Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/968594-Beyond-the-Horizon
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #968594
What mysterious magicks lay over the un-chartered horizon?
The quiet city of Silontacop rests just above the rinto peninsula, it's streets are teaming with life, different ages and races swarming the markets and squares. It is ruled by the corrupt and greedy council who have brought back such atrocities as the slave trade and unfair tax. The harbour that jutts out into the waiting sea has only ever held boats that travelled up and down the coast, and the air ship moorings at the tip of the mountain above is not different. The other side of the ocean was a complete mystery, until now. Scholaires have uncovered historic documents telling of a great ship leaving for the far shores, searching, it seemed for a magical treasure so great, no one man could harness it. Even now a crew of the most intelligent, skilled and favoured of the kingdom are gathering, planning the trip to sail the unknown and find the missing ship, which had carried the last Princess and heir to the now empty throne.

Some of these people may be willing to participate in the journey, others may not be quite so happy to go along, a few suggestions on who and what would be asked/forced to attend:

Captain and crew of ship
Scholars and proffessors
Weather controller
Map expert
Foreign languages expert
Spies of the corrupt council

These are just suggestions if you have any other ideas use them!


Please don't swear

Romance is allowed but don't go OTT

Don't kill other peoples characters without asking permission first, it's not polite!

Don't go over an event multiple times please, it gets dull.

Other than that have fun!!!!

P.S. Characters that gave been made in the previous one may be brought over to this one but it's not a rule, you can make a new character if you want.

Name: Her real name is Mayella Cin Var Alastre but not many people know this. She is known at court and throughout the other SKY CAPTAINS as Feather Bolt. Most people just call her captain and some of her crew call her fluffy behind her back (affectionatly)

Age: 191 in Sestriazlan years and looks about 19

Gender: Female

Race: Sestriazlan (winged folk)

Appearence: Mayella (like all Sestriazlans) has a pair of wings that are about 3 times as big as her. She is quite tall and has tanned skin. Her arms and legs are covered in sllek white feathers (the same as her wings) Her hands and feet resemble a hawks and are clawed. Her hair is a light brown colour and is laced with the same feathers. Her eyes are blue and very eagle like. Her torso is not feathered and she wears a black leather corset. She looks striking and has a very human feel.

Personality: Mayella is very professional and doesn't like idle layabouts. She is not afraid to speak her mind and has a very short temper. Her soldiers and crew respect her and she is well known at court.

Weapons: She carries two curved swords strapped across her back and a sling and pouch of hardened pebbles. She also uses her claws.

History: Her people live in large and very beautiful palaces that stand at the tip of the mountains, it is almost always snowy and cold there. Mayella's is one of the many princesses at court but that life did not suit her. Instead she left to find the city of Silontacop and become a soldier. She left when the council started becoming corrupt and is now a SKY CAPTAIN

Occupation: She is the captain of an air ship called the Whisper, she is feared and hated by the council because she fights against the slave trade so they are sending her off on this mission to try and get rid of her. Her name is legend among the common people. She is an exceptionally skilled flyer and fighter.
Name: Yama
Age: Unsure, about 19
Gender: Male
Race: Ishadi - a form of elemental magic weavers that are supposedly descended from a Siren and a Tryen.

Appearence: Tall, slim, blond hair that falls over his face most of the time but he often styles. He has cerulean blue eyes and clear pale skin. He is strong but does not always seem it. It takes alot to make him smile but when he does he appears almost ethereal.

Personality: He's loyal to his friends, so much that he has gone almost to the point of death on one occasion for them. However he does tend to distance himself from others, often prefering his own company. He could be seen as a cold, sarcastic pratt but deep down he's none of these things. He's and inside outside person and you have to see the inside before you understand him.

Weapons: Elemental energy, he prefers using shadow water and wind. However he does carry a broad sword and a belt of knives.

