Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/969920-The-return-of-the-wee-evil-twin
Rated: E · Fiction · Comedy · #969920
Another fairytale about the man living in a far far away country
Once upon a time in a country far far away there was a man. He was a very very very tall man.He was so tall, he was almost as tall as a mountain.Which was totally good because his middle name was mountaineer.
He loved to walk up and down mountains. Especially when there was a Subway in the neighbourhood where he always enjoyed a chicken sandwich with everything but the olives,cause those are from hell.

Yes, he had a good life.But it has not always been so good. What only a few people knew was that this very very very tall man had a brother, a twin brother.When they were both young, they were very close. As close as twins can be.This is all went well until they became 16.Out of a sudden the tall man's twin brother started to change.
He became interested in evil things like olives. And he went to matches of the football-club from hell: Ajax. He also did evil things like stealing, hitting, making a bad mess.And what was even worse was that the tall man got the blame for that a lot of times.
In the end the tall man got so fed up with it, he decided to move away to the far far away country where he lived ever since.

One day the man drove to work. He always drove to work, although he lived 500 meters away, but he liked to drive. He had a busy busy busy job. It was also a job with lots of responsibility because he was the only one in his workfield who had so much knowledge and experience.
All with all he liked his job.

After 40 minutes he finally arrived at work. It was just 500 meters away but the traffic was crazy. He parked his car and showed his teeth to the bushes in case there was something evil in it. He walked into the building and greeted the man at the reception. He realized that the man gave him a funny look. It even looked like a blaming look. Bad thoughts came into the tall man's mind but he immediately blocked them away. It all happened in the past, he thought by himself. That is all over now.
He did his work and eventually forgot about what happened.

Late in the evening he finally went home. It had been another busy busy busy day and he was dying for a cold gin-tonic.
When he arrived home, he saw a light burning in his house. That is weird, he thought. I could have sworn I turned all the lights of before I went to work. Well, maybe he forgot that one. He put his car in the garage and went inside his house.

He went straight to the kitchen because he was very thirsty. Suddenly he saw a big pan on the stove. There was something boiling in it. He got a wee bit scared now,what the hell was happening? Slowly he walked to the pan and took of the lid. He got a total shock because inside he saw one his wee fluffy animals. It was dead. The tall man took his anti-ghost shotgun out of the drawer and slowly started walking to the living room. The house was haunted by ghosts but he always managed to destroy them with his anti-ghost shotgun.

He got into the living room and then he got the shock of his life. Because there he did not see any ghosts. No, he saw a very familair person sitting on the couch. It was his wee evil twin brother. He was in such a shock. He did not know what to say. Hey my wee brother, his evil twin said with an evil smile on his face. Long time no see. I am not little! the tall man said. Yes, yes, I know, the evil twin replied. You were always the funny one and the sweet one and the very very very tall one......But that is over now! I am back to take what is mine. I am back to take over your life!

Never! the tall man shouted. I started it already the evil twin said. Did the man at the reception at your work gave you any funny looks today? What did you do? said the tall man. Well, his evil twin replied, I do not want to get into details but let me tell you, he won't let you bring him any chicken sandwiches from subway anymore! Oh no, the tall man said, please do not tell me you put olives on it, those are from hell. Yes, I did the evil twin said. I knew you were evil but that is totally evil said the tall man. How dare you to come here and make a bad mess of my life? And he pointed his anti-ghost shotgun and shot his brother. Hahahahahahhaha the evil twin laughed. You thought you could shoot me with that, keep dreamingg...zzzzzzzzzzz The evil twin had fallen unconscious on the couch.

Pfew, the tall man sighted. Lucky I bought the anti-ghost shotgun special deluxe with poisoned arrows for humans! What to do next. He started to pace up and down the living room, thinking hard, which was a wee bit difficult because he was of course a man and could only do one thing at the time. And he needed to breathe also. He thought and thought and breathed and breathed and suddenly he had it. He thought of a great idea.

On one of his travels he went to the country of Iduas where he helped the resistance to get rid of the evil Queen and to clear the name of the wee fluffy animals. The one big thing that made that happen was the God's Eclair. He made a dangerous flight with his magic helicopter together with the resistance and the wee fluffy animals. They flew to the island in the oilfields where the wee fluffy animals after a long battle took away the God's Eclair. All the people got a piece of it through their food and they were free again and got rid of the Evil Queen. And lucky lucky tall man, he still had a piece of it in his freezer and maybe he could use it on his twin brother so he would not be evil anymore.

He took the piece out of the freezer and put it in the microwave to defrost. Then he got some ropes and tied up his brother in case he would wake up. Half a hour later the evil twin started to move as far as he could move with all the ropes. What, what happened? he said. Why all these ropes? I hope this works the tall man thought by himself. Here brother, he said, have a bite of this nice eclair. He had a feeling his brother could not refuse cause he loved eclairs. Actually that was one of the rare things they both had in common. Aye, I am hungry the evil twin replied and he opened his mouth. He chewed and chewed and chewed and suddenly something happened. His face started to change. It became more friendly, softer. He started to smile and it was not an evil smile, it was a nice smile.

Thank you my tall brother, he said. I was put under a spell by an evil witch when I was 16. This spell made me very evil and you finally found the way to save me! The tall man took away the ropes and the 2 brothers embraced each other. Finally everything was back to normal. They talked about everything that happened and after one month when they finished talking the once so evil twin went away to make a life of his own. And the tall man? He stayed in his big house, drinking gin-tonic, eating chicken sandwiches with everything but the olives, sometimes climbed a mountain and he lived happily ever after.

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