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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #991622
Four people go out into the harsh olde world to see what they are made of.
The three girls strode down the corridor that led to the dungeon. Lisbeth, a young brunette noble didn't like what the others were up to. Her two friends Monique and Nataleene were up to no good, and Lisbeth could do nothing but follow their lead. Nataleene held out her slender hand, "The key please."

"I really don't think we should be doing this," Lisbeth moaned, holding a metal skeleton key tightly behind her back. Monique tried to pry her friend's hands open, "Give us the key Lisbeth!"

"You seem to forget that this is my castle," Lisbeth said, obviously annoyed. She opened her palm and let Monique take the key anyway. Monique shoved the key into the lock.

"Careful! What if someone hears?" Lisbeth asked, cautiously looking around.

"Don't worry, it is your castle, after all," Nataleene pointed out.

"But we aren't suppose to be here. We could get in so much trouble!" Lisbeth argued. Monique slowly pushed the door, looking around hesitantly for any surprises.

With the dungeon door open enough for all three girls to get in, they saw a man in sitting in the corner. He quickly lifted his head up to see who was approaching. Seeing as it was three teenage maidens, he grinned and led his eyes down each one of their bodies. The first girl he surveyed had long hair that had been bleached by the sun to a golden blonde color. Her soft lips were complimented her tan skin, and her piercing green eyes stared into his, leaving him in lust for a woman. The girl next to her had curly auburn hair pulled back into braids. The low cut forest-green dress she wore was the same color as her long lashed mystic eyes. Her expression seemed to hide something, but he couldn't figure out what. The last girl had flowing black hair that was obviously taken care of well. She had full red lips that contrasted starkly with her pale, porcelain like skin. He stared into her endless black eyes and realized he had to choose one.

"Well, seeing as this is my last contact with females, I choose you. The one with the auburn hair." The man pointed to Nataleene, and motioned her to come to him.

"Transgressor, I believe you are mistaken, my friends and I are not here to be your wenches of pleasure," Nataleene scolded, "And, I would think that you would remove any thoughts of us like that from your head, because we would never think of doing anything like that to someone like You."

"Well, actually..." Monique whispered to Nataleene.

"I would!" Lisbeth blurted out, but put her hand over her mouth when Nataleene shot her a look of disgust. The man laughed good-naturedly. The girls studied him for a moment. He was very attractive, and the only word that could truly describe him was god. He was muscular, with tan skin. He had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"I think I have fallen in love," Lisbeth whispered to Nataleene. Nataleene rolled her eyes.

"I think he will do. Lisbeth, you must get him out of this place some way," Monique said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, so now it is up to me? I can't do this! I got you two in here, now you get him out yourself," Lisbeth protested, running a hand through her long black hair.

"Okay, I will do it, but there's something I want in return." Nataleene said in a husky voice. Both friends stared at her, amazed with what she said. Noticing the looks on everyone's faces, she decided to be more clear. "I would like to learn how to fight, if that's not too big a problem." Now they all had a confused look on their face, even the prisoner.

"Nataleene what are you talking about? Women don't fight, you know that!" Lisbeth sounded alarmed, now totally distracted from the young man.

"I can do what ever I want to do. " The auburn haired girl replied tartly. The captive broke out laughing just then.

"You want to fight? A woman fighting?" He chuckled more.

"Fine, it's either you let these dolts get you out which is bound to be a disaster, or I help you, and I get a few lessons with the sword. Sound fair?" Nataleene asked, thinking to herself, I don't think he knows what he's getting into if he's laughing at me.

"No, I don't agree. I haven't been with a women for at least 2 years because I have been in damn dungeons. No one is doing anything with anyone, until I get something from one of you. Then I will teach you how to sword fight, "the captive said, "Oh, and by the way, my name is Brencin."

"Okay, Lisbeth, we will leave you two alone," Monique said as she and Nataleene began to walk out of the room. Lisbeth began to disrobe when Brencin stopped her.

"Woh, wait, who said that I wanted you? I want the blonde." Monique looked at the other two girls sheepishly, but she knew what she had to do to be able to sword fight.

"Well, I guess I will see you two in a little while, bye," Monique whimpered. Lisbeth and Nataleene walked out of the dungeon, closed the door, but remained there to make sure no one would walk in again. After a few minutes of quiet mumbling, the girls outside the door heard a piercing scream.

"Bloody hell, we better get back in there," Nataleene screamed.

"Not so fast, I know what is going on, and believe me, unless you want a two-bit show, you definitely do not want to go back in there," Lisbeth said knowingly.

Forty-five minutes passed and the two came back out. Monique looked as if she had tears in her eyes, but Brencin looked satisfied. He gave Monique a passionate kiss on her soft lips, and then simply said, "Okay, let's get to that sword fighting." Brencin walked ahead, while Lisbeth and Nataleene trailed behind to talk to Monique.

