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She knew better than to take her eyes off Freddy for even a second. |
Chapter Seven The remainder of the afternoon had gone by fast. She had just finished with the payroll when there was a knock on the door. It had been Rusty wanting to know if he was to stay later then usual. Looking at the clock Beer saw that she was indeed late in relieving him. Apologizing for the delay Beer told him she would be right out. Locking the safe and standing to stretch taut muscles, she went to the bathroom. After a few splashes of cold water in the face, a quick brushing of the hair and a misting of perfume, she was ready to meet the waiting hoards. Opening the door to her office, Beer was assailed by the noise level of the Hatch. To some, the ringing bells of the pinball, the loud crack of a cue ball hitting a tight rack and the steady murmur of muffled conversations punctuated with the tinkling of ice would be considered as loud noise. To the ears of a bar owner, it was sweet heavenly music. Three hours later, Junior and Spike had earned their nightly compensation of drinks and were now settled in at the end of the bar comparing war stories. Shirley and Margarita were still busy weaving their way through tables with heavily laden trays. The amount of customers had ebbed and flowed like the tides of the earth, as departing customers were quickly replaced with new arrivals. In between serving drinks and conversing with the customers sitting at the bar, Beer found time to keep an eye on the crowd. Amber Cloud and Bobby Burns were completely oblivious to their surroundings as they swayed to love songs on the jukebox. A few minutes ago the twins, Tom and Jerry Grayston, blew in with a group of their friends and immediately commandeered the dartboard. Each time the door opened her eyes would check out the new arrival looking for one special face. "Margarita, has Elizabeth come in yet?" She asked while filling the requested order. "I haven't seen her." "Came in about 10 minutes ago. Think she's in the ladies room drying off." Margarita answered signaling Beer to lean closer. "There may be some trouble. That asshole Freddy and two of his shit-for-brains are sitting at her table and they have been hitting it pretty hard." "I'll keep an eye open." Beer replied. Beer thought back to the first night Elizabeth stepped into the bar. It was a night similar to this, cold and with a continuous downpour. The last of the rush-hour crowd had departed and except for a few stragglers, only the nightly regulars remained. Busy cleaning up the bar Beer paid no attention to who walked through the door. That is until a man sitting at the bar said, "God. Like at what the wind blew in." Looking up Beer saw a woman of medium height standing just inside the door and hugging a large carpetbag to her chest. The patchwork of dirty ragged clothes, which covered her from head to toe, clearly indicated she was one of the growing numbers of homeless which littered the streets. The Hatch had seen it's fair share of beggars, winos and addicts over the years. Each one looking for a free handout or a warm place to stay for awhile. A select few had been...you might say adopted by either herself or her employees. Ignoring the murmured remarks and laughter, the old woman stood there scanning the inside of the bar as if looking for someone. "Hey bartender..." yelled a man at the bar. "What kind of place is this that allows drowned varmints to wander in off the streets?" "One..." Beer had replied with a tight smile on her face. "That also refuses to serve loud-mouth inconsiderate assholes like you." Taking the mans drink and throwing it out, she rounded the end of the bar saying, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." Ignoring his mutterings she had gone up to the woman and asked if she needed any help. The old woman had stood there staring at Beer with a strange look on her face. Beer also noticed at a closer look that although the woman's clothes were old and patched, they were clean but extremely wet. "I had planned on sitting at one of your tables...just until the rain let up. Then I realized I would be making a terrible mess." She said glancing down at the puddle that had already formed at her feet. Sensing the woman's distress, Beer had signaled Margarita to watch the bar while she showed the old woman to her private office and bath. "Why don't I show you where you can freshen up a bit. When you're ready, I'll show you to the best seat in the house." That was the beginning of her friendship with the woman who called herself, 'Queen Elizabeth'. Tonight like in all her previous visits, Elizabeth would be expecting to sit at her usual place. The table closest to the radiator and the one now being occupied by Freddy and his men. The crowd had thinned out considerably when Elizabeth finally made her appearance. Margarita must have said something to Shirley, for she intercepted Elizabeth before the woman reached the table. Beer had no idea what Shirley said, but she watched as Elizabeth stood back while Shirley approached Freddy. She saw Shirley point to another table apparently asking the three men to move. Keeping an eye on the situation Beer slowly moved toward the end of the bar where she kept the Hatch's crowd control equipment. In the first few years of opening the bar, the equipment had been used frequently. Since she had gained the cooperation of the ruling gangs the majority of the equipment was gathering spider webs. Beer deplored the use of guns so her arsenal consisted of a can of pepper spray (illegal but effective), a small compressed air horn (never failed to get peoples attention), a bull horn, some medical supplies and her personal favorite, Beer Buster. An appreciation gift from some of her more imaginative outcasts, the Beer Buster was in essence a custom-designed sawed off "Louisville Slugger" with a padded non-slip hand grip. Its' overall length and weight was specifically calculated to deliver optimum swing and impact when used in close quarters, i.e. a crowded barroom. Realizing that there may be times when swinging the club would be impossible, a small shocking device was hidden in the tip (another reason for the padded hand