History: He was brought up in a small village with many of the Ishadi and taught the gift of the elemts. However when he turned twelve the village was ransacked by Urgals and along with three other Ishadi was taken prisoner to work in their underground mines. He had slways been powerful and despite their mind games stayed sane and formed a plan with saved a draft of the Urgals slaves. He has been travelling ever since but he remembers very litle of his life before the Urgals only that he is an Ishadi and he knows the ways of Old Magic.

Occupation: Currently working as a weather weaver for the fishing ships, keeping them safe from storms and from the bigger swells.
Name: brett

Age: 20 (he looks) really: not sure, very old.

race: tryen( the all male species that are dryads and completely irresistable, a bit like their sister species, sirens, except not evil. There appearence changes to suit the wishes of the beholder. Women, (and even some men!) are irresistable to their charms.

Appearence: in his natural form, eg to maya and the tryen, not too anyone else, he has floppy blonde hair, and really deep blue eyes, his skin is smooth and he is tanned, just enough. A scar runs from the end of his index finger across his palm. He is gorgeous.

Personality: Sarcastic! witty and sharp he is normally in a bad mood, and doesn’t appear to notice the women swooning at his feet. Brett is a charming rogue he could snatch the shirt off your back and sell it to you for 100 times its price, making him a good merchant, a brilliant getter of 'information' (spy) and he'll never get caught (his features change to the eye of the beholder) Most tryen are extremely vain, but he isn't...very much, and they have the ability to only see someone's inner beauty, meaning they have a perculiar tendency to wince at the sight of some, less 'virtuous' beings. Everybody loves him, nomatter how grumpy he is, because of his charisma and wicked sense of humour.

history: fed up of being stuck in a land with only one gender, he set sail on one of the few ships that stops on the tryen's island, with Mayella as the captain and no belongings. (aswell as half a ship of girls ;p (well, not that many, but for him, its a lot)he is fed up of the vanity of his race, and is setting off to see the world.

weapons: doesn't need any on most people, but he has a permanant companion- a transdaemon, which is a wild cat that can go from kitten to tiger size in a flash. It grew strangely attatched to him, and he can't get rid of it, it will attack anyone trying to harm him.

Occupation: spy, merchant, and currently first mate on maya’s ship.


Name: Shen
Race: Fallen constellation

Appearence: Short and petite with long black hair, dark eyes and a pale complexion. She carries a leather pouch on her belt which holds two, small, round pieces of charcoal. She also carries a small rose-wood flute.

Personality: She always seems to be distracted as if her mind is else where. She doesn't seem very emotional and doesn't talk much. She is able comes up with helpful information at odd times and she is very very quick, usually more so at night rather than the day. She doesn't play politics because she does not notice them, nor does she seem to follow any particular authority because, once again, she does not seem aware of one.

Weapons: hand to hand combat and knives in addition to magic which she doesn't know about nor use.

History: Shen was sent to the earth by the greater constellations centuries ago for a reason that was wiped from her mind the moment she touched the earth. She doesn't remember who she is or where she came from or what she was supposed to do. So she wandered, distracted by the feeling that she was to do something, before she decided to stop wandering, for reasons unknown, and took a position as spy for the court.
Name: Verity

Age: 220 (equivilant of the human 20)

Gender: Female

Race: The Fallen (a sort of Elvish type, all mystery shrouded and all of that cool stuff)

Apppearance: Verity is about 5'5" and 135 ibs, with long auburn hair and greenish eyes. She is pale skinned and trim. She wears close fitting, fairly nondescript, but well cut clothes, often men's breeches, shirts, and high boots, but can be quite elegant as well.

Personality: Verity can be quiet and contained when she is around unfamiliar people, but her normal personality is warm and funloving. She adores a good joke and loves music and dancing. However, there are some parts of Verity's past an heritage that she will never discuss, and nobody knows just what she may be hiding.

