Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/view/isiterrasource
isiterrasource's Portfolio!
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Since June 14, 2007
Welcome! I write speculative fiction, mostly sci-fi & fantasy. Occasionally my muse wrings lines of poetry from my brain. Sometimes it rhymes. Stop by "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. for an introduction to my writing. "Society in the Shadow of CivilizationOpen in new Window. and "Gateway to IsiterraOpen in new Window. are where I spend most of my time. I read a wide range of genres, the twistier & turnier the plot, the better. IRL, my husband & I are proud parents to 2 teens *Heartb* *HeartP* & we share our home with *Cat**Cat**Cat2**Dog2**Dog2* & a Wookiee *Dog1*. I work as a paraeducator at a K-6 school & write when the muse commands it.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/view/isiterrasource