Further Comments... | ||
My patience with this series is already wearing thin. I am over Dresden's hero complex. It's annoying, tropey, and overdone. Also, he's tired. WE GET IT. Murphy is the biggest cliched idiot I've read in a while. Both characters make stupid decisions to the point of being frustrating to read. The rest of the cast was cliched and one-dimensional. The plot was entirely predictable, and the foreshadowing unbelievably in-you-face. The saving grace of the book was that there was still some interesting monster lore, and I'm holding out hope book three offers some kind of redemption. I know people say it "gets good" in book 4. Or 5. Sometimes 6. I won't get that far if book 3 doesn't get a whole lot better. | ||
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![]() Created Mar 31, 2019 at 4:42pm •
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