History: Verity is a member of the Fallen Court, the system of governing for her people. She is spy, linguist, and when called for, petty thief. She is one of the most powerful members of the court but takes very little credit for herself. Her early history is unknown, and she doesn't care to share it, but the royal family that she is the sole surviving member of is strangely absent from any of the record books. This isn't a problem since Verity fills in the records herself. She has taught herself in the ways of weaponry, linguistics, diplomacy, deceit, and oddly, music. There are hundreds of legends of her in her home, most of them sharing a common belief that she was deeply wronged at a young age, but nobody has any idea what the truth may be. Verity often takes unexpected, sudden trips to faraway lands to research, assassinate, or just relax.

Weapons: Verity fights with a worn looking rapier with a single ruby set in the pommel and several well hidden daggers, but she is well versed in all of the major types of weapons that she is strong enough to wield.

Occupation: Council member: Spy, language expert, thief, and diplomat, with some bard's skills.

Name: Elise Vindergoth

Age: 205, but appears 17

Gender: Female

Race: Oracle

Appearance: Elise is about 5’8” tall and has a slight build, which makes her lanky in appearance. However, she truly possesses a fair figure. Her sliver hair falls just past her shoulder blade and she has bangs that fall over her yellow left eye. Her right eye is a vibrant blue-green and her complexion is slightly tanned. Tattooed on her right upper arm is an eye with a flame within the center, the mark of the Oracles. She usually wares a black hooded cloak, and dress according to the occasion or her mood.

Personality: Elise is very calm and tamed personality and doesn’t socialize more than she feels necessary, because she devotes most of her free time to meditation. Because of the Oracles’ ability to foresee the future, she is not usually surprise by things. She can be smug at times but for the most part has a humble nature.

Weapons: Foreseeing the future is her greatest weapon (although her ability is not fully developed yet, restricting the things she is able to foresee.). She possesses some proficiency with magic and healing. She also has a staff with which she is an extremely skilled. She can also use a sword and bow and arrows when they are available to her.

History: Her real name is Tayalise Rivdel. She was born in the land of Mar, home of the oracles. When she was born, it was clear she possessed the Prophet Eye, the Oracle’s symbol. Few were born with it, so when she was younger she was put under immense pressure to gain control of its power. She never did, which disgraced the elders of her clan. For this, they banished her until the day when she can control it fully. She came to Silontacop and adopted the name Elise Vindergoth. Now she has become a well-respected Seer, keeping her Prophet Eye as far from view as she possible can. She joined on to the crew of the Whisper in hopes that the journey can help her develop control of her eye.

Occupation: Seer and Healer
Name: Lowshade

Race: Aquesians; known as ‘water people’ by some. The Aquesians are around 7 foot tall. With cerulean blue skin that has dark patches of pigment. It is thick and leathery, and there is no hair on their heads. These people are thin in stature; with feet and hands extra long. On the sides of their arms they have fin like appendages (with little spikes). It is natural for them to breath water or air. Being an underwater creature he does not have very good eyes – but he can ‘see’ sound.

Age: 27 (quite young – as this is a long living race.)

Description: Lowshade might be thin, but he is very strong – sinewy muscles bulge from his body. He wears scale-mail like clothing – that is a grayish green. His eyes are a bit of an oxymoron; instead of being hard and tough, they are a gentle incandescent blue. Each of his long finger tapers of into a pointed ivory nail – thus his finger tips are nail. He carries jewelry make from shells.

Personality: He has a disinterested way about him. It is almost impossible to hurt his feelings – and even if you do he will probably just shrug and say “humans!” (or something with the same effect). Lowshade doesn’t like to hurt people; but he is cold in the heat of battle.

Weapons: Lowshade can generate electricity from the tips of his fingers - like an electric eel (much stronger), and project it across long distances; this along with his ‘sound sight’ can also be used as an effective weapon, for he can concentrate sound waves and use them as a shock wave (to stun the enemy). Also he has a crossbow like weapon – that shoots javelins. His javelins are thin, like needles, with dangerous barbs at the end. Attached to his back, he carries a long and dreadfully thin sword; it is made from an Aquesian metal that emanates a green glow. Finally he has two hidden daggers of the same metal.

