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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #990930
the story continued

“Jimmy!” I turned my head around spontaneously and got up from the chair as I saw her run straight to me. She broadly smiled, grinning as if she couldn’t help to keep something from me any longer.
“Hey, why didn’t you tell me you’re coming over? Charlie’s going out the flat?” I asked her, she didn’t reply but kept grinning as she loosely laced her arms around my neck. “What’s happened?” I smiled, feeling slightly confused.
“Come here.” She curved her index finger to me, asking me to lean over and whispered me the words.
“Really?!” My face lit up in excitement, grinning madly and she nodded. “Mine?” She once again nodded more eagerly as she seemed to cant stop smiling. “Oh my god, I can’t believe this!”
“I know me too, but it’s a good news right?”
“Yeah, it’s really-“ I trailed off as something suddenly crossed my mind. Her smile faded as she noticed my sudden changing expression.
“Jim, what’s wrong?” she concernedly asked.
“It’s just…” I shook my head, thinking over and over again about the idea that came out in my mind.
“You wanna let it go?” A slight tremble heard in her voice.
“No, no it’s not that! God, Cadence you have no idea of how much I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
“What is it then?” She asked me again. Her hand touched my cheek and softly trailed down to my chin, moving my sight straight to her eyes. “Jimmy?”
“I think this is the time, we have to tell him the truth.” Her eyes slightly widened as she deeply looked into my eyes, exploring for certainty.
“I don’t know it’s-“
“We have to do it sooner or later, and this is the right time to. He’s going to know the truth right from us before someone else tell him before we do it.” I convincingly gazed at her as she bit her bottom lip, thinking hard of what she was supposed to do. She sighed, slowly looked up to my eyes with her rather uncertain expression and nodded.

So then, the next day we were going to do the plan. We’d got to tell him the truth about our secret relationship. This was hard, and even much harder for her. I know even though she loved me but she had a feeling for him too, due to the fact that she was engaged and lived together with him for a quite long time. I sighed and glanced over to my watch as I didn’t stop tapping down the ground, feeling the mixed of impatient and nervous. 6:30 pm. I’d been waiting for her about two hours but still no signs of her about to come over to that playground. Due to the plan, she was going to take Charlie to the playground – the hidden place we used to go to when we were kids. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Cadence and I were best friends since we were little kids, and that was how the feelings came. We hung out together a lot and so with the time we spent together, grew us from friends to love. But it was too late for her after she realised that we fell in love with each other, because she’d been engaged to Charlie. Back to the plan, after she brought Charlie to the playground, we were going to tell him about us. We knew that he would do something about it but we’d prepared ourselves. He deserved to be angry or even hit me because I know how hurt of being betrayed, especially by the person he loved and trusted a lot. But once again I was very concerned of her. They should’ve been here an hour a go. I narrowed my sight to the head of a small path that linked to the opened side of the playground, but I only saw the darkness from the furthest point of what I could reach to see. Then my heart suddenly thumped in a quick rhythm, I had a really bad feeling. I felt like something caught on my throat, I could hardly breath somehow, nearly making me choke. What was happening? I quickly got up from the swing as my eyes randomly rolled everywhere around. I couldn’t stand the feeling it grew so much stronger. Something bad happened. I ran as fast as my feet could take me. I couldn’t think anything else but where and how she was. I kept running and running without thinking of what actually I did that for. I stopped at the end of the path as I looked everywhere around without really knowing what I was looking for. The police alarm attracted me to look eastwards. The first thing I saw was a car with a glassless windscreen as the small of the road gleamed by the glass pieces. Then I narrowed to the crowd that was circling something on the left side of the road. I felt my feet shaking for some reason, making improper paces as I slowly walked over to the crowd I just saw earlier. Getting closer to the place I was heading, I felt the feeling grow so much stronger, more than I could ever stand. I thought I’d prefer collapsed and wake up the other time, at least I didn’t have to face something that I might never forget in my entire life by my own eyes, right in front of me.
I saw two men in white sprinted towards the crowd, pushing the flat rolling bed along with them. I choked, I felt something warm rolled down to my cheek. As the men arrived at the spot, the crowd splitting around, revealing what they were circling for.


She rejected me. Now it was obvious, she didn’t like me as much I did on her. She said no, she chose him. She chose Charlie. What we did that night wasn’t more than a frustration one night stand. She said it was just an accident. But I didn’t think the same way. It meant so much for me. I swear, I swear for my life I’d do anything to make her mine. But she didn’t seem to can be affected by anything. I loved her, I really did love her. I didn’t know anything else I can do or I should do. I was so frustrated. I was so depressed by my own feeling she caused on me. I thought I’d prefer die. I didn’t want to hold this up forever.

