ID #112341 |
Raging Bull (Single Disc Edition) (Rated: GC)
Product Type: DVDReviewer: ♥Ho Ho HOOves♥ Review Rated: 13+ |
Amazon's Price: $ 7.02
Summary of this DVD... | ||
This movie was made in 1980 and is on a lot of Best Movies of all times lists. Well, I just don't see how that can be the case. I finally watched it and I thought it was a boring boxing movie. I thought that Robert De Niro, who I genuinely like, overacted and using black and white to film the movie didn't do a thing for me. I liked Joe Pesci's performance much better than DeNiro's. There is no redeeming quality in Jake La Motta as portrayed by De Niro. I didn't enjoy the movie, but I watched it until the bitter end. I thought it was mediocre, at best. I don't see why it makes all the lists that it does. I asked Mr. hooves about it and he doesn't see it either. | ||
This type of DVD is good for... | ||
Beats me. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
Joe Pesci as Joe, Jake's brother and sometime fight manager. | ||
This DVD made me feel... | ||
like I wasted over 2 hours to find out that Hollywood sometimes makes some lemons that they try to package as lemonade. | ||
The cast of this DVD... | ||
was okay and it's directed by Martin Scorcese, but I just don't see why it would make any list of great films. | ||
I don't recommend this DVD because... | ||
it is dated and dopey and it was a waste of time, but it showed me that Hollywood's Oscar picks are sometimes bizarre and wacky. I wonder how many, in 1980, even saw this pain in the hindquarters film. | ||
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Created Jan 25, 2015 at 2:10pm •
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