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Newly added too and some of it's redone. |
*~Chapter Fourteen~*~ ‘Hey Inuyasha.’ Kagome ‘Yeah?’Inuyasha ‘What are you gonna do after we find Naraku?’ Kagome ‘I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that.’ Inuyasha ‘Oh.’ Kagome ‘What do you think your gonna do?’ Inuyasha ‘I’ll probably go back to my normal life, the one I had before I came here.’ Kagome ‘Kagome.’ Inuyasha ‘Yeah?’ Kagome ‘I don’t want you to leave.’ Inuyasha ‘I’ll come back and visit if I get time.’ Kagome ‘But...’ Inuyasha ‘What.’ Kagome ‘I’ll miss you.’ Inuyasha ‘You will?’ Kagome ‘Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?’ Inuyasha ‘I don’t know.’ Kagome ‘Would you miss me?’ Inuyasha ‘Of course I would.’ Kagome *Back with Pegasus and Kouga* “With you on our side we’ll definitely kill Naraku this time.” Kouga “What do you mean ‘this time”? Pegasus “Well we’ve almost had Naraku three or four times but he always manages to get away.” Kouga “Did you hear that?!” Pegasus “Yeah it kinda sounded like footsteps.” Kouga “Hey I was wondering where you two got too.” Kagura “You! Why are you away from Inuyasha?” Pegasus “They know I’m here don’t worry.” Kagura “We were just about to head back.” Kouga “You guys are awful far away.” Kagura “Yeah, yeah do you smell Naraku?” Pegasus “No, but then again I never have been able to.” Kagura “Oh, hmm.” Pegasus “Well we better head back or Inuyasha will be suspicious of me.” Kagura “He has a rite to be suspicious.” Kouga Kagura then plucks her feather out of her hair and tosses it up landing on it gracefully. Pegasus and Kouga stay on the ground running nearly leaving Kagura behind until Pegasus notices and tell Kouga to slow down so they don’t loose her. ~*~Chapter Fifteen~*~ “Even with that Pegasus woman Inuyasha and his friends are no match for you Master.” Kanna “Hmm, maybe, but your still afraid of them aren’t you half demon.” Kikyo “You! How did you find me?!” Naraku “The same way Pegasus will find you, your miasma hasn’t dissipated nearly as much as you would have hope has it Naraku?” Kikyo “Hmm so you’ve figured it out have you or did Inuyasha tell you?” Naraku “I’m smarter than you give me credit for.” Kikyo “And yet you come in here completely alone and weaponless.” Naraku “Ha, you couldn’t kill me even if you did want to. I shall leave you to your planning.” Kikyo *Back with Inuyasha* “Hey shouldn’t Kagura be back by now?” Kagome “Yeah she’s been gone for a long time.” Shippo “Hmm, Pegasus and Kouga were running pretty fast they might have been really far away.” Miroku “Yeah but still do you think we should go and look for them?” Kagome “No, we’ll stay right here until they get back.” Inuyasha “Do you really think Kagura would have followed your instructions?!” Karomaru “Yes, because she knows that if she doesn’t we’ll kill her either now or when we find Naraku.” Inuyasha “Inuyasha I sense jewel shard coming this way.” Kagome “It must be that flea bag Kouga.” Inuyasha “Yeah I think it is.” Kagome “Hey, I see Kagura up in the sky.” Sango “Yup, and I see Pegasus and Kouga on the ground.” Lokie “Hey guys.” Kouga “Welcome back.” Kagome Kagura had landed and put her feather back in her hair. She then turned to face Karomaru. “How could you betray our Master?!” Karomaru “He isn’t my master anymore, I serve no one for I am the wind!” Kagura “Ha, if it weren’t for the Master you wouldn’t even exist.” Karomaru Kagura just ignored Karomaru and walked up to Inuyasha. “See I brought then back just as you told me.” Kagura “I see that. Fine, you can have your fan back.” Inuyasha Shippo had been holding onto Kagura’s fan the whole time. “Thank you.” Kagura “But if you so much as think one of your incantations I wont hesitate to kill you.” Inuyasha “I’ll keep that in mind Inuyasha.” Kagura “Good.” Inuyasha “What your gonna trust her thats the mistake of a lifetime!” Karomaru “She has proven herself to be somewhat trust worthy unlike you, whom we know nothing about.” Inuyasha Ha don’t make me laugh, one good deed does not prove trustworthiness!” Karomaru “Pegasus make him shut up.” Inuyasha “Gladly Inuyasha.” Pegasus Pegasus