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about a girl confused beause all of her friends pressure her into being someone she is not |
Faye turn around the tears blurring her eyes, she is so confused no idea where to go now that he has left her. she screams, "just because im a virgin!!" and she leans against the brick wall on the busy city street. her legs collapse under her as she sobs. Fayes cellphone rings, its her best friend Chloe. "hello?"Faye manages to say while holding back a sob. "o faye whats the matter, did something happen?" worry filling chloes voice,"where are u?" "im...i dont know where i am alls i know is justin just brought me here, to a motel in the city, acuz he, he wanted IT! and when i wouldnt, you know, he told me i was a tease and i wasnt even worth his spit! i should have he was the best thing that ever happened to me! o chloe i dont know what to do come get me, im by the corner store next to mayflower motel in the city im scared hurry!" "ok hun i'll be right there." Faye crouched down even lower because justins car had just drove by. justin pulled to a stop in front of her. As justin leaned over in the seat and opened the door faye slowly stood up. "babe, im sorry, i shouldnt have been like that!. i wanna drive around for a little while, we need to talk." "i...dont wanna talk to you...after trying to use me like you did..." "i wasnt trying to use you. i just you know thought we were at that point in our relationship, but if we're not ill wait. i wil Faye, i love you. your the only girl i wanna be with in that way ever again. please forgive me faye" "okay justin, ill call chloe back and tell her she doesnt need to get me! ...Chloe?" "hey faye wuts up? you sound alot better." "i am umm...i dont need a ride anymore, justin is here and we're gonna go talk, ill be home soon though, cover for me!" "alright, i will faye, be careful ok. if he tried to get it once w/o yours and him talkin bout it whos to say he wont try to get it by force or sumpin again! just sayin!" "arright i dotn agree but bye!" "bye!" Faye put her cell back in her pocket and took justins offerred hand. he opened the door for her, and she slid into the seat. he climbed into the drivers seat and turned left, heading towards the 'overhang'. "ummmm, justin? why are we going to the 'overhang'?" "Chill faye baby, were just goin to talk. its quiet and we can get high in safety. ya know no popos!" They rode without talking for about 10-15 minutes, until justin swung into the drive of the 'overhang'. justin turned off the car and they were immediatly plunged into silence. "babe,im sorry. the whole hotel thing was a mistake. i shouldnt have assumed that you were ready without talking to you 1st. i would hate myself if i would have ruined things with us!..." Faye started to speak,"no dont talk let me finish before i fergit what i was saying! im ready and thats cool, but if your not thats ok." Faye leaned over and whispered "i fergive you..." Then the next thing Justin knew faye was leaning even closer to him, thier lips met. Faye decided that tonight was as good of a time as any, she pulled away and whispered..."justin...i want to..." "Faye are you..." "shut up justin, get in the backseat. hurry your ass up. i didnt ask you to talk to me about it." justin slid into the backseat and Faye fell into his arms. they were perfectly matched in the rythems they began moving to. the passion rose around them until Faye collapsed on him with exhaustion. "Wow, justin...that was...amazing, i cant beleive i didnt want to at first." "yea...hey do you wanna go down to Jamals, we can get toasted. Jamal just got some new shit in." "yea lets go, hey Justin...Give me a cig. i could really use one of those, if you know what i mean!" "all right," he took out his pack of marlboros, "here hun!" they climbed back into the front seat and rolled down the windows, easier to let the smoke out that way. the tires screached as tey pulled onto the dirt road, and headed back into town. |