Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114531-Achtung-Baby-An-American-Mom-on-the-German-Art-of-Raising-Self-Reliant-Children
ASIN: 1250160200
ID #114531
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: Krista Author Icon
Review Rated: ASR
Amazon's Price: $ 9.99
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
Book Blurb: When Sara Zaske moved from Oregon to Berlin with her husband and toddler, she knew the transition would be challenging, especially when she became pregnant with her second child. She was surprised to discover that German parents give their children a great deal of freedom―much more than Americans. In Berlin, kids walk to school by themselves, ride the subway alone, cut food with sharp knives, and even play with fire. German parents did not share her fears, and their children were thriving. Was she doing the opposite of what she intended, which was to raise capable children? Why was parenting culture so different in the States?
This type of Book is good for...
Not only is this a great read for parents, but grandparents and other family members too. In fact, this is a good book for anyone that works with children.
I especially liked...
Along with cute anecdotes and personal parenting fails, the author has included snippets of interviews with various experts. She does a good job of presenting the information without seeming too biased.

I didn't like...
The last few chapters of the book move rather quickly and the tone changes. I assume it's because the author hadn't yet experienced parenting teenagers herself. Regardless, the end was a little bit of a letdown. After reading about how Zaske was learning to let go of her children a little more and how much they benefited from the German parenting culture, I was disappointed. Even though it seemed like the author was committed to continuing the customs her kids enjoyed, she brags about being the helicopter mom she claims to dislike. Getting settled back in the States must have erased the memory of her plan for self-reliant children because she steps in to demand her son get a longer lunchtime and harrases a teacher to change testing days for her daughter.
I recommend this Book because...
Overall, Achtung Baby is a decent way to pass the time. As long as you know there are no parenting secrets divulged and don't expect too much from it, I recommend giving this book a chance. If it does nothing else, at least is does provide an interesting peek into the daily lives of average German families.
Further Comments...
This book had potential until the author contradicted herself at the end. Unreliable narrator?
Created Mar 06, 2020 at 11:01pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114531-Achtung-Baby-An-American-Mom-on-the-German-Art-of-Raising-Self-Reliant-Children