rushed at Karomaru fists raised ready to knock him out, and she did with one solid punch to the lower jaw. “Now that he’s shut up we can go and find Naraku.” Inuyasha Pegasus led the way followed closely by Inuyasha and Kagome who were walking side by side. Kouga and his friends followed them with Sango and Miroku brought up the rear along with Karomaru on Kilala’s back. “Hey Miroku what are you going to do once we kill Naraku?” Sango “I don’t know. I’ll probably settle down and raise a family. Or do just the opposite and roam around the country side. What about you?” Miroku “I don’t know either, I’ll probably take Kohoku and live in our village.” Sango “Oh I’d forgotten that Naraku had Kohoku.” Miroku “Yeah, I almost did.” Sango ‘Poor Sango she loves her brother so much and yet she may end up fighting him to the death because of Naraku, he has destroyed so many lives.’ Miroku thought mournfully. “I wonder how long it will take to get to Naraku.” Kagome “Shouldn’t be that long only a day or two I guess.” Pegasus “That long I thought you said we were almost there!” Inuyasha “We are but tomorrow is the night of the new moon.” Pegasus “Oh no why does it have to be now of all times.” Inuyasha “I wouldn’t say it so loud Inuyasha.” Pegasus “Why?” Inuyasha whispering “Because Naraku has spies all over, I’m sure.” Pegasus “Oh yeah that would be a problem.” Sango “Just a tiny one.” Lokie “What do you mean just a tiny one I could die!” Inuyasha “There are enough people here to protect you from anything.” Lokie “Hey couldnt we use the day as an advantage?” Shippo “What do you mean shippo?” Miroku “Well couldn’t we make Naraku come after us?” Shippo “No thats way to dangerous!” Kagome ‘Thanks Kagome.” Inuyasha ‘For what? I don’t want to use you as live bait.’ Kagome ‘Okay, but thanks anyway.’ Inuyasha “I think the best thing to do is take tomorrow off and get Naraku the day after that.” Pegasus “I agree.” Kagome “Then it’s settled.” Sango ~*~Chapter Sixteen~*~ *That Night* While everyone else was asleep Pegasus watched guard over the group. The last mortal she had gotten close to had been killed by a demon. She had told Kikyo that she held a grudge over Naraku, this was true she despised him, for he had been the demon that killed her love. She would never forgive herself if Lokie were to get hurt, and she had a feeling that Inuyasha felt the same way about Kagome but she wasn’t totally sure. While consumed by her thoughts Pegasus had unwittingly allowed Inuyasha to sneak up on her. “You should never get lost in thought with Naraku around.” Inuyasha whispered sneakily. “Ahh, You really shouldn’t sneak up on me like that.” Pegasus “I just thought I’d give you the heads up about getting lost in thought.” Inuyasha “Yeah thanks but the heart attack I could have done without.” Pegasus “Sorry bout that, What were you thinking about?” Inuyasha “Oh nothing, but what would you do if Kagome was killed?” Pegasus “What do you mean?! Is she in danger?!” Inuyasha “Shh, no she’s fine but lets say hypothetically that she were to die, what would you do.” Pegasus “I don’t know, that would be devastating.” Inuyasha half muttered under his breath. “Really, hmm. Does Kagome know that?” Pegasus “No and she cant!” Inuyasha “Why not?” Pegasus “Because, I’m always coming close to death and getting hurt really badly, I don’t want Kagome to be crushed and end up like a vegetable or something because some demon killed me.” Inuyasha “Inuyasha, Kagome will be uncertain if you die and you don’t tell her how you feel, don’t want to die regretting not telling Kagome how you truly feel about her do you??” Pegasus “No, I guess you right, I should tell Kagome but what if she doesn’t feel the same way about me and I come off sounding really stupid? What if she laughs at me?” Inuyasha “Inuyasha I’ve only known Kagome for a couple of days and I know that she would laugh at you if you said something like that to her.” Pegasus “Hmm, I cant believe that we’re this close and tomorrow if the night of the new moon this sucks!” Inuyasha “Yeah but at least your not alone, you have people to protect you.” Pegasus “Yeah good point, I remember when I had