Skills: Lowshade decided to become a fighter; he is a mercenary. However the Aquesians are interested in collecting rare artifacts for themselves – so who knows what his motive is? He is very good around ships – and he will help out whenever he can (He believes that the Aquesians are the only true sailors – and he does not want the ship to sink) No one really knows his other interests or skills – but his fighting skill is good enough!
The choppy waters of the ocean caused the boats and ships to rock about uncannily on the dancing waves. The market, which was just up hill from the sea wharf was a bustling hive of activity, brightly colored stalls hosting everything from woven cloth to shiny weapons of varying value. The gulls wheeling over head swooped and dived down to snap at the left-overs from the fish market. A tall black cloaked figure stopped before a stand of intricately carved bows, taking one in her strong hands and examining the loop string. Sighing she placed it back on the table; she did not have time for this. Turning from the merchant who was still trying to sell her the bow, she scanned the market for what she was looking for. Catching sight of a short merchant with a bristling moustache over by the sea's edge, the cloaked figure started making her way through the crowds.

Her name was Maya, though not many people knew this and even less would dare call her by this name. To the common people she was Feather Bolt, one of the most respected and skilled Sky Captains in history. Unlike many of the sky captain's, Maya did not change her ways to match to the new council. She was still firmly against the slave trade, and hated by the people who had got rich from it. Her ship, 'The Whisper' was moored high above her, at the tip of the rearing mountain, in the Air Ship harbor. She was here on two errands, one to find some more sail material and the other to find a certain Ishadi, whose talents she was interested in. The moustached merchant finally saw her and a greedy look of expectation came across his grubby features. He knew Feather Bolt and the business that came with her. As Maya neared he stepped forward and bowed,

"Stand straight, you idiot," she hissed at the figure in front of her, "I do not want to be seen, do you have what I need?"

"Yes, Captain," he replied in his oiliest voice, "sail silk, the best you will find,"

"Good," she answered, "and how much am I supposed to be paying for this?"

"100 rubees," replied the merchant gleefully, "for the lot" he added hastily as Maya gave him a warning look.

"I'll take them for 75, and not a rupee more," she offered calmly, knowing that even that was a rip off. It was no matter and she was in a hurry.

"Done!" came the merchants reply, "I'll deliver it to you by noon."

The captain merely nodded and turned to leave. Just before she melted back into the crowd she noticed a line of slaves being marched up from the docks, their chains clanking gloomily. Maya clenched her teeth together so as to stop from crying out as she saw that the limp forms were in fact children, no doubt just having been sold to a miner and would now use them as explosive carriers, between one shaft and another. Maya turned her eyes away from the monstrosity and started the long walk over to the fishing wharfs. She was surprised by the number of soldiers out patrolling but then remembered about the scholar's findings and of the fabled treasure; no doubt the armed guards were there to stop any trouble. Keeping her head down she wove her way between the masses of people, thinking about the planned voyage over the sea. She would love to be the captain whose ship was chosen, and she knew she had quite a good chance of succeeding as the council wanted her out of the way.

Suddenly Maya felt a prickling sensation run along her feathers. All Sestrialazans took very good care of their plumage as it was impervious to magic and warned them when magic was close by. The captain risked a glance behind her and saw a group of soldiers coming up the street, shoving aside civilians, and led by a scarlet plumed officer, his badge marking him out to be a mage as well. Maya knew magic had just been sent at her but she wondered why these guards had been ordered to attack. It was almost impossible for anyone to know who she was as her cloak hid most of her features. She did however know why they might be after her; she was not very popular with the council as they were quite sure she had had some part in the succeeded attempt to help several ship loads of slaves to freedom. They had no proof however and since she and her crew were so popular with the local people, they would risk a rebellion on seizing her. As the company drew nearer, Maya sized up her chances. The cloak she wore had been protecting her from the eyes of soldiers but it was heavy and restricted her movement and since the soldiers knew she was there anyway, there was no harm in taking it off, after all, if the crowds around her knew who she was then maybe the soldiers would lay off their attempt at her.

