ID #112140 |
Masterpiece Theatre: Northanger Abbey (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: DVDReviewer: ♥Ho Ho HOOves♥ Review Rated: 13+ |
Amazon's Price: $ 18.68
Summary of this DVD... | ||
I read the Jane Austen book this was based on, and wanted to see the DVD. I am glad I did not buy it because I didn't think it was very good. The book is much better than this version of the story. A young woman goes into society and meets an interesting man. People get in the way of that friendship, but then she is invited to go and stay at his home, Northanger Abbey. It has a lot of Gothic imaginings going on when she goes to stay at the huge house. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
the cast. I thought J.J. Field was horrible and I didn't like Felicity Jones, either. I thought they were totally wrong for the parts they played. | ||
This DVD made me feel... | ||
glad I got it on Netflix and did not buy it. I didn't like J.J. Field in Austenland, either, so I guess I should have known. | ||
I don't recommend this DVD because... | ||
the book is so much better. This movie was tedious and boring and the acting was unbelievable. | ||
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Created Sep 21, 2014 at 10:17am •
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