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This book started out really promising. The protagonist is just the right amount of sarcastic and world-weary, and the magic system in this book (the idea that shadows can operate independently of their hosts, and that shadow modifications have become a popular form of self-indulgent expression) is really cool. I thought was going to be in for a really great read... and then I realized that the protagonist (Charlie) is only ever sarcastic and world-weary and most of the first half of the book is her wandering around generally pondering a mystery and bitching about things. I started skimming the book after the first 50% because it seemed less about the story and more about Charlie as a character... and spending a bunch of time just watching an acerbic pessimist with no filter complain about her life has really limited appeal. The writing was good; the author just needed to spend a little more time on pacing and plot. | ||
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![]() Created Mar 09, 2024 at 1:07pm •
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