Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/985017-Consumed-by-love-Uncut
by Zyreph
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #985017
M/F dragon mates find themselves in a bad situation. contains sexual content and vore.
Story by: “Zyreph Dragon”

It wasn’t long ago that the young red male dragon Jaxsim met a beautiful female black dragon named Verna. Jaxsim was a slim young dark red dragon with a white colored underbelly. He was a pretty normal looking classic westren style dragon with no back spikes or fins and only one set of horns that went straight back at about a fifteen degree angle. Verna wasn’t much different. She was a slightly larger jet black dragon, and her horns curved down as they went back. When they first meet, they just stared at each other a moment, each admiring the other, and talked briefly before parting, agreeing to meet again soon.
The next time they meet on a grassy hill in afternoon where they could both enjoy the warmth of the sun as they lay down next to each other and talked, nuzzling each other a little every now and then. They got into talking about past relationships and found out neither one of them had had a mate before. Time seemed to pass quickly and soon the sun had set and the sky grew dark. They decided to part ways for now, agreeing to meet again at the same place soon.
About a week later they meet again at the hill and nuzzled each other warmly in greeting before lying down together. They seemingly unconsciously wrapped the ends of their tails together as they talked, nuzzling and licking each other often between sentences. They got onto the topic of having offspring and both agreed they’d like to have children someday.
Jaxsim nuzzled Verna’s muzzles softly and smiles at her warmly. “Would you be willing to bear my children?” He asked her, looking into her emerald green eyes.
Verna looked away sadly, “But you’re a red and I’m black. How can we have children together?”
Jaxsim moved over to look her in the eyes again. “We are both dragons, what difference does color make?”
She smiled softly up at him and gave his muzzle a little lick. “I think I need more time to think about it.”
He licked her muzzles back sweetly. “Then I’ll wait till you decided. I live in a cave in the mountains not far from here. When you’ve made your decision come see me. No matter what you decide though, I still love you.”
She looked into his bright amber eyes and smiled. “I should go now. I’ll let you know what I decide.” She licked his muzzle one last time and nuzzled against him warmly. She turned away to leave and before taking flight she craned her head around to look at Jaxsim. “I love you too”. Jaxsim watched as she flew off till she was out of sight before returning to his home.

The young red dragon paced about his cave home as he eagerly awaited for his love to visit him. He had kept himself busy by tidying up his cave, fixing any unattractive stones and removing any bones laying around from past meals. The cave wasn’t very big for a dragon. It consisted of a single entrance that dug into the mountain about 3 to 4 hundred yards deep. Jaxsim slept at the wide open end of the cave. His bed was a sadly small collection of jewels, coins, and various valuables he’d scrapped together in his young life. His bed chamber was lit up by several torches at night, but he had rarely used them in the past.

