Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/view/charubala
charubala's Portfolio!
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Since November 1, 2010
'Subtle changes in the intonation can bring about drastic changes in the implication or so I feel;so why risk the intonation and the implication when you can freely express yourself through your writings! I am a 27 year old dentist in search of 'Moksha' through a post graduate degree in Dentistry!This place helps me relieve the stress associated with my 'pursuit'. I love writing and making friends and this place helps me achieve both.' I was here 6 years ago and wrote these lines then and now, I am an Assistant Professor in Periodontology and am now trying to pursue the elusive goal to be the next J K Rowling...Really happy to be back.
What would you feel when you get a rating of 2.5? Here is what I felt..
Rated: 13+
~402 Words
Biographical, Emotional, Experience
Type: Non-fiction
Updated 15 years ago
Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/view/charubala