grip). Activated by a twist-n-lock mechanism in the handle, the voltage generated by the device would (according to the inventor) bring down a "bull" elephant. She had been assured that the recipient would suffer no major ill effects from being shocked. Except for maybe a bad headache that would gradually wear off in a day or two. When asked how they could be sure of this, they snickered and pointed at two members of their group. Concerned over any legal ramifications from the use of the bat, they had conducted their own tests. Chi Chi could best be described using the term "a 98lb weakling", while Hairy Navel tipped the scales in the "bull elephant" category. Each of the men assured Beer that they had suffered no lasting effects from the shock they received. Her first victim had been a six-foot 300lb biker intent on tearing her place apart. A light touch to his backside and he folded up on the floor like a fallen napkin. A few hours later, he meekly entered the Hatch, placed over a thousand dollars on the bar (to cover the damage) apologized and left. Since then, she had no qualms about using Buster. Freddy was smiling up at Shirley and saying something Beer could not hear, when Elizabeth reached the table. Whatever he said caused Shirley's face to drain of color and Elizabeth to reach out and slap his face. The resulting sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the room demanding instant silence. The instant she saw the first movement of the woman's hand, Beer knew Elizabeth was going to slap Freddy and that all hell would break loose. It was at that very instant that time, sound and all movement screeched to a slow crawl. It was almost like watching a film being played frame by frame. Beer could see and examine each characters action, and predict their reactions. She knew what would happen next and that there would be no way she could stop it; yet, knew she had to try. Running (if slow motion running can be called that) from behind the bar with Buster gripped firmly in her hand Beer headed for the back of the room. Although her eyes were glued on the scene at the back table, she also saw the movement of the front door as someone started to enter. She had no option but to blindside the man who entered, knocking him off his feet. At the same time Freddy jumped up sending his chair crashing to the floor and grabbed Elizabeth. "You hadn't ought to have done that old woman," he sneered raising his arm to backhand Elizabeth. "FREDDY!" Beer screamed getting his attention and stilling his arm. "I would not do that if I were you." She could almost see the wheels of his mind turning at full speed as he looked from Elizabeth to her. He had been itching for a fight all day. Now it looked like his itch was about to be scratched. Yeah, he thought looking down at the old lady with disgust...you're not worth the trouble. However, if he was to take down the holier then thou bitch? Shoving Elizabeth away, Freddy turned to Beer who stood only two feet away from him. "Well...look what we got here boys. Seems Mama Beer has come to protect her little ones." I have accomplished my first goal, Beer thought as Shirley and Elizabeth slowly moved away. Now that she had Freddy's attention, it was time to try to diffuse the whole situation. "C'mon Freddy...there's no sense in starting trouble. If you and your boys go up to the bar all your drinks will be on the house. What do you say?" She could feel the stares of the rest of the customers drilling into her back as she awaited Freddy's answer. She knew better then take her eyes off Freddy for even a second. Therefore she could not help but notice the way his eyes roamed over her body. The malicious gleam that lightened his eyes made her flesh crawl. She knew the exact second he spotted buster in her hand, for his eyes darken with a deadly challenge as they locked with hers. "And whatcha gonna do if I say no?" he sneered. "You gonna try to throw me and the boys out?" With that remark the two men with him stood up pushing their chairs to the floor and took up positions to the left and right of Freddy. She could hear the scrape of chairs and the faint murmurs of "fight" as the remaining customers moved out of harms way. This was not going the way I had hoped, she thought calculating her options as she sized up the odds. She could tell that Freddy was not about to back down this time. Casually tightening her grip on Buster, Beer held his stare and answered, "If it comes to that...yes." Chapter Eight He did not like what the situation was building up to. Morgan had arrived at the bar on time only to be knocked down the moment he stepped through the door. He had not seen his attacker but it took him only seconds to regain his feet. Just in time to see the flying black tresses of a woman running past him. His anger at her total lack of concern for his wellbeing disappeared as he saw the reason behind her flight. A tall slender rough looking man had hold of an old woman and was about to hit her. Apparently, the young woman who had rushed by knocked him off his feet, knew the man for she yelled his name. Morgan was surprised by the quiet yet intense commandeering voice she used to stop the attack. His temper flared when the hood shoved the old woman away from him. He started to move but stopped in his tracks when he saw the old woman's face. Even with the makeup, Morgan was able to recognize...Julia. What the hell is going on, he thought. Since Julia was no longer in immediate danger, his attention quickly shifted back to the woman bravely facing down three thugs. If the thug had been watching carefully instead of devouring her body, he would have noticed the slight tightening of muscles as she prepared for battle. "You and who else bitch. Do you honestly think anyone here is going to help you?" Freddy shouted waving his arm over the crowd. "Hell, they're scared of their own shadow. But if you want to try, then wiggle that cute little ass over here. Me and the boys will show you a real good time." Beer wanted nothing better than to wipe that disgusting smile off his face. However, this was neither the time nor place. Struggling to maintain a calm voice and appearance, she calmly said, "I was hoping to settle this quietly before