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Sauriel finds himself in a tough situation: save his friend or life in slavery? |
Sauriel: Part 1 Lights flashed. Speakers throbbed and the people on the dance floor swayed back and forth, bumping into one another as if they were hypnotized by the music. Sauriel, or James by his human name, swayed amongst the crowd, flashing his dancing lights with the beat of the mix. He felt great and with every movement of his body, he had a sensation run through him that almost knocked him to the floor in a euphoric puddle. It took three long hours for him and his friends to find a dealer who had the amount that they wanted four pills of Ecstacy for him, a vial of liquid acid for Dave, and enough methanphetamines to keep Jen up for two months straight. Two pills and an hour later, Sauriel couldn't help but to dance as along as he could. During this time, he felt finally free from the horrors of his duty and of his life. He lost sight of his friends hours ago as he was slowly taken into the crowd of partiers. A sudden sense of worry came over him and he felt the need to search them out. He searched throughout the dance floor, but found not even a sign of his friends. A quick walk up and down the couch-lined walls of the club also presented no sign of them. He reached into his pocket to grab his cell phone, but found it empty. His head began to swim at this point and all of a sudden, the music became too much for him. Sauriel climbed the stairs and exited through the double doors of the flub, finding himself in a panicked sweat. The bouncers stared at him, as if waiting for him to make a scene, but he composed himself and left before they could ask him to do so. The fall night seemed very cold to him, the slight breeze sent shivers across his sweat soaked body. His teeth, no longer clenched tightly, now chattered. He stumbled hazily to his car to get his cell phone. He could see the blue Honda Civic's bumper poking out from among the line of cars and noticed that the interior light was on. "Great," he thought to himself, "Not only do I not know where my friends are, but I've accomplished draining my car battery as well." He sighed now as he removed his keys from his baggy blue jeans. As he came to look in the window, what he saw made his abilities sober him up instantly. Inside the car, David sat slapping the clammy face of his friend Jennifer. He stumbled as he clammered to the passenger side. He could tell instantly that she wasn't breathing; he didn't even need his powers to tell him that. "What happened to her?" was all he asked as he ripped David from in front of her to the ground next to his feet. "I think she took too much. She was complaining that she watned some air, so you know, we came out here and all of a sudden she started shaking and then she went still. I've been trying to wake her up ever since, but she won't," he muttered as he rubbed his hands together. "That's because she is dying you moron!" "Dead? No ways. She...she's just sleeping." Sauriel ignored the last statement of David and looked at what used to be the warm beautiful face of his friend, now a darkening shade of gray and blue. He placed his fingers across her neck in an attempt to see if a least her heart was beating, but found it to be as still as her chest. He wrapped his hands around her shoulders and waste and pulled her out of the car, setting her between the parked car. He tugged up her shirt and removed her bra as he placed his mouth firmly over her and began to administer C.P.R. Minutes passed and even though he didn't tire he knew that her body was. Through all the panic and fear he never thought at once to use his powers. Never in the past four years had he wished to use his abilities. He wanted to live the life of a human once more and to not be bothered by the turmoil that comes with his destiny as a shephard of the humans. His face floated to hers as he continued to do his chest compressions and he wondered if he would be willing to sacrifice his friends life if it meant keeping his pride from being tarnished. If he was to use his powers now, life would never be the same for him no matter how much he wished and tried for it to be. A sudden chill ran up his spine as he felt her body about to completely give out and just at that moment he let open the cell within him, returning the full range of his powers to him, along with his true identity. A pulse lept into the girl that rocked the cars and the girl screamed out as if though awaking from a horrible nightmare. Her nails dug into the back of Sauriel so tightly that it drew blood as she sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder muttering in broken sentences about the darkness that had surrounded her at that last moment, right before her passing. Slowly she began to regain composure as her new found strength failed her, causing her to ease back gently into the arms of her savior. For a moment the image of Sauriel's face calmed her, allowing a faint smile to cross her face as she was taken by sleep. A small squeek was heard from behind and Sauriel turned, almost forgetting that his friend David had been watching this whole thing. He was now curled into a small ball gibbering something about how he was never going to do another drug if he was just capable of getting through this night. Sauriel rested the girl gently into the backseat of his car before he turned to his cowering friend. He knelt down next to his friend and pried his stiff fingers from his sweat covered face. "Listen to me now, David. You are correct, you will not use another drug after this night, and trust me, you will survive it. I am going to take the drugs out of your body, but in doing this it's going to put you to sleep. Tomorrow you will wake up, and you will remember everything that occured tonight. Good night, David," was the last thing David heard before his eyes closed in a serene sleep. He then lifted the limp, sweat drenched body of his friend and placed him in the front seat of his car. Sauriel had almos made it to the back of the car when two of the bouncers and a sheriff's deputy were there to meet him. Each one had their arms crossed as if intent on not letting Sauriel go. The deputy was the first to step forward pulling his badge from his pants and