Stopping abruptly she turned to face the on-coming soldiers, reaching up to pull the hood down from her face. She let the whole cloak fall in a heap to the ground, enjoying the feeling of the breeze on her feathers. Her hair whipped around her face as she glared at the approaching officer, daring him to cause trouble. The crowds fell away from her in awe and excitement, realizing just who was standing before them. Maya wanted to reach for her twin blades but made herself stand calmly and await the arrival of the guards. Her long slender claw like hands, the feathers transforming smoothly to tanned skin, hovered over her pouch of stones and sling.

As the crowds parted to let the garrison of soldiers through, the officer cursed at the attention that Feather Bolt was attracting, he would have preferred to give her his message quietly but she had seen him coming and protected herself by making herself known. He brought his soldiers to a stop and issued harsh orders to the crowds that had gathered;

“Be gone, there is nothing to see here,”

“Really, sir ” the captain said, loud enough for everyone close by to hear, “The market place is public, they may come and go as they please.”

The officer cursed again under his breath, he hated Sky Captain’s and this was one of the worst,

“I have a message,” he barked trying not to let his anger show, “from the council, you are to attend a meeting at sun-down, in the great library, bring any other members of your crew who you trust to help you make decisions, if there are any,” he finished sneering.

“Right,” Maya answered coolly, “I’ll do that”

The officer turned away looking disgruntled, “and don’t be late,”

“Oh don’t worry Sir I won’t be,” whispered Maya, opening her colossal wings and leaping into the sky. She flew upwards fast, watching the people shrink beneath her, most of them staring up in awe. She needed to find the Ishadi fast and since her cover had been blown, she saw no reason why she should not avoid the crowds.

Yama stood on his usual cliff, watching as the white crested waves hit the jagged rocks below. The sky was clear, a chill in the breeze that wrapped its fingers about him and the calm sea echoed as it shattered on the chalk head land. A storm would be brewing tomorrow if he was not careful, the thermals of the air were warm above but not below. With a gentle sigh he gazed out to the horizon, imagining the worlds that must live beyond the great expanse of the BlueStone Ocean, past the Seas of Mist, into those uncharted places... Places that plagued his dreams with soft scented words and wretched tears.

"Sir Ishadi?" a small voice spoke from behind him, one of the youths from the village stood uncertainly in his path, her hair falling infront of her face, "Father Patron was wondering if maybe, prehaps, that it would be possible maybe, for you to come for a visit sir... And tell us the Weavings of the time sir... For he is worried sir..." the hesitant words pulled a frown over Yama's face.

"What were his exact words?" Yama had a feeling in the back of his mind that this message was more than what it appeared.

The youngster fleeted a glance up at him, meeting the cold gaze with a shiver, "That the time may be that the Weather Weaver is called for, the ship is to be leaving, but the Wind must speak first.... Or something like that sir, I'm not entirely sure sir. It w as very strange sir. So will you come sir?"

"What's your name?" The last part was familiar.


Yama nodded and turned back to the ocean, "Then tell him: the Ishadi will not come, for the boat can sail herself."

The girl slipped away with out a word. She seemed distressed though, her feelings mumbled in the breeze.


A ship on the horizon vanished into the sun. It had been a monstorous thing. Black sails, clanking chains and scarred creatures of every race, destined to a bitter life of slavery. A growl escaped his throat, he had a mind to sink the ship in a storm... It would not be hard but then again... He would be killing those he sought to free... After all that was why the council had moved him here, despite his uses. He had been suspect to a series of slave escapes. Something he had denied because they had no proof.