to hide because I was all alone and other things would have killed me.” Inuyasha “I remember longer ago than that when I would have to protect you from Sesshomaru, stupid jerk. Is he still that way?” Pegasus “Yes unfortunately, what would he do to me if he caught me?” Inuyasha “I don’t know I never let him get that close to you.” Pegasus “Well I guess I owe you a thank you.” Inuyasha “Not really, I thought it was fun just to tick Sesshomaru off, it was much like game to me. He was always all macho acting like he could beat anyone, but I whipped him every time we fought, and I’m younger than he is.” Pegasus “I bet that was huge blow to his ego.” Inuyasha “Yeah it was and I think he hates me for it, and maybe you.” Pegasus “Why would he hate me, if you the one that made him mad?” Inuyasha “I guess he was and still is afraid that you will beat him. I’m younger than he is but your half human , that would send him into a depression or something.” Pegasus “Yeah. Hey, did you know that I chopped off his arm??” Inuyasha “Who’s? Sesshomaru’s?” Pegasus “Yeah I did it with my Tetsuseiga.” Inuyasha “Father left you the Tetsuseiga??” Pegasus “Yeah. That really make Sesshomaru mad.” Inuyasha “Can I see it?” Pegasus “Yeah but don’t touch it, it has a barrier on it.” Inuyasha “Yes, I know full demons cant touch it.” Pegasus “How did you know that?” Inuyasha “Tetsuseiga, was my first weapon, I left it behind when I left home.” Pegasus ~*~Chapter Seventeen~*~ “Why would you leave a weapon like that behind?” Inuyasha “I didn’t need it anymore.” Pegasus “What do you mean ‘you didn’t need it anymore’?” Inuyasha “I just didn’t need it, that’s all, so I left it behind.” Pegasus “But it’s so powerful, I would never leave it unattended, let alone behind for good.” Inuyasha “That’s the difference between you and me I guess.” Pegasus “Why didn’t Sesshomaru get it?” Inuyasha “He couldn’t touch it and my bet is he still cant touch it.” Pegasus “How did you know that?” Inuyasha “Only a half demon or a full demon that use it to protect humans can use it.” Pegasus “Yeah but how do you know the in depth details of the spell?” Inuyasha “Because I put the spell on the Tetsuseiga.” Pegasus “You put the spell there? You’re a witch?” Inuyasha “No, that’s the only spell I have ever done I’m surprised it worked.” Pegasus “Oh, well I guess I should thank you for doing it otherwise a lot of people would have taken the Tetsuseiga away from me.” Inuyasha “No problem I figured it would come in handy some day. Have you learned the full power yet?” Pegasus “What do you mean?” Inuyasha “Have you learned how to use the Backlash Wave yet?” Pegasus “Yeah I have, I used it to defeat two demons that I can think of. I used it on Ryokotsei and a dark priestess that turned into a demon who was named Tsubaki. I’m gonna use it on Naraku if I have to. I can also use the Wind Scar and a different form of the Wind Scar that breaks through barriers.” Inuyasha “Wow, impressive history Inuyasha, I don’t think I could get the Tetsuseiga to break barriers but then again I didn’t really need it for that.” Pegasus “What do you mean?” Inuyasha “I can break really strong barriers, for some reason, really easily.” Pegasus “You seem to have a lot of power.” Inuyasha “You could say that I guess, I haven’t yet met a demon that could kill me. That was kinda stupid because I’m here.” Pegasus “Hmm.” Inuyasha “Hey how come so many people know about your transformation?” Pegasus “I don’t know the number just keeps building up on me, first Kagome found out she told Shippo. Then we found Miroku and he found out then we found Sango and Miroku told her so she wouldn’t freak out. Kouga was kinda a necessity, he was going after Naraku before now and I had to talk to him, he wouldn’t dare tell.” Inuyasha “Good.” Pegasus “So, how did you get so strong?” Inuyasha “What do you mean??” Pegasus “Well, you can do a lot of stuff, like break through barriers, transform, and Lokie said that your demonic aura was so strong it knocked him down.” Inuyasha “Yeah so?” Pegasus “So, Naraku is the strongest person I’ve ever fought and Miroku doesn’t have a reaction and he’s very sensitive about