A few weeks passed as Jaxsim waited each day for Verna to come, barley ever leaving his cave in fear he might miss her. By now, he grew worried about her. He thought maybe talking about children had scared her away and feared he’d never see her again. He stood at the edge of his cave entrance as the sun slowly set into the horizon, looking for his love to come, and slowly giving up hope as darkness started to cover the land. He sighed deeply and turned to go in his cave and sleep for the night wondering what happened to his beloved Verna. He had only made it a few yards into his cave when he heard a wing beat from outside his cave and the sound of something landing on the stony edge. He quickly turned around and could see the outline of a dragon as it folded back its wings, its emerald eyes seemed to glow in the dim moon light that passed into the cave.
“Verna!” He shouted and rushed up to greet his visitor. Verna smiled warmly and nuzzled Jaxsim sweetly in greeting.
Jaxsim nuzzled back eagerly “I was worried about you. I was beginning to fear you’d never come.”
Verna licked his muzzle lovingly “I’m sorry my love, it took me a long time to decide, but now I’ve made up my mind.”
Jaxsim licked her muzzle back and sat back on his hunches awaiting her decision. She smiled sweetly at him, “You were right. Our color shouldn’t matter. I’d love to have children with you.” Jaxsim smiled wide and wrapped his fore arms around her and hugged gratefully. “I’m happy to hear that. I’m sure our children will turn out wonderful.”
A cold draft blew in through the cave entrance and Verna shivered a bit at the suddenly blast of cold. “Why don’t you come in more into my cave where it’s warm?” Jaxsim asked as he removed his fore arms from her neck and turned to walk deeper into the cave. Verna smiled and nodded, following her mate deeper into the cave till they reached the large open end. “Well this is my room, I know it’s not much but …” Jaxsim said as he turned back to Verna but was interrupted as Verna pounced on him, pinning him on his back and making the whole cave shake a bit.
The young red dragon smiled at her and laughed a bit. “You should be a little more careful about that, don’t want to accident cause a … eep!” He started to say as he was interrupted by the young black dragon licking at his sheath. Jaxsim laid back and relaxed as he growled softly in pleasure as she licked softly at his large light red member as it slowly emerged from his sheath making him growl increasingly louder in pleasure. Her soft slightly pointed tongue repeatedly moved from the base of the sheath to the tip of his member slowly. She increased how fast she licked a little at a time, and seemed to pause for a moment each time at the sensitive tip of Jaxsim’s member. It didn’t take too long before he couldn’t hold it in anymore and ejaculated onto his chest. He cooned deeply in pleasure from the orgasm as she licked up the sex juices from his chest.
When she was done, she licked her lips and laid down on her back, beckoning him to return the favor. The young red dragon took a moment to compose him self before getting up and moving over to her. His soft slightly pointed tongue licked around her virginal slit as she murred softly in pleasure. He worked his tongue around the outer edge of the slit, poking the pointed end in a little bit every now and then. She murred deeper and louder as he worked his tongue into her wet virginia. A sweet taste reached Jaxsim’s tongue after a while as he caused her to have an organism. She cooned softly as the red dragon licked up her sex juices.
When he was done he moved himself over her and looked down into her emerald eyes as if asking permission. She smiled up at him and licked his muzzle in reply. Jaxsim moved his twelve inch long member into her wet warm virginia and began slowly sliding it in and out the full length. Verna rested her head back and murred softly as Jaxsim licked the length of her thick long neck while his member slide up and down inside her. The red dragon slowly moved his member quicker in and out, pushing a little hard when he thrust in. The young black dragon murred louder and deeper as Jaxsim’s member moved faster and harder in and out. Jaxsim harmlessly bit at her neck as he could feel pressure begin to build. He suddenly slowed down before stopping, with his member nearly all the way in her, as his orgasm caused him to ejaculate into her.
He released his bite and rested softly on top of her and took a moment to catch his breath as he cooned softly in great pleasure. She licked lovingly at the tip of his muzzle. “I love you Jaxsim”, she said with a loving smile. Jaxsim licked her back on the muzzle, “I love you too Verna.” Both dragons were tired but felt very relaxed and soon they feel asleep, with Jaxsim still lying on top of his mate.

The next morning Jaxsim apparently had slipped off from Verna, as he now lay on his side, still sleeping peacefully. The young black dragon was the first to wake up. She rolled over back onto her feet and stretches out her fore arms and hind legs and let a little bit of a roar as she yawned wide. She looked over at her mate in the dim torch lights that were left going and grinned a bit as she saw him on his side still fast asleep. She moved over to him and bent her neck down to lick softly at his exposed sheath. Jaxsim jumped awake as the cool wet tongue touched his sensitive sheath tip. Verna laughed as she watched the young red dragon stumble to his feet.
“That was an interesting way to wake me up.” Jaxsim said with a grin, looking at his mate.
Verna laughed a bit, “Maybe I’ll finish the job after we eat, I’m starving.” She curved her neck around to look at her grumbling stomach that dipped in nearly a foot from her chest level.
Jaxsim nuzzled his mate lovingly, “Well let’s go hunting then. I hope you keep your offer when you’re full,” he said with a grin.
She smiled and said, “We’ll see” with a wink and started towards the exit.