Then the next day after the moment she rejected me – the day I brought her home to Charlie – I accidentally saw her crossing the road, walked in to the path she went the day before. I secretly followed her, making a quite far interval between me and her so that she didn’t notice me. I knew where she was heading to, where else if it wasn’t the hidden playground. But what did she go there for? I leant my front side body to the wall of the path end, tried not to make her see me as she entered the playground. She walked over to the swing as I choked myself, seeing of what or exactly who she was walking over to. She smiled as the person got up from the swing, pulling her in for an embrace and they kissed for ages until they pulled away and hugged tight of each other for one eternity. Loathsome filled in my head. I couldn’t believe of what she was doing, with James? She had an affair with James? She rejected me while she had an affair with James? “Bitch! Slut!” was all that I could ever say in my mind when I found out what she’d been on about. She didn’t reject me for Charlie, she rejected me for James! I didn’t know what I should think about but I felt definitely betrayed. Now that I was blinded by the growing hate in me. I hate her so much for what she did behind me, behind Charlie. I hate James for taking her away from me, tearing my dream apart like ripping a fucking rag piece of paper. But I couldn’t sweep away the love I had for her and I wouldn’t just let someone else take her away from me. Then my whole mind and body were taken over by the major hate that grew stronger in me. If I couldn’t have her, then no one else in this world could.

My mind and heart were blinded, everything I have was taken over by something evil. I couldn’t think anymore, I just wanted this to quickly end. I drove my car at a full speed as I felt my blood rapidly rushed in my veins. I felt so hot, hot on my thought and brain, as if my blood was hitting the boiling point. I stopped beside the sidewalk near the head of the path she walked into, because I knew she was going to go back there. They – James and her – planned something in that playground and that was how I knew she was going to come back. My heart skipped a beat as anger took over the lead and blinded me again. She was there with Charlie about thirty feet from where I was, standing on the sidewalk, waited for the traffic lamp to turn red before they crossed the road. There were just her and him who were going to cross the road - fortunately to me. Adrenaline rushed hard as I thought back of what I was going to do. But once again everything was blacked out, I really wanted to end this. So there, as the lamp turned red, they started to move forward, crossing the road. The next moment was going in slow motion and would always stay in my mind for the whole time I have in my life. I pushed down the pedal, speeding up my car to the limit and the next thing I knew was when the windscreen glass tremendously splashed in pieces in front of me as I heard a strict drop sound on the hood and rolled over to the back of the car.


She was there, about five feet in front of me, leading me somewhere. She acted kind of strangely, making me prophecy that something was going to happen - something I wouldn’t like. As she walked in rather improper paces, I saw her shoulders slightly rocked and her hand wiped her cheeks for every several minutes. And I realised, whatever she was going to show or tell me, she didn’t like to do it either. But she was forced to, she had to do it or something worse would happen. She didn’t say a single word, neither did I. The sounds of traffic was the only that could fill in the silence. But I thought it was better be. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, words didn’t seem to can affect anything at the moment.

Now then, we waited on this sidewalk under the traffic lamp as we waited for it to turn red. She was silence still, although now we stood side by side. She didn’t even for once look up to me - she didn’t bear to. I kept wondering of what she said to me – she wanted me to stop loving her? That was the first time I couldn’t explore her and find out of what was on her mind. I completely lost her.
“Charlie!” She scattered my thought and I quickly brought my face up, narrowing my sight to her who was for the first time looked straightly to me as she now stood slightly over the sidewalk into the road.
“It’s getting dark, we should’ve been there several minutes a go. Now don’t just stand still there, come-“ A horrible sound of something crashed - the sound like a brick dropped onto another brick from ten feet vertical - suddenly dominate the other traffic sounds around me, as her words cut off in a horrible way. My feet froze by the second I saw the moment rolled in slow motion in front of me. I couldn’t even close my eyes, restraining the sight that’d horror me for my entire life. I stunned by the horrifying movement straightforward from my eyes. Her body seemed to almost break in two like a cloth material doll before practically floated up in the air. The windscreen glasses splashed up as her body dropped on the hood, making the metal hood sunken down, shaped in a mess concave and rolled over to the back before thrown down back to the road. I still couldn’t do anything but stunned. I felt like I had no brain to register of what I saw. My heart stopped beating, no really I was so sure that my heart stopped beating for several seconds. She didn’t move anymore. She didn’t even let out a slight yelp or anything. She was instantly – NO! She couldn’t be! She just told me to follow her and she couldn’t be taken away from me within this very small seconds, no she couldn’t be! She was just….falling unconscious. Yeah, that was got to be it, she was just falling unconscious. I ran and I ran, dropping my knees next to where she laid on.
“Cadence?” I tried to call her name, moving my right ear close towards her mouth, but she didn’t let out any sound. Not even a sound of breathing.