He was sitting, half meditating when the beating of wings pricked in his ears. He let a fleeting smile pass across his face. She was here. The one who had lead him though never before had they met. Maya.

"You took your time." He said softly as she she came to rest beside him.

"Why didn't you come when the Father Patron called?"

"He is not my Master. And nor are you."

He could sense her smile, "Same old Yama, ne?"

Cerulean blue came to rest on eagle eyes. They travelled over the one he had followed before, but never known. "What need have you of an Ishadi this time around? Especially when you never came before."

"Because this time the council wants me to go to them, and I need the support of those who I know agree with me and who would be loyal to me."

He nodded, he saw her point but, "Why me?"

"Because you're Yama."

That made his smile rekindle for a brief second. The wind became that little bit warmer, "Let's go."

She grinned, "I;'ve sent messages through Father Patron to others that I hope will join us. So you ready to fly?"

"I said let's go." Rising with a swiftness that obviously surprised her, Yama took to the sky, stepping onto a gust of wind to take him where ever she needed.
Brett grimaced and stepped back as he saw the look on maya's face. she circled above him, Her white feathers contrasting greatly against sky, imbued with greens and blues that merged into a floating sea of colour.

She began to descend slowly, her eyes spiked with steel, and looking very much like she wanted to throw something. He quickly noted the glint of steel in her hands, and ducked.

"You are coming with me!" she demanded throuhgh gritted teeth, grabbing him sharply around the wrist.

Pain shot through his nerves like bolts of liquid flame, burning his nerves and sending shivers down his arm. "boss!" he whimpered, "CLAWS!"

he looked down at the sharp dents in his arm and began pouting automatically, nursing it better with utmost seriousness.

"talons actually! oaf!" Maya murmured, trying not to grin at the sight before her.

" excuse me!" he huffed " i'm a bloody good looking oaf thankyou very much!"

"narcissisic tryen."

" stroppy princess"

"vain cabin boy!"

"how can i help it? everytime i look in a mirror i see my gorgeous self!"

"tryen cant look in mirrors stupid, there's that whole inner beauty thing."

"bloody shame isn't it!"

"what? you'd get even less work done than you do already if you could see yourself in a mirror!" Maya retorted

"less? how can there be less than nothing? unless you count being gorgeous as work! in which case i'm brilliant!"

"Comeon, we're going!"


" to visit the primeminister and his wonderful council!"

"WHAT???? bloody weasel couldn't fit his hear in the state of cherek! and you want me to have tea and buiscuits with him?" Brett sulked, his eyes darkening to dangerous levels.

"not my idea! besides, you get to do some spying for me."

"I DO??" bretts eyes lit up immeadiately.

"yeah, but first, we're making a stop off."

*sorry its crude, writers cramp*

She sat, cross legged, out on a rooftop somewhere on the tops council building. She liked the heights and the tall spired places and no one ever bothered her there. The sun was setting and she was enjoying watching its beauty.

The sunset. There was something important about the sunset. Shen unfolded herself gracefully and tilted her head toward the darkening sky. A few stars twinkled, hesitantly, as if still afraid of the sun.

Then she remembered the council meeting and the council man who had approached her earlier. They wanted her to sail to the edge of the world and beyond with the ship they selected. They wanted her to act as their eyes and ears for a treasure or some other thing that they prized. The treasure or whatever it was did excite Shen in the least, but she knew she was going.

It was a simple fact. She was going on the ship, whatever ship it may be. She would know it when she saw it. She wasn't going because the council told her too, in fact half the time she forgot about the council, but rather she knew it was something she was supposed to do.

She wondered idly about the random bits of knowledge, that came to her as suddenly as a breath or a gust of wind. Then she stopped herself and made her way down to the council chamber, dodging in and out of the stuff of night. She could move smoother now and a lot faster, even more so in the day.