The two dragons walked together towards the exit of the cave, wondering why it seemed so dark for day time. They got their answer as they reached where the exit was and saw only a pile of large rocks blocking the only exit out.
Jaxsim looked at the blocked path in terror “I must have weakened the structure when I trying to smooth out the ceiling, and that shake from knocking me down must have caused it to cave in.”
Verna looked away sadly, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.”
Jaxsim moved next to her and nuzzled her reassuringly. “Don’t blame yourself my love. It’s just a bunch of rocks. We can move them out of the way and be out of here in no time.”
The young red dragon moved over to the rock pile and began clawing at the stones and trying to move them out of the way, but he hadn’t eaten much in weeks, and last night’s activity took most of what little strength he had left. He was only able to move a few rocks out of way and struggled to move some of larger ones. Seeing her mate struggle, Verna went over to try to help, be she didn’t have much more strength left in her then him and nether of them could seem to move enough of the large pile.
“We're trapped in here. How are we going to get out? Verna asked and started cry in frustration. Jaxsim couldn’t stand seeing his mate cry and got desperate. He tried pushing at the pile as hard as he could, leaning his weight against it, but couldn’t budge any of the large rocks. Then he tried clawing through the stones till his claws were cracked and useless. His last resort was ramming his entire body into the wall of stones, trying to knock them loose. After several failed attempts, he straggled away from the pile of rocks and collapsed on the floor, completely exhausted and battered.
Verna looked down at her mate with worry, “Are you okay Jaxsim?”
Jaxsim weakly lifted his head to look at her, “As long as you are trapped in here, I’m not okay.” She smiled weakly and nuzzled her mate on the muzzle.
“At least if we can’t get out, I get to die with someone I love.”
Jaxsim’s eyes shot open wide at the remark, “No! You can’t die here. We were supposed to have children together. I can’t let us just die here, not now, not like this!” Verna frowned, “I know my love, but neither of is strong enough to get out. We should enjoy what time we have left together.”
The red dragon looked off in thought and then looked back up at his mate, “But if you had something eat you could be strong enough to get out right?”
She looked at him questionably a moment, “Well yeah I think so, but there is nothing to eat in here.”
Jaxsim lifted his head to look her in the eyes, “There is one thing to eat in here.” She looked at him a moment questioningly and then jumped back in horror, “No, I couldn’t!”
“Verna you know it’s the only way. If you die so does any chance of me having children. At least if you live part of me will live on.”
She looked away sadly, knowing he was right but still feeling unwilling to eat her own mate to live.
“Besides …” Jaxsim started as he struggled to his feet and coughed up blood, “I don’t think I have much longer to live anyway.” Verna’s eyes widened looking at her mate in terror
“Jaxsim!” She yelled and rushed over to his side. He leaned weakly against his mate a little,
“I think that last attempt of mine broke my ribs.” He stumbled a bit and winched, “I don’t think I can hold on much longer.”
Tears ran down the black dragons face, “I love you, you can’t die on me.” He weakly nuzzled her as tears ran down his own face, “I know my love, but please let me die knowing that at least you will live to bear and raise my children.”
“But what if I don’t get pregnant and have children? We only mated once, I don’t know if that’s enough,” she said with doubt.
Jaxsim nuzzled her reassuringly, “Whether you do or not, I still want to you to live.”
She looked at him sadly and forced a smile, “I know. I will honor your last wish.” He smiled weakly at her, “Thank you my love. I have a kind of strange request to ask of you.”
“What is it? I’ll do whatever I can for you,” she said and licked his muzzle lovingly.
Jaxsim smiled at her and said, “I want you to swallow me whole.”
She stepped back a bit and looked at him oddly. “You want me to swallow you? But you aren’t much smaller then me. You think I really could?”
The red dragon playfully poked at her empty tummy, “I’ve swallowed live prey whole before. I used to like the feeling of them as they slid down and settled into my stomach. I want to know what it feels like to be that prey. I know it’s a strange request and sounds impossible, but please try it for me.”