the police arrive. I know you can not afford to get arrested again, but..." "What are you trying to pull, bitch? You haven't had time to call." "You are absolutely correct Freddy. I haven't had time, but you see my employees haven't been busy." Seeing a slight wariness in his eyes, Beer continued. "Let me assure you the call has been made. In fact, I would say you have less then three minutes to get your ass out of my bar before the police arrive." As if on cue, the increasing volume of a siren could now be heard. Hearing the truth of what she had said, Freddy signaled his cohorts that they were leaving. Morgan felt his muscles tense when the thug stepped up to the woman ready to spring to her aid. He had to admire her courage as she stood toe-to-toe with the thug and returned his glare. Not a single muscle moved as the man threatened her. "You may have lucked out this time, but this ain't over yet. You're mine." Freddy's threat rang in her ears as he cocked his head and the three of them stormed out of the bar. Turning to watch them leave, Beer noticed that the man she had blindsided was standing a few feet behind her. An apology was warranted yet her main concern was of Elizabeth. Wondering if she had been hurt when Freddy pushed her, Beer started toward Elizabeth when the police entered the bar. Seeing that Shirley was with Elizabeth at one of the back tables and they were quietly talking. Beer went over to talk with the officers, knowing that Shirley would see to the woman's needs. It took Beer almost twenty minutes to convince the police that everything and everybody was okay and that the incident was nothing more than a misunderstanding. After the police left, she wanted noting better then to go into her office and shut the door. Yet, she had other concerns to attend to. The confrontation with Freddy combined with the arrival of the police had cleared the bar of all customers but a few. Junior and Spike were sitting at the bar. Elizabeth, who had retrieved her coat and bag, was now sitting at a front table waiting for her. The only other person in the bar, besides Margarita and Shirley, was the mysterious man dressed in black that sat at a back table taking in everything. Walking over to where Elizabeth sat, Beer took the woman's hand in hers and sat down. "Elizabeth are you okay? Did he hurt you?" "I am just fine dear." She said flashing Beer a warm smile. "You need not worry about me. I have dealt with worse ruffians then him. The smile was replaced by a look of self-disappointment as Elizabeth apologized. "I had no right stirring up trouble for you by slapping that young man. I simply lost my temper when I heard that filthy comment come from his lips." "Elizabeth, you have done nothing to apologize for." "Yes I have. My total lack of control almost resulted in you or someone else being injured..." Beer felt a small shiver run through the woman before she added, "Perhaps seriously." Holding tightly to Elizabeth's trembling hands, Beer tried to reassure her. "Elizabeth listen to me. I would have done the same thing as you, maybe not as gently as you did, if I had heard what he said. Freddy was looking for a excuse to make trouble. The important thing to remember here is that no one got hurt." "I know that you are trying to make me feel better dear, but the fact remains, my actions resulted in putting you in harms way." Beer felt her friends' withdrawal long before Elizabeth let go of her hands and stood. Standing also to help Elizabeth with her coat, Beer had a feeling of what was going to happen. She wanted to scream..."You can't just leave like this! Where will you go? When will I see you again?" But remained silent. "I would never be able to live with myself if something were to happen to you again. Therefore, I believe it would be best for me to leave." Beer saw the glimmer of tears in Elizabeth's eyes before she gave Beer a quick tight hug. "Goodbye, my child." Returning the hug and feeling the sting of tears in her own eyes, Beer said, "If you ever need anything...anything at all, let me know." She felt the faint nod before Elizabeth released her, picked up her bag and walked out the door. Beer stood looking at the closed door for a minute before wiping the tears from her checks and heading for her office. She had no idea why Elizabeth's' departure was having such an effect on her. There had been a number of outcasts she had befriended and said goodbye to; yet, with Elizabeth there had been something special in their relationship. Exactly what...or why...she did not know. All she knew at this time was that she needed a few minutes alone to compose herself. After that, she would have to apologize to the stranger and hope that he would not sue. Maybe he will be gone by the time I return, she thought entering the office and closing the door. Morgan had watched everything from where he sat. He had observed how the woman had handled the police. Assuring them that no harm had been done and that the situation had been settled. "Right." He murmured softly recalling the thugs departing threat. The situation was far from being settled. A second or two after the police had entered, Rob appeared searching for Morgan. Using hand signals Morgan had conveyed his instructions to Rob who then left. The door had no sooner closed behind the police than he saw her make a beeline to Julia. He carefully observed the interaction between the two women trying to pick up any sign indicating the woman was a con artist. On the surface, it appeared that she did have some type of feelings for Julia. As to exactly what he would have to reserve judgment. He straightened up in his chair when Julia stood. That woman had some explaining to do, he thought watching as the two women embraced before Julia turned and left. From here, he could not be sure, but judging by the way Beer wiped at her cheeks as she headed for the back office, she was crying. Her obvious sadness at Julia's' departure caused a jolt of concern to fill his heart. He felt a need to go to her and offer comfort and that perplexed him more then this whole situation did. Knowing the time had come to talk with his friend, Morgan stood up and headed for the door. He needed some answers before proceeding any farther. |