No one saw her as she moved down the halls and underneath the painted archways. She passed the first mate of the ship known as the Whisper disappear down the shadows of another corridor. Probably spying for them, Shen thought to herself. It did not matter to her.

She stepped out quietly from behind a tapestry in the circular council room. No one seemed to notice her right away, no one ever really did. So she sat cross legged on the floor with her back against the wall.

"...and we will of course give you a percentage." The head council man was talking. Shen had long forgotten his name and tended to tune him out while he was speaking. The captain of the ship seemed that way too. She was fierce looking and had intelligent eyes. Shen knew sh would be sailing with her. She cocked her head and smiled absently. The Ishadi who was with the captain, (Mayella, Shen fished the name from the depths of her memory), had noticed Shen, apparantly a while ago, and had drawn the Mayella's attention toward her.

The council man noticed Shen for the first time and started. "And this is Shen, who we will send with you to help you on your journey."
Verity sat, shrouded in shadow, in her darkened study. All the arrangements had been made, by no less than herself, and her newest trip was soon to commence. It couldn't be soon enough.

She glanced at her magic fed time device. It was an exotic device acquired in the Southern Isles. It would be dawn in about two hours.

She combed her fingers through her long hair, which hung loose around her shoulders after hours of being knotted tightly as per Court rules. Her black silk corset was tossed over the back of a chair and she was clad in a loose black skirt and top, also of silk. Her pale feet were bare. She rubbed the her eyes furiously with the heels of her hands as the minutes continued to tick by unbearably slowly.

After a moment she stood, stretched aching muscles, and quickly donned men's garments and tied her hair back with a leather thong. She murmered the words to a minor cantrip, not a powerful spell, but enough to make her look like a youthful male. She locked the door to her study with an ornate key on a chain around her neck, and escaped the council building.

Soon she was jogging slowly, in the pitch black of the very early morning. As she felt her muscles begin to loosen, her pace increased, and she built up a steady pace.

Her keen eyes easily picked out her surroundings.
She could make out the coast line appearing. It was a bad spot for ships, the docks were several miles down, so it was a fairly deserted location. She felt the sand give slightly beneath her feet, and sighed with relief. It was times like this that kept her sane through Court sessions.

An hour later she was back in her study, reversing the spell, and in her woman's garb once more. She laid down in her bed, knowing an attendant would arrive soon.

As predicted a plump woman soon bustled in. She woke Verity, who had feigned sleep, and helped her into a black, brocaded skirt and another black silk top, then laced her into her corset. She wound Verity's long hair into tight braids and pinned them to her head, tossed her fine black leather boots at her, then pronounced her ready.

Verity nodded the woman away, wincing as the corset prevented her from taking a full breath. Time to go.

"Maya. Maya!"

Verity grinned as she caught her old friend's eye.

Maya turned to her, then smiled.

"You again. I suppose you're needing transportation somewhere, then?"

"Yes, I have a date with the Council, and this time I think that I may actually honor it."

"Look at you. You know that get-up won't work so well on deck."

Verity gave her a secretive wink.

"Don't tell anyone, but that shouldn't be a problem. I'm going on board to put on real clothes. I'll speak to you later Maya."

The two mock saluted each other and Verity trotted off towards Mayella's ship. It was time to take off the corset and rid herself of the agonizing braids.

The silence in the room was deafening and that was why it was Elise’s favorite. She sat in quiet meditation letting her mind empty in hopes that a vision would come to her. Nothing came.

She rose, slightly disappointed at the unproductive session but she couldn’t be too angry at herself. Probably she had taxed too much of her energy earlier, it was always a possibility. A smile managed to form on her usually frowning lips as she exited her meditation room heading for the main room of her little shop. She didn’t sell things like foods or for that matter objects, no quite different. Her merchandise of choice was insight into the future, a product she sold sparingly but sold it all the same.

Today had been an average day but as a precaution Elise decided it would be wise to close up shop, no need exhausting herself to the point it could became dangerous for herself. She was content to now just take a peaceful walk through the city.