Verna looked into her mates dulling amber eyes and nuzzled his muzzles softly. “I’ll try it for you my love.”
Jaxsim smiled gratefully and licked his mate’s muzzles “Thank you. I know this hard for you but please start now before I die”.
The young black dragon nodded sadly and took a deep breath before moving over in front of the smaller red dragon. She opened her maw wide and closed her eyes as she moved towards Jaxsim’s muzzle but was stopped by a forepaw put to her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked at him, “Is something wrong my love?” Jaxsim turned around and lifted up his tail to her “Tail first please.” She gave him an odd look at first and then smiled softly, “As you wish.”
Verna opened up her maw part way and slid the lifted tail in, the smooth leathery bottom running against her soft warm wet tongue. Jaxsim’s tail jerked in response, and he cooned softly, enjoying the sensation. The young red dragon laid down on his stomach and folded his legs tightly back behind him as more of his long thin tail slowly slid across his mate’s tongue towards her throat. He could feel the warm softness of her throat as his tail slowly started to slide down effortlessly.
Verna opened her maw wide and tilted it a bit to take in the feet stretched tight back against the tail. The warm wet saliva in her mouth tickled at the soft leathery pads of his feet as it made its short trip towards the throat. The young black dragon relaxed her throat as her mate’s feet make it budge out slightly as it entered. She continued to slowly work the muscular legs of the red dragon into her throat as Jaxsim continued to coon softly at the pleasant feel of her tongue against the bottom his tail, slowly creeping closer to its base.
By time about half of his legs had made it into the long thick neck of the black dragon, he could feel the hot soft wet lining of her stomach with the end of his tail. Verna could feel the tail tickle the lining of her stomach and she found it a pleasant feeling. The black dragon’s maw stretches open wide to as she worked in the thick muscular thighs of her mate and pushed more of the legs into her bulging throat. By now Verna didn’t feel as uncomfortable with what she was doing; it almost came naturally to her now as she devoured more of the red dragon.
Jaxsim feet had entered the black dragon’s hot empty stomach by time she had forced the rest of his legs into her maw. Her warm wet tongue running along the base of his tail was enough to make his member slip all the way out of his sheath. Jaxsim folded his wings tightly back against his body as the black dragon slowly worked more of his body through her thickly budged neck to her stomach.
As the red dragon’s legs pushed deeper into her throat and into her stomach, Verna carefully worked in the part of his body where his sheath was. Jaxsim didn’t feel any discomfort as his tail came in contact with the digestive juices in her stomach as she purposely slid her tongue along his sheath as it entered her maw. He growled with pleasure as she slowed worked more of his slim body and part of his wings into her, and continued to run her tongue along his exposed member. The red dragon’s thighs took up the bulk of her bulging neck as more of his body slow slipped into her maw, and her tongue continued to tease his member.
Verna continued slowly consuming her mate till his member was completely in her maw. She purposely stopped at this point and ran her tongue all along Jaxsim’s long member, tickling the tip of it every now and then. The red dragon growled loudly in great pleasure at his member’s pampering, till it made him have an orgasm and ejaculate into his mate’s mouth. He looked back and smiled gratefully at his mate. She was glad to have made her mate feel good one last time before the end, and enjoyed the sweet tasting liquid on her tongue.
As the rest of the legs and tail of the young red dragon took up the space in her slowly growing stomach and bulged neck, Verna became concerned when Jaxsim’s cooning turned in almost a dull whine. She knew then for sure he wasn’t lying about his injuries and was slowly dying. Jaxsim held his arms close to his body as the black dragon’s maw worked even more of his body into it. Verna had to stretch open her maw till the point where it felt like it might snap to fit over the red dragon’s chest and arms. The black dragon’s stomach now hung down till it nearly a foot from the ground as nearly half of the red dragon now rested within it.
