed chatacters, the jokes, the settings and of course, the jokes. Be sure to read the books before it though, in case you don't know the characters, if you know the characters then you'll just find this to be a wonderful addition. Recommended for sure.
Created Mar 29, 2003 at 9:14pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/106728-Night-Watch-A-Novel-of-Discworld