Summary of this DVD... | ||
A lot of great films were made in 1939, but this wasn't one of them. I would have thought Jimmy Stewart could have been given a better script in the same year that he made Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. His studio really raked him over the coals with this one. It stars James Stewart and Carole Lombard, but it's about as dopey as they come. A couple marry right after they meet, have money problems, but learn what is important in life, which is each other and their baby. The one thing that is spooky is that the baby gets pneumonia and someone has to fly in the medicine. Considering that Carole Lombard died in a big plane crash within a couple of years that was an eery thing to watch with all the stuff about planes crashing in the snow, which is exactly what hers ended up doing. But most of this is not funny and it's a dopey melodrama. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
I didn't like it at all and I usually find something to like in old movies, especially ones from the 30's. This one wasn't even cute. | ||
The cast of this DVD... | ||
is good, but they are wasted on this idiotic script. | ||
I don't recommend this DVD because... | ||
Save your moola and time and see something else like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington or To Be or Not To Be. | ||
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![]() Created Aug 17, 2014 at 1:31pm •
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