Verna struggled to fit the large chest along with the arms into her maw. Jaxsim realize how much trouble she was having and slipped his arms in front of his him along his neck instead. Without the extra size of the arms in the way, the black dragon was able to slowly work in the chest and remainder of the wings into her large maw as her stomach continued to slowly expand to take in more of the red dragon. Verna’s neck budged in the form of the red dragon’s chest as she slowly pushed it into and down her long throat.
As Jaxsim’s neck and arms slowly entered the black dragon’s maw, he weakly turned to look at her.
“Thank you for fulfilling my final wish. Promise me you’ll take good care of yourself and our children if you have any.”
Verna replied in Jaxsim’s mind, “I promise my love. I’ll make sure our children grow up healthy and strong and that they know their father was a brave dragon.” Jaxsim smiled weakly before he felt a sudden jolt of pain rush through him and fell limp. Verna could feel his slow heart beat in her neck suddenly stop and tears began to form in her eyes.
Although she was saddened at her mate’s death, she was also glad he died now, before her unforgiving digestive system could cause him any great pain. After a moment to grieve she continued slowly swallowed down more of the red dragon as more of his neck and arms disappeared in her maw. Her once slim stomach rested on the ground even thought she was standing, now full with most of the Jaxsim’s body. Jaxsim’s arms could be seen in the bulged black dragons neck as they slowed passed down the throat towards the stomach.
Soon only the head of the young red dragon lay outside Verna’s maw. His eyes were closed and he seemed to have a peaceful smile on his face.
As she began to work the last remains of Jaxsim into her maw she said in her mind “Good bye my love. I won’t ever forget you.” She kisses the end of his muzzle with her tongue before moving the rest his head in her maw and slowly closing it. She now practically lay on top of her stomach as the rest of the red dragon slowly traveled down her throat to its final destination.
She couldn’t help but burp as the rest of what was her mate filled her enormous stomach. She looked down at her tremendous girth, amazed she was able to swallow so much. Verna laid her head down as best she could; feelings exhausted from all the hard work of swallowing such a massive meal and soon feel asleep as her stomach acids went to work.
She didn’t know how long she’d been asleep when she finally woke up. Her large stomach had now shrunk significantly but it still sagged only a foot from the ground. Verna felt that the strength had returned to her body as she yawned and stretched. She looked down at her sagging stomach as if to confirm what happened wasn’t just a dream. Though she hated to admit it, he was the most satisfying meal she’d ever had.
Verna decided to test her strength and walked up to the large pile of rocks that had in trapped her. With a simple swipe with a fore claw she was able to move one of the large stones. Seeing that her strength was back for sure she continued slowly and carefully clearing away the large rocks one by one. When she came to a considerably large boulder in her way, she reared her head back and spat a large blast of acid onto the obstruction, her acid was strong from being so well feed and made short work of the boulder. When the boulder was nearly completely melted away, a small beam of light shot into the dimly lit cave. Verna squinted at the bright ray of light a moment as it filled the cave. Trying not to get too excited, she continued to work around the small opening, making it slowly bigger. The fresh air from outside was a welcome scent to her nose as it rushed into the cave. She carefully clawed away and removed more and stones from the opening, making sure she didn’t start another cave in. After much work she was finally about to open a big enough hole to squeeze out of the cave.
She stood at the edge of the cliff just outside the cave and took a deep breath while closing her eyes and holding her head high, enjoying her freedom. She looked down at her sagging stomach and gave it a gentle rub, “I made it out my dear. You’re sacrifice was not in vain”. The young black dragon lifted her wings and gave them a heavy beat and jumped from the cliff to take flight. She struggled a moment under the extra weight but was able to stay air borne. She looked back at Jaxsim’s cave one last time and started on her slow trip back to her own cave to rest.