that kind of stuff.” Inuyasha “Hmm, I don’t know but Naraku seems a lot stronger than you say. I bet he’s hiding his true strength.”Pegasus “If that’s the case we’re in some serious trouble, because we have barely fended him off before.” Inuyasha “Well have you had this many people after him all at the same time?” Pegasus “No, but he can regenerate at will and absorb demons’ powers by touch.” Inuyasha “Yeah I heard that he almost got Sesshomaru once.” Pegasus “Yeah, you do get word don’t you.” Inuyasha “I told you.” Pegasus “Hey have you two gotten any sleep yet?” Kouga “I haven’t Inuyasha has though.” Pegasus “Why are you up so early flea bag?” Inuyasha “That’s none of your business mutt face.” Kouga “Hey don’t fight you guys!” Kagome “Kagome, did Inuyasha wake you up??” Kouga “No, I always get up this early.” Kagome “Really?” Kouga “Yeah she does. “ Inuyasha “Hey where did Pegasus go?” Lokie “I don’t know she was here just a minute ago.” Inuyasha Pegasus had gone to see Karomaru, she didn’t know why but she wanted to talk to him. “Hey Karomaru, what are you doing?” Pegasus “That’s not your concern.” Karomaru “It is if your trying to escape.” Pegasus “I’m not trying to get away, I’m just trying to get loose.” Karomaru “It’s the same thing to me, both are likely to provoke an attack on my part and you wouldn’t want that would you??” Pegasus “No! Leave me alone!” Karomaru “Then stop trying to escape.” Pegasus “Fine.” Karomaru “Don’t sound that way you sound so defeated.” Pegasus “Leave me alone.” Karomaru said maliciously. “Ok.” Pegasus ~*~Chapter Eighteen~*~ “Hey what did I miss?” Pegasus “Nothing much, where did you go?” Lokie “I was preventing Karomaru from getting loose.” Pegasus “Leave Karomaru alone, you do remember to the last person you did that to right?” Lokie “That wasn’t my fault.” Pegasus “What happened?” Inuyasha “They went insane, screaming about demons in their nightmare coming to life and teasing them.” Lokie “Not my fault.” Pegasus “That’s ridiculous you cant drive someone insane by teasing them.” Inuyasha “Yes you can and she did.” Lokie “I did not!” Pegasus Pegasus needed some time to herself to think and relax, no matter how much she liked Lokie and the other people she was around all the time she still relaxed the best while she was alone, a habit she harbored from her youth when she was outcast from the village. She had told inuyasha that she had left the Tetsuseiga behind but she didn’t tell him that she was forced to do it. “I’ll be back in a little bit, or at least before sundown.” Pegasus Pegasus then took off with no other word of explanation. “Hey where are you going?” Kouga yelled as loud as he could. “She cant hear you anymore.” Lokie “What do you mean?” Kouga “She’s alone, that’s the way she likes it. She can block out the world alone, she does this every now and then.” Lokie “How long is she gone usually?” Inuyasha “Don’t worry Inuyasha she’ll be back before sun down she said she would.” Lokie “But what if she isn’t?” Inuyasha “Then you’ll have to rely on one of your other friends for protection.” Lokie Lokie turned his back on Inuyasha and the gang and walked away towards Karomaru. *With Pegasus* ‘I wonder where Naraku is. I hope he doesn’t know about Inuyasha. I have to be back by sundown or Inuyasha might not be there when I get back, I could never forgive my self if anything happened to him.’ Pegasus was almost walking now, but she was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the footsteps gaining on her. “So little sister you have been awakened.” Sesshomaru “Go away Sesshomaru, I’m not in the mood for your crap.” Pegasus “Oh, are you worried about Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru “Why should I be?” Pegasus “You always were worried about him, you know what they say old habits die hard.” Sesshomaru “Go away.” Pegasus “Should I give you a reason to worry for him? Inuyasha will be a mere mortal tonight it would be so easy to just slip in and kill him right under your nose, what mood would that put you in?” Sesshomaru “Do it and I’ll kill you.” Pegasus “Weaklings shouldn’t make idle threats.” Sesshomaru “Then why are you threatening