Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/996074-Serious-Rant
Rated: 18+ · Monologue · Comedy · #996074
A brain eruption spured on by the London Bombings corporate coruption and greedy realtors
Serious Rant
This morning there was many large explosions in London.This is just the beginning.
We are all emotional basket cases,we control ourselves with drug to make us happy ,slow us down,make us have sex,and control our bladders.I think there are more to the side effects than they are stating in those ads,(Tom Cruise may be on to something)although here is a member of one of the most controling organizations there is.
Someone (ok probably more than one)really wants to control people.
Ok,we have a big list,but lets start with major generalities(did anyone notice how they had all the experts lined up to give opinions)like the news people and only telling the part of the story, that is more attention grabing instead of digging for some truth. Fear!
Then there is your Homeland Security(am I the only one that says:Creepy)that try to make us think they could actually save us from terrorists(missed again)and that we just better give them more athority to(that pesky bill of rights keeps getting in the way)to just do with us what they will in the name of security.More Fear!
Major corporations,they just put out there products and make us(through more than clever advertising) think if we don’t have the latest and greatest we are loosers,(yes there is a pill for that)and we need to work ourselves into debt to keep up.
Are you getting my drift(You who have proffited from all this are saying,No one is listening)you who are listening.
We have fallen under the spell of (my brain has said it must sleep now but I will be back) the corpoate knuckleheads.
I live in Hollywood (which I love) but if you make under 50k you may not find a place to live soon (wasn’t that bubble supposed to pop)and and don’t have a dog(but mine are for Homeland Security) unless you want to part with much”K”.
When the working class has no place to live who will serve you who are in control and who will you be controling when no one is here.
I just reread this,whoa serious rant (well I feel better) at least my violent tendencies were temporarally abated.

If you got this far I hope I made you smile.

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