Nearly a year passed since that day and Verna’s stomach now sagged because of something other then a big meal. She soon would lay three large healthy eggs which would hatch into three baby dragons. She knew for sure they were Jaxsim’s children because of the two males one was all red and the other was a mix of black and red. The third was a female, all black like her. She named the little red dragon after Jaxsim and made sure they all knew their brave father died saving her life.

The End.

Hope you enjoyed the story, but you know this story could have easily turned out different. In these next sections I’ll explore some of the things that could of gone wrong or different outcomes.

(Blooper 1: An unexpected find)
Verna smiled and nodded, following her mate deeper into the cave till they reached the large open end. “Well this is my room, I know it’s not much but …” Jaxsim said as he turned back to Verna but was interrupted as Verna pounced on him, pinning him on his back and making the whole cave shake a bit. Verna went to lick his tail but suddenly jumped back in horror. “What’s wrong Verna” Jaxsim asked, puzzled by her reaction. “You’re a female!” Verna shouted in shock. The young red dragon smiles a bit, “Well of course I am.”
“But I thought you wanted children. How was I supposed to know you were a female?”
The red dragon got up and walked up to her running a claw along the black dragon’s neck, “Oh I only said that to get you come to my cave. You’re what I really want.”

(Blooper 2: A good taste in boy friends)
A few weeks passed as Jaxsim waited each day for Verna to come, barley ever leaving his cave in fear he might miss her. He grew worried about her by now. He thought maybe talking about children had scared her away and feared he’d never see her again. He stood at the edge of his cave entrance as the sun slowly set into the horizon, looking for his love to come, and slowly giving up hope as darkness started to cover the land. He sighed deeply and turned to go in his cave and sleep for the night wondering what happened to his beloved Verna. He had only made it a few yards into his cave when he heard a wing beat from outside his cave and the sound of something landing on the stony edge. He quickly turned around and could see the outline of a dragon as it folded back its wings, its emerald eyes seemed to glow in the dim moon light that passed into the cave.
“Verna!” He shouted and rushed up to greet his visitor and nearly bumped into a much larger black dragon. “No, I’m Verna’s father. She said I could find a nice young red dragon here and I see she was right.” Said the deep voice of the large black dragon as he looked down at Jaxsim and licked his lips. Jaxsim yelped and turned to run but it was too late. The black dragon grabbed him by the tail and lifted him up into the air. The last thing the young red dragon saw was the reflection of the moon light on the black dragon’s teeth as he was dropped head first into the large dragon’s maw. The elder black dragon slowly gulped down the small red dragon and patted his large belly, saying to him self, “My daughter has good taste in boy friends.”

(Blooper 3: Bad aim)
Jaxsim moved himself over Verna and looked down into her emerald eyes as if asking permission. She smiled up at him and licked his muzzle in reply. Jaxsim moved himself in position and went to slide his member into her but it didn’t feel right. The black dragon growled, “Wrong hole!” The red dragon craned his head and looked down at this mistake and all he could think of was, “Ewwww”.
(Blooper 4: A strange request)
Jaxsim nuzzled Verna reassuringly, “Whether you have children or not, I still want to you to live.” She looked at him sadly and forced a smile, “I know. I will honor your last wish.” He smiled weakly at her, “Thank you my love. I have a kind of strange request to ask of you.”
“What is it my love? I’ll so whatever you want.”
Jaxsim laughed a bit as he thought about it, “Could you dance for me. I’ve never seen a dragon dance before.” “Dance for you?” The black dragon looked at herself a moment, “How do you expect me to dance?”
“Ah common you said you’d do anything for me. You can at least humor me with trying.”
Verna sighed a bit, “Okay I’ll try.”

So the young black dragon awkwardly bopped and stumbled around on her 4 legs, trying a few times to dance on her rear legs, but ether falling over or hitting her head on the cave ceiling and Jaxsim died laughing at his mate’s efforts.