me? Besides it’s no idle threat Sesshomaru it’s a promise, harm one hair on Inuyasha’s head and I’ll personally see to your demise.” Pegasus “Touchy are we, you always have been moody.” Sesshomaru “Only when your around, your not to be trusted.” Pegasus “Who is this wretch?” Jaken had just crawled out of the weeds at whom Pegasus growls. “She is my sister, Pegasus.” Sesshomaru “I didn’t know you had a sister, is she a half breed like Inuyasha?” Jaken “Say that again and I’ll have you head.” Pegasus had picked Jaken up by the neck. “Let me go, LET ME GO!” Jaken. Pegasus dropped him on his head. Sesshomaru had started talking again, but, Pegasus didn’t care she turned and started to walk away. “Don’t walking away from my master, behold the power of the staff of two heads.”Jaken Pegasus just turned around and ran towards the fire and waved it aside and stopped just short of Jaken who looked up at her unbelievingly and she glared at him right before she kicked him as hard as she could straight up. “You shouldn’t have done that.” Sesshomaru “Why? What are you gonna do about it?” Pegasus “I’ll kill you.” Sesshomaru “You can’t lay a finger on me, you never could, brother.” Pegasus “Ha my powers have grown since our last sparing match, be sure of that.” Sesshomaru “So have mine.” Pegasus Sesshomaru then drew his sword , Tokejime, and brandished it at Pegasus. Pegasus just turned and began to walk away again. “Come back here.” Sesshomaru yelled as he attacked Pegasus. “Bad move.” Was all Pegasus said as Sesshomaru lunged at her. She took Tokejime away with no problem and brandished it at it’s owner. “How did you do that?” Sesshomaru “Simple trick, I can do it again if you want all though the Tenseiga cant hurt any thing.” Pegasus “Hmm. Where is inuyasha?” Sesshomaru “Inuyasha.” Pegasus ‘oh no I need to get back it’s starting to get dark.’ “I need to leave.” Pegasus “You can’t I wont let you.” Sesshomaru Pegasus then just took off, out running Sesshomaru easily. ~*~Chapter Nineteen~*~ *Back With Inuyasha* “Hey shouldn’t Pegasus be back pretty soon?” Kagome “Yeah it’s almost night time.” Shippo “Yeah, I’ll be a mere mortal soon. She better be back.” Inuyasha “She’s on her way.” Lokie “Good.” Inuyasha “Hey sorry I’m late but I meet up with an old foe.” Pegasus “Who?” Kagome “Sesshomaru.” Pegasus “What?! Sesshomaru is here?” Inuyasha “No he’s rather far away, but yes he is nearer than I would like.” Pegasus Inuyasha then began to transform into his human state. “Oh no. I’m nothing but a mere human now.” Inuyasha “It’s not so bad, besides we’re all here to protect you should anything happen.” Kagome “Yeah.” Pegasus “But what if Naraku comes?” Inuyasha “Inuyasha are you sick?” Pegasus “No, why?” Inuyasha “Because your worrying, that’s way out of character for you.” Pegasus “She has a point, I’ve never seen you worry Inuyasha.” Sango “Well, I am now.” Inuyasha “Yeah there’s a first time for every thing.” Shippo “Inuyasha, just try to get some rest. It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow.” Pegasus “I agree. I’m gonna go to bed.” Kouga “Hey has anyone seen Kagura lately?” Shippo “Come to think of it , no.” Kagome “I’m right here.” Kagura “Good.” Inuyasha “Inuyasha your hair.” Kagura “What are you staring at?” Inuyasha “Nothing.” ‘So Inuyasha has transform again just like that night I saw him.’ Kagura *At Naraku’s Castle* “So Inuyasha you have lost your demonic powers have you, Kanna, I believe we could use this to our advantage.” Naraku. “Yes master Naraku, I think we could as well. How will you utilize this new information?” Kanna “I’m not yet sure, I’m debating weather or not I should attack now and get it over with or if I should wait and test Inuyasha’s nerves.” Naraku “How would you do that Master?” Kanna “I shall use Kagome for this plan. I’ve made up my mind I shall do both, kill Inuyasha and mess with his mind.” Naraku “How evil of you Master Naraku.” Kanna “Yes Kanna, how evil of me.” Naraku *Back To Inuyasha And The Gang* “I have a bad feeling.” Pegasus “What do you mean a ‘bad feeling’?” Inuyasha “Nothing just like an ominous cloud but a feeling instead of weather.” Pegasus “I have been feeling that way too.” Miroku “Well that’s not good.”Pegasus Pegasus and Miroku exchanged worried looks. Shippo and Sango had gone to sleep. “What do you think it is?” Inuyasha “I don’t know.” Pegasus and Miroku “Well this could turn out to be a sleepless night, you should have slept while you could, Inuyasha.” Miroku “Yeah yeah yeah.” Inuyasha “It’s not even close to dawn yet.” Kagome ‘Don’t worry about me Kagome.’ Inuyasha thought ‘I can’t help it.’ Kagome ‘Sorry to interrupt but I found a small hut nearby I was wondering if you wanted to hold up there.’ Pegasus ‘Sounds good, I’ll ask Kagome if she wants to come with me.’ Inuyasha ‘Good idea, get going.’ Pegasus ‘Yeah.’ To Pegasus ‘ Hey Kagome, Pegasus said she found a small hut you wanna go there and hide.’ Inuyasha to Kagome ‘Yeah that’s a great idea, but I’m going with you.’ Kagome ‘No arguments here I don’t wanna be alone during this.’ Inuyasha Inuyasha and Kagome then took off to the hut (Pegasus had told Inuyasha where it was.) Kouga was outraged at this and tried to go after them. “Kagome, come back.” Kouga “Let them go Kouga.” Pegasus “But Kagome is in danger.” Kouga “No she isn’t.” Pegasus “What do you mean?” Kouga “Naraku will come this way, he doesn’t know that Inuyasha is gone.” Pegasus “Ok, good thinking.” Kouga *With Inuyasha and Kagome* “Hey Inuyasha there’s the hut.” Kagome “Good, and we’re not that far away.” Inuyasha Kagome and Inuyasha enter the hut and sit in the far left corner. “We should be safest here.” Inuyasha “Ok.” Kagome Inuyasha and Kagome sat in silence for about five minutes, waiting and listening. Every now and then they would glance at each other and blush. Then they just stared at each other. Inuyasha’s mind was filled with human emotions, this was one of the reasons he hated to turn human around Kagome, he couldn’t trust his emotions. “Inuyasha we’re gonna be alright.” “Yeah I know.” “I just hope Naraku doesn’t find us...” At that very moment there was a knock at the door. “Inuyasha I know your in there.” Naraku said teasingly. “Oh my god.” Kagome ‘Pegasus we could really use your help right about now.’ Inuyasha ‘Why?’ Pegasus ‘Because Naraku is walking around out side.’ Inuyasha “Oh no. We have to go right now!” Pegasus “Why?” Miroku “Cause Naraku is after Inuyasha!!” Pegasus “Kagome!!” Kouga Kouga takes off running towards the hut bound and determined to save Kagome. “Kouga come back Naraku will kill you!!” Pegasus “I can’t keep up Pegasus.” Miroku “Get on my back.” Pegasus “You’re joking right?” Miroku “No, you cant run fast enough now get on my back.” Pegasus screamed as she grabbed Miroku and threw him on her back. Sango burst through the trees a top Kilala. *Back With Inuyasha and Kagome* ~*~Chapter Twenty~*~ “Inuyasha I’m scared.” Kagome “I am too. If only he didn’t attack tonight.” Inuyasha “Inuyasha I’ve never seen you like this...” Kagome Inuyasha was trembling slightly, Kagome could tell he was really scared because Naraku could kill him at any time. She was scared too, but it must have been worse for Inuyasha because he had the powers to kill Naraku he just couldn’t access them on this night, plus they had been planning to attack Naraku the next day. ‘Kagome...’ Naraku “Who said that??” Kagome “Said what I didn’t hear anything.” Inuyasha ‘It’s me Naraku I’m in your head.’ Naraku ‘That’s nice now get out!’ Kagome ‘Oh, feisty are we? Good all the better.’ Naraku “Shut Up!!” Kagome “Kagome what’s wrong?!” Inuyasha Kagome then went ridged totally freaking Inuyasha out. “Kagome what’s happening?!” Inuyasha Kagome tried to answer but she couldn’t because Naraku was in the process of possessing her. ‘Inuyasha Kagome’s mind now belongs to me, what shall I make her do?” Naraku “You let her go now.” Inuyasha ‘And if I don’t what will you do you little weak HUMAN?” Naraku “Shut up!!” Inuyasha Kagome suddenly sat up and looked at Inuyasha. ‘Shall I have Kagome kill herself Inuyasha? Or shall I have her kill you?’ Naraku “She wouldn’t do that!!” Inuyasha “She wouldn’t but I just might make her.” Naraku had appeared in the hut standing not three feet away from Inuyasha. ‘Inuyasha, what’s going on?! Why cant I control my body?’ Kagome “Kagome Stand.” Naraku To Kagome and Inuyasha’s horror Kagome stood up. ‘No I want to stay sitting.’ Kagome thought with all her strength and to her surprise she began to sit down against Naraku’s wishes. “I don’t understand why are you sitting back down?!” Naraku yell at Kagome. “I told you she wouldn’t do what you told her to do.” Inuyasha “Then I may as well kill her right now right in front of you.” Naraku “You wouldn’t dare!” Inuyasha “And whose gonna stop me? You, I don’t think so.” Naraku “No I will!!” Kouga had burst through the door. “Will you now little wolf?” Naraku “If he doesn’t I will.” Pegasus had walked through the door after putting Miroku down outside and gave him strict instructions not to enter the hut unless told to. ~*~Chapter Twenty One~*~ “You!!” Naraku “Me.” Pegasus “You know each other?” Kouga “Lets just say we’ve met.” Pegasus “What’s wrong with Kagome?!” Kouga “Naraku has possessed her.” Inuyasha “How could you let that happen?!” Kouga “Well I’m not exactly in the best of fighting conditions!” Inuyasha “This isn’t the time.” Pegasus said to Kouga. “Your right.” Kouga “Get Kagome and get out of here.” Pegasus “Why?” Kouga and Inuyasha said simultaneously. “Just do it.” Pegasus “Go ahead and try.” Naraku “Don’t mind if we do.” Inuyasha. Inuyasha had picked up Kagome and was running towards Kouga and the door. Suddenly Naraku’s arm grew and hit Inuyasha in the back. “Inuyasha!!” Kagome Kagome had broken through Naraku’s possession. She ran over to Inuyasha who was bleeding pretty badly. “Kagome, your free of Naraku. Run while you have the chance.” Inuyasha “Not without you I’m not going anywhere!” Kagome “Stubborn, help me up.” Inuyasha “How cute the half breed and the mortal.” Naraku “Your one to talk about half breeds Naraku seeing as your one yourself!” Pegasus “You be quite.” Naraku “Are YOU gonna make me??” Pegasus “Yes.” Naraku “That’ll be a sight to see.” Pegasus “Tell me, do you still harbor a grudge against me for killing that human you had chasing after you?” Naraku “Yes, don’t expect me to allow you to live after what you did to him.” Pegasus Then Naraku tried to kill Inuyasha and Kagome, he extended his arm to pierce their hearts, just as fast as he did that Pegasus moved in front of them, and for some reason Naraku paused. This pause was all Pegasus needed to cut off the sharp extensions with her sward, the Enten, which looked a lot like the Tetsuseiga. “Hey, that looks like the Tetsuseiga.” Kagome “Yeah it does, but where did it come from?” Inuyasha “Ah, I see you have the fabled sward still, good, finally a challenge I will be able to enjoy.” Naraku “Better enjoy it a lot cause it’s your last battle.” Pegasus “What do you mean fabled sward? What it that?” Inuyasha “This is Enten, it was modeled after the Tetsuseiga, but you can only use it if it chooses you.” Pegasus “It doesn’t look like it’s solid.” Kagome “It isn’t Enten is made out of pure energy, some of it’s mine and others it still has from previous owners, but mostly it’s my energy that feeds it.” Pegasus “So this sward chose to belong to you?” Kagome “Yes, it’s one you the three swords that Naraku fears.” Pegasus “That’s not true!” Naraku Pegasus brandishes Enten in Naraku’s direction, and Naraku flinches and even jumps back a little. “Then why are you so jumpy around it?” Pegasus “Wait you said one of the three, where are the other one?” Inuyasha “Hmm lets see, there’s the Enten, your sword...” Pegasus “You mean the tetsuseiga?!” Inuyasha “Yes, and I do believe the other one was destroyed many years ago.” Pegasus “Enough of this idle chit chat, lets get on with it.” Naraku “Find with me it’s your funeral.” Pegasus Suddenly Naraku attacked Pegasus, he had increased his speed since the last time they had fought almost 75 years ago. He managed to stab her in the shoulder, not a very big wound even for a human, but it knocked her down. He then went after Inuyasha and Kagome again, Inuyasha couldn’t lose any more blood and Naraku knew that. As he flew at Inuyasha and Kagome, Kagome began to cry. “No I wont die like this!!” Kagome As she yelled this she stuck out her hands