announcing his name as Agent Packard. "We heard some strange noises over here and we need to ask a few questions. The bouncers don't remember you arriving in this car," the deputy asked as Sauriel curled his lip at him. "You three are going to go back into that club and confiscate every drug you can find. You will not arrest those found with the drugs, unless they are capable of being a dealer. Once you are done with that, you will warn them and kindly escort them from the building. Have a good night, gentleman," Sauriel said as he continued around the car and sat down in the driver seat. The three men were already heading back into the night club as the Honda drove off towards his home. Dave and Jennifer both woke up with a start. They stared at each other in disbelief and looked about their surroundings to find themselves in the home of their friend, James. "I had the worst trup last night," David said as he pulled the multi-colored woven blanket off of his legs. "Me too. How did we get here?" Jennifer questioned as she rubbed her throbbing head. "I don't know. I don't even remember much of last ngiht, and something is telling me I should be glad of that." "Good morning," came a very calm voice from the kitchen. Both guests turned their heads in unison and looked at the stranger who seemed to be aware of who they were. He stood tall over the stove, his long silver hair gently swaying across his back as he stirred the contents of a large white mixing bowl. His eyes were piercing as his attention was taken away from the white mixing bowl. His delicate face reminded them of a father, and the frown of a parent who had just found out something horrible about them lay upon his face. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you from last night," Jennifer said in a friendly manner. "Oh I bet you do. I saved your life," the stranger replied. David's face turned ashen and he dropped his head into his hands. He groaned as the memories of the previous night came back to him. He had hoped that it was all some form of a dream induced by the drugs he had used that night. "James?" David sputtered. "Yes, and no my good friend. As a mortal I was James, but those days were long ago. In fact, you had yet to be a sparkle in your mother's eye when I had been so gracefully "reborn," Sauriel mused with himself as he poured the batter into the pan. "How did you save my life?" Jen asked, almost afraid of his answer. "Don't worry Jen. I did not use some demonic ability. In face I used quite the opposite. I brought you back through God's "light" if you will. Rest assured your spirit is safe." Her face became more puzzled as she wondered how he was aware of what she was thinking. He stood silently as he worked over the stove, quietly adding ingredients. Jennifer walked into the kitchen, her skin raising in goose bumps as her bare feet came into contact with the cool, tile floor. "What's with this?" she asked as she lifte his hair off of his shoulders. "That is hair. You have some also, I believe," he remarked with a smile. "I know that you dumb ass. What I meant is, how did you go from looking like you, or James, to looking like this?" "Well," he began as he flipped a delicious looking pancake onto his plate while slapping it with a dob of butter, "This is how I am supposed to llok. I chose to remain how I look as a human because I locked away my power and chose to remain, for the most part, a human." "...but you saving me made you turn back to this?" Jennifer questioned as she had a blate thrust into her hand. "Correct. Although, it is a bit more complicated then that I am afraid," Sauriel said pouring more butter into the sizzling pan. " I would imagine," Jennifer membled as she set down the plate, not hungry after this had been revealed. "Actually, no, you wouldn't." "Well, dammit James! I have no idea what is going on. You say you are James and that you said you saved my life last night. this is like something out of some bad 'Touched By an Angel' episode and all you can do is patronize me over it," Jennifer begged as she slammed her fist down on the counter. "Look," Sauriel cooed as he put the pan on the burner next to the one he was using. "If I seem to be in a bad mood and not wanting to explain thing clearly to you at the moement, that is because I am. I basically just exposed myself to the world last night. There are three more being like me in this world. As long as I never used my powers, I could keep myself from being known by them," Sauriel said as he stared out the small kitchen window. "Why is it so bad that they know?" Jennifer asked as she leaned against the sink to watch his face. "They don't like people like me. I am a danger to them because I don't adopt their specific agenda. Now that I have made my presence known, especially after an expendature liek that, they will be at my doorstop by the end of the day if they are in a hurry. If I do not fall in line they will kill me and wait for the next poor lamb to be set out to the slaugher," Sauriel said as he turned his eyes to hers. "I thought you said you were immortal," she questioned as she saw the fear in his eyes. "I will never age and no man made weapon can ever hurt me, but the power of God or any of his minions can hurt me as much as that knife can hurt you." "That's pretty scary stuff, Jim," David said as he picked at Jennifer's untouched plate. "Yes, it is and that is why I wish that you two will leave as soon as possible. I don't fear them as much as I fear what they may do in hopes of purging the world of all those not worthy of heaven," Sauriel said as he turned off the stove and wiped his hand clean on a rag. "What are you going to do, James? I feel responsible for all this. Is there something, anything, I can do?" Jennifer asked hoping for an easy way out of all this. "This is something you can do for me, although it is nothing that can fix what will be of my fate. I want you both to go home. Once there, I want you to take everything you consider to be what you were before this morning, and throw it away. Begin anew. Take my car and make something of yourselves. You are both great people with great potential and until now, I was too weak to shake the drugs from my eyes to realize that. I'll remember you both for the rest of eternity. Work to make things better