(Blooper 4: Dragons have sharp claws)
As more of Jaxsim’s body was pushed into the black dragon’s stomach, his legs started to take up its previously empty space. The red dragon growled as his mate caused him last spike of pleasure and made him tense up his legs. He could suddenly feel soft flesh between his claws and felt a shiver run down his spine. His claws had accidentally clawed through her stomach and now protruded from her gut. Verna growled and said to Jaxsim in his mind, “I knew this was a bad idea.” Jaxsim whined a bit, “Sorry I couldn’t help it,”
(Blooper 5: Not what I planed)
Verna struggled to fit the large chest along with the arms into her maw. Jaxsim realize how much trouble she was having and slipped his arms in front of his him along his neck instead. Without the extra size of the arms in the way, the black dragon was able to slowly work in the chest and remainder of the wings into her large maw as her stomach continued to slowly expand to take in more of the red dragon. Verna’s neck budged in the form of the red dragon’s chest as she slowly pushed it into and down her long throat.
The black dragon swallowed hard to push the red dragon’s body down her throat but it wouldn’t budge. Jaxsim looked back at his mate, “Is something wrong my love?” She strained to swallow harder but got no results. She spoke in Jaxsim’s mind, “I don’t think I can fit anymore.” He tried helping to push him self in more but didn’t have any luck, “Well you can’t exactly spit me out now. So what are we going to do now?” The black dragon kind of shrugged and said, “I guess I have to wait till you digest first before I can I can swallow the rest.” Jaxsim sighed deeply and said, “This is so not what I had planed.”

(Alternative ending: Never trust a black dragon, or is that don’t trust a red dragon?)
Verna let out a tremendous satisfied burp as the rest of the red dragon entered her tremendous stomach. “Well that was easier then I expected” she said to herself as she rested on the cave floor, rubbing her belly. Suddenly light broke into the cave as powerful acid disintegrated part of the stone pile. Another black dragon carefully worked away the rest of the pile and smiled over at Verna as he entered the cave. “I see everything went as planed my dear?” The male dragon said grinning down at her huge stomach. She looked up at him and smiled, “Yes my love. Believe it or not he actually wanted to be eaten. That made it a lot easier then last few.” The male black dragon laughed a bit, “I personally like it when they squirm a bit, but I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if they went down willingly.” Verna laughed a bit and cranked her neck up to lick her true mate’s muzzle, “Yeah I know, it’s a lot easier when they are cooperative. He went down pretty easy. Thanks for helping me trap him in here. That made things a lot easier.” He looked down at her a bit puzzled, “But I didn’t do that. I thought you rigged it to cave in.”
Verna’s stomach suddenly shrunk down to normal and an ancient red dragon appeared outside the cave. “Thanks, that was pretty fun, but now it’s my turn. Let’s see how you like being swallowed.” “J …. Jaxsim? You tricked us?” Verna said stuttering. The much larger red dragon grin down at her, “Yes, you two have shorten the lives of too many of my children. Now it’s time you make up for you’re deeds.”
Before ether one of them could get away Jaxsim had pinned Verna under a giant claw and grabbed the male black dragon in his other claw. The young male dragon squirmed to get free to no avail. Jaxsim grinned, “Yes squirm all you want. You said you like it when they squirm so I want to know how it feels.” The ancient dragon opened his large maw and slowly dropped the squirming black dragon in head first. The young black dragon yelled and pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears as his head soon found its way in the red dragon’s throat. Jaxsim slowly swallowed the squirming black dragon, ignoring his muffled complaints as his body slide down a budged out neck and entered his empty stomach. The male black dragon rested into the ancient red dragon’s now partly budged, wiggling stomach.
Verna began to cry under the great red dragon’s claw. “Don’t worry my dear. You’ll soon be with your mate again” Jaxsim said as he grabbed her and lifted her up. She didn’t put up a fight because she knew it was useless as Jaxsim slowly lowered her tail first into his maw. She cooperatively folder her body to make herself easier to swallow as her tail and legs entered the giant red dragon’s throat. Jaxsim slowly swallowed down his false mate and gave her a lick on the muzzles as only her head remained outside his maw. “Thanks for the good time Verna. I hope you enjoy you’re last moments with your true mate” He said before the rest of her body disappeared in his maw and slowly passed down his throat.
Jaxsim let out a burp that shook that mountains and patted his large belly. At last he had gotten revenge on the black dragons that had been killing his kind and could finally return to his real mate knowing that his children will be safe.
© Copyright 2005 Zyreph (zyrephdragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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