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An inspirational reflection written after watching a Hawaiian sunrise. |
A cold wind prickled against my face and tore through my gloveless hands, but I barely felt the pain. Though my teeth were chattering and my nose was running, I somehow ignored it, merely dismissed my sense of the physical. How it was possible on this frozen mountaintop, I didn’t really know, nor did I even care, for my mind dwelled in an entirely different plane: I was utterly lost in the beauty of the morning. The sky glowed an electric pink, each cloud lit aflame by the nearing dawn. As I saw them slowly take shape, something stirred deep within me. They were so close that I could feel them, I could breathe them, I could almost touch them. The majesty of the clouds was breathtaking, and for a moment, my heart fluttered. I had never seen anything like it before; this time, the clouds were beneath me and not above. Slowly, a gentle purple hue filtered through the atmosphere, creating the perfect background behind the luminescent pink. I sighed and leaned against the ice-cold rail in front of me, still oblivious to everything around. Nothing could have been more gorgeous, until I saw it. Without warning, a blazing streak of crimson shot across the horizon. It slashed through the sky like a shimmering sword, completely dividing the above from the below. Then, almost instantly, the tip of the Sun appeared. It shone a radiant orange, a living, glittering ball of fire coming to chase away the night. I anxiously watched it creep higher and higher, casting a pale sheen above both the violet and pink. This was a sunrise among sunrises, so magnificent in every aspect. Yes, this was a sunrise. ~*~~*~ Often, we take the beauty of the world for granted. It’s just the same thing over and over again, right? Wrong. Each new day is special, a clean slate for us to use. God tells us this, but yet, we tend to forget it over and over. How many times have you said to yourself, “Oh, I’ll do it tomorrow,” or, “Maybe later, it’s not THAT important.”? And, how many times has that turned into next week? Next month? Next year? This is not what the Lord wants from us, and we need to understand just why not. We aren’t always going to have tomorrow, and by putting off what is good and right by Him, we lose many opportunities that we may never regain. So, what can we do? It’s simple. Allow God to speak to you and show you what He wants. If you let Him lead the way, you might truly be surprised where you are guided, and chances are, it is going to be great. Take His hand, and He will form you into the person he so desires you to be. With that kind of trust, you can achieve many things, but only if you choose to accept the challenge. Turn your life over to Him, and you will be rewarded. A life lived for Jesus grants you much more than anything you could ever imagine. Still need proof that this is true? Just look at the sunrise. God has a brand new day made especially for you-- The trick is acting upon it. |