“NO! Cad, please wake up! I love you, don’t leave me please! Wake up, Cadence I’m begging you, wake up!” Her blood drained through his hoodie, replace the proper gray it had to dark red. He cried, he never thought that he would; yet now he cried. Begging the life for his loved one, he could never stand to keep his emotion stay on the proper casual feels he used to do even at the saddest moments he’d through.
“God, please…..” His face stained by tears that welled up before the fresh ones slid down his flushed face as he watched her frozen eyelids seemed to act nothing for his wailing.
“Cadence-” The other man gasped, falling down to his knees as he watched the lifeless body of a girl he more than recognised; yet glared blankly. The freezing drizzle gradually soaked his black died hair, causing some strands stick on his forehead, adding some accent to his ghostly pale face.
The sounds of ambulance and police alarm splattered off the silence. Two men in white soon jogged through the glass pieces, pushing the flat rolling metal bed over to the side of the road where they were. One of them knelt down just right next to Charlie as he held two fingers on her neck and on the veins of her left wrist. He looked up to the other man who stood slightly behind him, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry….” He glanced aside to Charlie, sympathetically put one hand on his shoulder.
“NO!” He cried out, pulling her body tightly to his chest as he tried to find her existence, but he could only feel her cold skin against his, penetrated through his heart with some foreign shiver and hurting tingly.
“Cadence?” A whisper from the quite distance somehow heard by him. He briefly looked up to find the other person who stone-stunned around him before he sunk deep her body into his chest again. “This cant be…” The whisper continued. “This cant be!” He yelled up at the top of his volume with a rather hoarse voice. “You should’ve been there, we should’ve told you about us.” He started to unbelievably say, still with his eyes caged-caught to her lifeless body.
“What?” Charlie brought his face up from the depth of his grieve as his sight blurred by his sore eyes.
“We should’ve told you about us. But why is this happening?” His voice started to be hoarser as he disbelievingly frowned, letting tears rapidly stream down his cheeks. His conscience ordered him to look away westwards and he caught again a small sight of the car he saw earlier. He breathed, realised of whose car that was. Matt’s. He rolled back his eyes to the other person he thought he saw earlier, next to Charlie. “How dare you-“ He pointed out. “How dare you!” he repeated with a much louder shout as a deep major anger shown in his reddened eyes.
“I didn’t….didn’t know what to do…..I love….her.” Matt stammered, not even looked away from her body as blankness filled up in his eyes.
“You don’t know what the fuck love is! You don’t know what you cause! You don’t know anything! You don’t-“ He trailed off, a single tear gently rolled down from his eye as he blankly looked away around, thinking of what he knew. “You don’t know….there was….a life….in her.” He started to slightly moved backwards as his feet couldn’t hold up his body properly. “There was a life in her….mine…it was mine.”
“James, you-“ Charlie’s eyes widened, looking furiously straight to him.
“She was with me….she loved me. We supposed to tell you that….but this….” He shook his head, looking down to an invisible spot line on the wet asphalt road as he kept slowly moving backwards. “I swear….” He whispered. “I swear to god….” He said as he gritted tight his teeth. Matt turned his head around, finding James stared sharply at him with evil look clearly shown on his face and eyes. A single tear firmly rolled down to Matt’s cheek as he gazed up to James. He could never bear that major repentant. “You love her? Matt?” He calmly asked and matt faintly nodded. “Tell me if you do love her, you son of a bitch!” He yelled at the top of his voice, there was silence around them.
Matt brought his face back up and firmly looked up at the distance where James stood on from him. “I love her.” He said.
“Now you wanna be with her?” He asked again, staying at his calm.
“I wanna be with her.” Matt replied, repeatedly answered him.
“Yes, you wanna be with her.” He breathed, closing his eyes as his right hand slowly slipped into the jacket and crept down to his waistband. “Wanna be with her.” He whispered in a flat tone as the horrifying mix of cold blankness and cruel anger heard in his voice. “Now go be with her!” A loud bang suddenly heard and the next moment that everyone there knew was Matt dropped down helplessly to the damp black road with a hole on his head, soon making puddle of blood around his soaked dark hair. And when they turned their sights, they saw a gun in James’ hands, still aimed to where the lifeless body of Matt laid on.
As the police officers sprinted down over to him, he aimed back the gun. Not to the people who went towards him. He lifted his hand, moving the aim, pointing it tight to the side of his forehead and calmly closed his eyes.
“I wanna be with her.”

© Copyright 2005 chaslee (chaslee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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