"What was that like?" questioned Nataleene.

"Let me just say that I would have rather had a sword stuck between my legs than have had that happen," Monique stated flatly. The three girls walked ahead to get prepared to learn to sword fight. They walked into the woods behind Lisbeth's house, to a clearing where they would have privacy.

"Okay, you stand like this. Is something wrong?" Brencin asked, sounding impatient. Lisbeth was standing to the side, with her arms crossed.

"First of all, there is no way that I am getting this brand new dress dirty." Lisbeth motioned to her dark red velvet, black lace dress. "Second of all, I don't believe women should be skilled in the trade of sword play. They have, lets just say, more important things to be good at." Lisbeth tilted her nose up and rubbed her legs together slightly. Brencin smiled knowingly. He walked over and put his arm around Lisbeth's waist.

"So I chose the wrong girl, did I?" he started to nuzzle his face into her neck, but Lisbeth slapped him squarely across the cheek.

"How dare you?" Lisbeth fumed. "You take Monique's most precious gift and then try to get me? I despise you!" Lisbeth then spit in his eye. Cursing, Brencin raised his hand as if to slap Lisbeth, but then lowered it.

"I may have some use for you yet, my precious. I like my women fiery," Brencin said smugly.

"I will not be your whore!" Lisbeth spat back. A tearing sound came from the right. Everyone looked at Nataleene. She had torn off the hem of her beautiful dress, so that it only reached her knees.

"Well, you can't move very well in a long dress." She sapped. Brencin raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. "And don't think of pulling any love on me, because I won't tolerate it. " she said while pulling a short dagger from the bodice of her dress and throwing it so it landed blade down in the grass.

Lisbeth and Monique smiled awkwardly. They knew that Nataleene had a mysterious past that she never told anyone about, and that's why she always carried an illegal weapon with her at all times. Brencin frowned. He liked rowdy women, but this was too much. One that actually knew how to use at least one weapon was not usually the best type to be with.

"I guess this means you already know a little about the sword then."

Nataleene blushed, " Well, actually, I only know how to use a dagger. It's a long story that no one here needs to know. So, are you going to teach us or what? We gave you pleasure, a way out of death, and now all we ask for in return is a few lessons." The girls eyes were unreadable.

The lesson lasted a very long time, by the time they were done, the sun had set. Monique and Nataleene had ripped their skirts several times to get more flexibility, while Lisbeth sat on the side the whole time. The two girls had now learned how to use a sword a little, but no where near the level they wanted.

"So, where am I to spend the night?" Brencin asked on the way back home. The three girls looked at each other, but they all knew there was no way they could sneak him in.

"Well," said Lisbeth, "there is a tiny little hut out back, you can sleep there. It has several blankets in it, that's the best we can do."

"Allright, "Brencin stated wonderingly, "where exactly is the shack, or hut?" Lisbeth showed him out back to a little hut that could have been no bigger than a dog house. Brencin knew this would be better than being chained on the wall of the dungeon.

"Lessons will commence tomorrow at noon, if you're not there, then you go back to the dungeon, good night, make sure the bed bugs bite, "Lisbeth said rudely. Brencin shot a look at her, but it was to late and she had already turned around. Lisbeth walked back to the castle knowing that she still had feelings for Brencin, even if he was a imbecile.

By noon came the next day, the girls were all there waiting for Brencin, but there was no sign of him. They waited for half an hour before he showed up.

"Where were you? We lost valuable time!" Nataleene screamed.

"Listen you bitch, I haven't had a decent nights rest in 2 years, I'm sorry I was a little late your lady. Didn't know punctuation was such an important thing in your life, "Brencin smarted back. Monique stood there watching the two yell at each other and decided it was time to do something. She drew her sword from her sheath, and slid the blade lightly under Brencin's chin.

"Scoot back, and I swear, I won't do a thing," Monique said calmly. Brencin stepped away from Nataleene. "Just because you don't live in the dungeon any more, doesn't mean that you aren't dungeon scum. You will always be a horrible person, no matter what you do. Leave your hands off her, and don't ever touch her again." Brencin took one more step back and Monique put the sword back in her sheath. Nataleene was surprised with the attitude Monique gave him.

"Why were you put in the dungeon anyway?" Lisbeth asked curiously.

"Well, it's a long......really long story, I don't think we have enough time," Brencin tried to cover his past.

"We have time if you didn't notice."

"Um, well, I guess it all started when my family was brutally murdered. I tried to find the guy that killed them, I thought I had, and I tortured him. I left him to die. It turns out I got the wrong person. I was sent to the dungeon two years ago. I would have been in there for my whole life if you, um, 'ladies' hadn't gotten me out. I am still trying to kill the man who killed my family."

