ID #112573 |
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: DVDReviewer: ♥Ho Ho HOOves♥ Review Rated: 13+ |
Amazon's Price: $ 7.01
Summary of this DVD... | ||
This is a continuation of the first movie. Most of the cast has returned and this was cute, but I had a hard time understanding the plot. The first one was much better, but it was still fun to watch Judi Dench dance. I would watch to whole movie to see the dancing. Maggie Smith and Penelope Wilton are always a delight, although they didn't have any scenes together. Judi Dench is a hero of mine - she is Q in James Bond, you know! She can do no wrong. This was a bit of a disappointment after the first one. Richard Gere's stuff was just plain dopey. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
the scenery, the vehicles in India, and the wedding dancing. I love their dance routines. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
Richard Gere. He just didn't fit in here. | ||
The cast of this DVD... | ||
is very cute. It is a bunch of senior citizens living in India because they can't afford to live their Golden Years out in England. | ||
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Created Aug 29, 2015 at 12:59pm •
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