Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113833-Undeniable-Evolution-and-the-Science-of-Creation
ASIN: 1427252092
ID #113833
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: Jayne Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 22.98
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Just to be clear...I did NOT have an audio CD, but the audiobook. WdC wouldn't register it so just know I had the audio version released after 2015.

5 stars for content.

5 stars for narration (narrated by Uncle Bill himself)

If Mr. Rogers taught me how to be a good neighbour, Uncle Bill taught me that science is a)cool, b)complicated, and c)available to anyone to understand, if put in the right hands.

Bill Nye is the right guy to explain these concepts.

If you're a creationist, you will find him quite rude. I'm okay with that, and you don't need to know my personal spiritual beliefs. The book is a scalding critique of creationism, especially in it's early chapters and came out of his preparation with the founder of the creationist museum Ken Hamm, who is, admittedly, probably the most publicly fanatical creationist. The debate is widely available and public and Nye runs circles around the man.

When asked what would change either's mind about their positions:

Nye: Evidence.

Hamm: Nothing.

That pretty much sums that up.

As an introduction to evolution, this is probably as good as it gets - Nye brings together the best of the best - and presents a compelling portrait of evolution that only those who want to be willfully ignorant will not understand. It took me several days to get through the book, as I often paused after chapters to reflect on what was just examined.

And that, my friends, is the best part about this book and often overlooked - yes, he's giving you the information. He's also CHALLENGING YOU to go find the information for yourselves. He doesn't want you to take his word for it, though I'm sure he appreciates that you do. This is a springboard to higher levels of understanding. Will I ever understand every nuance of every part of science? Don't be ridiculous. Do I have enough information to move forward and build a rational opinion based on replicated experiments and sound, proven concepts? You betcha.

This book should be course curriculum. This is what we should be fighting for in our schools instead of having to banter back and forth about 'giving creationism a chance'. This is what gets kids into science, this is how we move forward as a society. On ethically sound science.

In the updated version, which I have, Nye does take on the argument of GMOs, but not from the angle I anticipated and it did give me pause for thought. I am not squarely in Nye's camp on the issue, as it will require further research on my part before I make a conclusion, but his argument is very compelling, albeit brief.

I have seen that the reviewers of the book have stated they would have appreciated a proper reference section, and I think that's a fair criticism. I made jottings as I went through the audiobook, as well as made note of those he thanked at the end, so I suppose I have a trail of breadcrumbs, but I agree wholeheartedly that if it is missing proper references in the written version, I would probably have docked at least a half-star.

Anyone with hard science background will likely find much of this rudimentary.

For the rest of us, this is a sorely needed starting point and a great read.
Created Dec 06, 2018 at 9:08pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113833-Undeniable-Evolution-and-the-Science-of-Creation