"Aww, that is almost sweet." Lisbeth twirled a bit of her hair around her finger. Brencin actually looked hurt, and Lisbeth almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"I have an idea!" Nataleene said seemingly out of the blue. Everyone turned towards her. "Let's run away! We can find the man who killed Brencin's family, and I can get out of this hellhole."

"Nataleene! Be a lady," Lisbeth gasped.

"Damn it Lisbeth! I am sick and tired of being a lady! I want to do what I want for once in my life! I want to go where I wish, do what I want to!" Nataleene yelled. Lisbeth looked astonished, but Monique looked impressed.

"I think it is a good idea. Let's go Lisbeth!" Monique piped.

"Absolutely not! What if we get robbed? What if we get... taken advantage of?" Lisbeth protested. Brencin puffed out his chest importantly.

"I can protect you," he said manly. Lisbeth turned to Brencin and put her arms around his neck. It was the closest that she had ever gotten to him, and Monique and Nataleene were surprised. Lisbeth brought her face close to Brencin's, as if to kiss him.

"And who will protect us from you?" Lisbeth seductively whispered. Brencin closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss Lisbeth, but she spun away from him quickly.

"You are no better than the people we may meet on the road," Lisbeth pointed out. Brencin, who was still recovering from Lisbeth's alluring presence, blinked slowly.

"What?" he vaguely asked.

"Come on Lisbeth, it wouldn't be the same without you. If you won't go with us though, we will leave you," Nataleene stated. Lisbeth stood thinking, she couldn’t just leave her father and mother, her whole family, her castle, she wasn’t a runaway. She was the first born child of her family, she had to keep their grace.

"Well, when would we be leaving for this little ‘escapade’?" Lisbeth questioned.

"Most likely tomorrow, in the early morning hours, before anyone would be up," Monique explained, "Bring the least amount of things that you can, of course bring something to sleep on, and money. We will need all that we can get. Seeing as this is going to be carried out tomorrow, don’t say anything tonight at dinner ladies." With that, the four walked away without continuing the sword lesson. Monique was thinking of strategies for leaving, Nataleene was thinking about her past, Lisbeth was thinking of a way to escape, and Brencin was thinking that this was one of the biggest messes he would ever get into.

The next morning, Monique sneaked into Nataleene’s room, it was time to go. They both traveled to Lisbeth’s room to find her missing, they search everywhere they could, but found no trace of her. Deciding they better go, they left the castle without Lisbeth. The ventured to the back to get Brencin, and with the three they left for the longest journey any of them would go on.

Lisbeth rushed out of her father’s room with as much money as possible. She ran to her room to grab her bag and leave. She hurried to get Nataleene and Monique, but both were gone. They must be getting Brencin, she thought. She slipped on her shoes and streamed out of the castle. She got to the hut as quickly as possible, but Brencin was gone, too. Tears started to stream down Lisbeth’s face as she ran to the spot where they met for sword fighting lessons. Not there. In a brand new dress, she sat down in the dust, the tears wouldn’t stop coming out. How could they leave without me? I must be, I must be, nothing. I mean nothing to them. Well, that is going to change, the scoundrels, how dare they leave without me. Lisbeth stood up, and began to run to find them, she would show them that they would never leave her behind. She wasn’t told where they were going yesterday, but if she knew Nataleene, she knew where they might be first.

"So, where is Lisbeth? Did she decide not to come along?" Brencin asked curiously.

"We could not find her this morning, she wasn’t anywhere," Monique stated," But, if she was somewhere we couldn’t find her, then she knows a place to meet us."

"And that would be?"

"The creek bed," Nataleene said answering for Monique. The group of three traveled to the creek bed and sat and waited.

"Where are you from Brencin? Where are we going? Who are we looking for?" Monique questioned.

"I am from France, I was born in Paris, but had to move here when my family was killed. We are going back to Paris to find a man named Frederique Nebienvenue. He is the one who killed my family. After my trial, he came up to me and told me straight to my face, and then spat in it. Thinking that I would be in a dungeon all my life, he didn’t contemplate what might happen if I ever got out. I will kill him, and I don’t care if I go back to the dungeons, I will know that family’s killer is dead himself," Brencin explained. The girls were silent and it stayed that way for thirty minutes. Lisbeth was not there yet.

"Let’s start moving," Brencin said.

"No! We cant leave yet, she might be coming," Nataleene said frantically.

"She’s not coming, lets just leave," Brencin was now pulling her arm. Monique left her scarf to let Lisbeth know they were here. If they couldn’t wait for her, they could at least show her the way. The three walked on, venturing into the forest.

Lisbeth cam running to the creek bed. She spotted Monique’s scarf. They were here. Lisbeth had to sit down for a minute, she had been running as fast as she could. After several minutes, she picked herself up off her feet, and ventured into the forest. If anything, this was the most dangerous way they could have taken.
© Copyright 2005 Red Lipped Vixen (richierich at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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