Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/view/hiltonian
hiltonian's Portfolio!
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Since May 4, 2024
Greetings All! Well I certainly am to be considered a newbie here since my presence on Writing.Com is less than 30 days! As an ex- literacy teacher though I have ben writing minus the sharing for years upon years. If you go to my work in progress and read Chapter 1, well a great big thanks! I am trying to determine if Chapter 2 should use the fire alarm scenario, or the collision between the two anguished fifth graders. Maybe I should combine them into a variation of the third chapter, If you liked chapter one and feel motivated to read onward, all I can say is Thanks!
Since he was given power this is a true picture of what a commitment to hate looks like.
Rated: 13+
~259 Words
Political, News, Opinion
Type: Editorial
Updated about a month ago
A frustrated 5th grader wonders if he is the shortest boy in the World!
Rated: E
~2,066 Words
Children's, Young Adult, Psychology
Type: Chapter
Updated 8 months ago
Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/view/hiltonian