and a huge burst of energy shot out straight at Naraku sending him flying backward, smoking. “Kagome how did you do that?!” Inuyasha “I don’t know, probably the same way I did it when I was being attacked by mistress centipede so long ago.” Kagome Pegasus had gotten up and was standing in front of Inuyasha and Kagome, Enten was glowing with some kind of strange fiery light just like Tetsuseiga before the Wind Scar. Naraku had also gotten up and was walking out the door. “Where do you think your going?!” Pegasus “I you want to know follow me.” Naraku Naraku went out the door and knocked Miroku and Sango off their feet and walked right past them. Pegasus started out the door when Inuyasha stopped her. “You shouldn’t go, it could be a trap.” Inuyasha “You shouldn’t move your wounds will start bleeding again.” Pegasus “She’s right Inuyasha, be still.” Kagome. “These are nothing, what are you going to do about Naraku?” Inuyasha “I’m going after him.” Pegasus “What if it’s a trap?” Inuyasha “Then I’ll have to be smarter than Naraku wont I.” Pegasus “Yeah, be careful.” Inuyasha “Don’t worry about me, you just rest and take it easy.” Pegasus “I’ll watch over him.” Kouga “Kouga?! Right you’ll probably kill me if I fall asleep.” Inuyasha “I’ll be here so Kouga cant hurt you.” Kagome “Okay, as long as you’re here Kagome.” Inuyasha “I will be so lay down and rest.” Kagome ~*~Chapter Twenty Two~*~ “I’m off then.” Pegasus “Be careful.” Kouga “Yeah, yeah I will.” Pegasus At this Pegasus walked out the door after Naraku, past Miroku and Sango who were in the process of getting up. “Hey where are you going?” Miroku “After Naraku.” Pegasus “We’ll go with you.” Sango “No, stay here and protect Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is nearby remember.” Pegasus “Will you be okay?” Miroku “Yeah I can deal with Naraku.” Pegasus “All by your self?” Miroku “I’ve done it before but the pesky bugger keeps coming back to life.” Pegasus “You better get going.” Miroku “Yeah I better.” Pegasus Naraku had been getting farther and farther away, he was running from Pegasus and her sword, Enten. Pegasus easily caught up with him running along side him. “What’s wrong Naraku, are you afraid??” Pegasus “In your dreams.” Naraku “Hmm I must be your nightmare.” Pegasus Pegasus then stopped in front of naraku and swung her sword at him hitting him in the body, making him transform to his true form. “Ah, still hideous I see.” Pegasus “Your one to talk.” Sesshomaru “What are you doing here?” Naraku “Yes, brother leave now.” Pegasus “Brother?! You brought your brother to protect you? How pathetic.” Naraku “She didn’t ‘bring’ me. But she wont be the one to kill you.” Sesshomaru “Yes I will even if I have to kill you first.” Pegasus “So you wish to kill me do you?” Sesshomaru “Only if you interfere.” Pegasus She then swung her sword at Sesshomaru badly injuring him. Then she turned to face Naraku. The time has come for your demise Naraku. “Not if I have anything to say about it.” Karomaru In the confusion of getting to Inuyasha and Kagome he had fallen from Kilala and managed to escape Pegasus’s bonds. “Not you again.” Pegasus “Yes me again, and I shall protect Master NAraku to ‘till my death.”Karomaru “That’s fine with me it’s your funeral.” Pegasus “I’ll take care of Naraku while you play with his incarnation!” Sesshomaru “You won’t touch Naraku!” Pegasus “Whose gonna stop me?” Sesshomaru “I will!” Naraku Screamed and attacked Sesshomaru. “Don’t touch him!!” Pegasus screamed back and stepped in front of Sesshomaru holding Enten out in front of her. She knew that Sesshomaru wouldn’t be any match for Naraku since she had weakened him. She may have hated him but he was still her brother. “What are you doing?!” Sesshomaru “Leave now. You’re too weak to take on Naraku.” Pegasus “What?! How dare you say that to your older brother get out of my way!” Sesshomaru “No! You have to leave, or I’ll kill you.” Pegasus “Kill me, feh, your protecting me.” Sesshomaru “So that doesn’t mean I won’t kill you, leave now!” Pegasus “Fine you take on Naraku alone.” Sesshomaru “I would if you would hurry up and leave!” Pegasus More comeing soon. |