for you children. There is more to life then partying, and I hope last night made you realize that." As he ended his farewell, he climbed his staircase towards his bedroom. "Thank you, James," Jennifer said as she stared after him. "You are welcome, but James died thirty years ago. I learned that last night and now I must move forward. For good or bad, I am a creature of God, no longer of man. Sauriel is who I am now." With that said, he closed his door and Jennifer and David were left to stare at each other, unaware if they wre still dreaming. Sauriel rested his arm upon the empty porcelain sink of the master bathroom. he stared at the mirror, examining his "true" form and considering what exactly that meant. When he was mortal, he jumped at the chance to play the part of the hero. His destiny was to become a guardian and protector of humanity. Yet now, year after his change from human to immortal, had left him wanting to return to his simple life as a normal, everyday person. "I wonder who shall appear at my doorstep first," he asked the familiar stranger that stared back at him. A knock came from the bedroom door. He sighed and walked heavily to it. Upon opening it, he found his friend, Jennifer, staring back at him, her belongings cradled in her hands. "Do you really want us to take your car?" she questioned the stranger. "Yes. don't worry, where I will be going, I will not need a car," he smiled weakly as he rubbed her shoulder. "You are not going to die, are you?" she frowned as she asked. "Not for a while I suspect. More than likely I will return to Chicago and spend some time with my family," he smiled. "I never knew you had family," she mumbled as a small tear formed at the corner of her eye. "Well, it is kind of an awkward tale. They really don't know that I am family. They just think that I am a kind of man who lives in the apartment down the street," he chuckled as her frown grew longer. "I messed up thing bad for you, didn't I James?" He flinched at the name, but gave her a small hug to strengthen her washing spirits. "Do not look at things in such a light. I would have readily given my life for you or David even if I did not posess such powers. Just promise me you and David will move on in your lives. You are missing more than you could imagine." With this, he closed the door behind him and led her down the stairs as a faint "okay" escaped her lips. "For all I know, Jen, things may turn out find. Maybe they don't want me. For the meantime though, I think it a better move if you guys stay away from me for a while," Sauriel said as he opened the large wooden door. "Does that mean we may see you again?" "Probably not, I'm afraid. Although, you never know. If things turn out oaky, I may stop by to see how you are doing." She began to sob uncontrollably at this point. "Please don't leave me, not with all this happening all of a sudden," she begged as she clenched his forearm. "Don't make this any harder, Jen. David needs you. He is as lost as you are now. Be brave and help him understand. I have faith you will be a good mother, Jen. Don't prove me wrong, okay?" Jennifer nodded, and with a final hug, she turned away and headed towards Sauriel's parked car. As Sauriel saw her turn the corner he closed the heavy wooden door and stared down at the entry way carpet with it's large, smiling moon pattern. His heart became heavy as he began to think that this might be the last time he will be able to return to this home. he shook his head and headed off towards the kitchen to clean up the pots and pans that had built up during his brief, unfinished breakfast. "Maybe it won't be so bad. There is a good chance that they don't even know, or even care," he said to himself as he tried to bolster his spirits. "Who wouldn't know," came a mocking tone that caused his hair to stand on end. "What a pleasure to hear your voice again Rathe," was his reply. "You don't seem to think so. Actually, it seems like you are scared out of your wits, but that is just a small observation of my own," Rathe chuckled as he walked from behind him to face Sauriel's now pale expression. He looked almost to be the opposite of Sauriel. Black short hair jutted out in well groomed spikes, matching the very well pressed jet black suit he wore. "Why have you come here, I told you I didn't want to be a part of this any longer," Sauriel said as he walked past Rathe and began to clean the pots as calmly as he could. "Oh, I think you know why I have come, my brother. You were very smart, keeping your powers locked away for so long. If it wasn't for your slip up last night, I imagined we would probably never find you again, except maybe by some strange stroke of luck," Rathe smiled as he sensed Sauriel hightening fear. "It couldn't have been helped, and please, do not call me your "brother." I do not coincide myself with murderers," he snapped back his reply. "Do not get a temper with me, Sauriel. Consider it a gift that I haven't killed you where you stand." "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," Sauriel replied, sarcasm weighing down his words almost to a child's tone. "I am here Sauriel because I wish to give you another chance. If you will join with us, fulfill the role you were given, we will take you in with open arms. However, we are no longer in the mood to deal with such petty games like the ones you have been playing. So, if you try to brush off your responsibilities once again, we will have no other choice than to seperate you from your responsibilities permanently," Rathe said as he stiffened his back, his muscles tightening under the fabric of his suit. "Do what you wish Rathe, you always have. Just know that I won't fall in line with you and all the other homicidal lunatics you consider "guardians." If you feel that you need to kill me, then try it. If not, leave me be to my own devices," he could almost see the sadistic smile spreading across Rathe's face from behind him. "Consider what is important to you Sauriel, consider what is important. Think about my offer because you have until Friday to decide. If I don't find you with a brighter and more accepting attitude by then, I don't know what might happen to you," as Rathe finished Sauriel turned to face him, but found that he was no longer in the kitchen, or in his house. |