Summary of this DVD... | ||
A group of boys (about 18 yrs old or so) do well on their examinations. They do so well, in fact, that they are being considered for admission to Oxford and Cambridge Universities. This is the story of the boys and their brilliant and quirky teachers. One teacher takes liberties with the boys, but in such a way that he endears himself to them. I found that whole thing very odd, but I bet it's a cultural thing. This movie was one we saw a preview of and then got the Netflix Disk for it. It was amusing and weird, with a lot of British humor about teachers touching boys in inappropriate ways. My husband enjoyed it a lot more than I did. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it. The performances were good, but no standouts for me. It is amusing and entertaining, but not a great film. Mr. hooves would probably give it a 4 and I give it a 3. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
I am on the fence about this one. It didn't exactly bore me, but I wasn't that wild about it. But I figured I'd mention it in case you want something that is set in the 1980's with British Humor and flair. | ||
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![]() Created Jul 13, 2015 at 12:10pm •
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