“Are you the Seer, Elise Vindergoth,” a voice questioned coming from behind her.

She turned to see a messenger standing behind her, a messenger of the council, which surprised her more. She had no care for the council and her opinion of them was an indifferent one. Secretly she was against their views on many issues, but she didn’t voice her opposition openly. When it came to matters of the council, as long as they stayed out of her way she would stay out of theirs.

She eyed the messenger for a short time before she gave him an answer. “I am and what would it be you want of me.”

“Well you’re the Seer you tell me,” he replied laughing.

Elise was not amused, “I have no time for foolish jokes such as that one and how unoriginal of you. Deliver your message and if not you are wasting both of our times, and I HATE wasted time.”

Her word seemed to put him back in his place, wiping the grin off his face. He swallowed hard and handed her the letter, “The council sent this to you, it contain all you need to know.” He disappeared shortly afterwards running away as fast as he could. Elsie didn’t mind much anyway he was stating to annoy her and he was better off out of her sight.

She opened the letter and read it silently to herself. When she was done, she headed back for her shop. The content of the letter the letter was basically a request that she join the crew of the 'The Whisper’, an airship captained by the famous Feather Bolt, as it embarked on it’s mission. Elise had no other choice really, the council had much power and although the letter said they “requested” she knew it was a command. She packed what ever belongs she felt was need, keeping her luggage light and headed for the Air Ship harbor. She wasn’t upset however, something told her that this voyage would be to her benefit as well.
Lowshade strutted into the bayside pub. Not accustomed to the dryness of this place, he sought to have a drink. His tong felt tacky against his mouth. It had not been long since he had left his watery home; in a few weeks his body would adjust to the change.
“Ow, what I wouldn’t do for a nice kelp beer!” he thought.
“Yes,” said the bartender “what is it you want?”
“Could I just have a beer, with five spoons of ground salt, please?”
The bartender looked up and down at Lowshade and silently served the frothy brown beer.
Lowshade drank the thick brown mixture in silence, meditating.
“How in the ocean am I going to get that artifact?” he thought.
It was just as he was drinking the last globs of salt at the bottom of his glass, when he heard it.
“…you think the whisper will actually get it?”
“Well she is a grand sailor”
“Tell me what you know about the artifact!”
“What?” said one of the drunken men, “we’re not going to tell you anything.” The drunk deliberately turned around and ignored Lowshade.
Lowshade felt his throat humming ultra high pitched sound, ready to blast it at the fool. But he changed his mind; it was no use getting locked up over it.

It wasn’t long before he made his way to the dock. Majestic ships floated in the air. Towering the skies. So many sails were out that it was like a flock of birds. Even with his poor eye sight, it was easy to spot the whisper, standing amongst the thick clouds. Such a grand ship,
“It is fortunate they will have me as apart of the crew, it would be a shame for such a magnificent vessel to be wrecked.” He thought.
He leapt from the cliff like dock, and with a double twisted looped summersault; landed squarely on deck.
The watchmen’s eyes almost bulged form his head.
“Whowa, how are… um” Mumbled the watchmen.
“I’m” said Lowshade, as he twisted his head, making several cracking sounds, “going to work on this ship. Mercenary and TRUE crewman Lowshade, at your service”
The man on watch just stood there, looking blank.
Lowshade scanned the entire deck with his ‘sound sight’ all of a sudden, he knocked the watchman out of the way.
“What the…”
From behind the hapless man sprung a dark figure, clad in shadow like cloth. It had a pure black dirk in its hand. Lowshade had no time to draw his sword, but he did grab one of his daggers and simultaneously discharged pulse electricity from the tips of his clawed fingers. The shadow man still lunged to attack, but was unable to do any damage because he was numb from the electricity. With only half a flick, Lowshade sunk the dagger into the dark creature; while drawing his sword with the other hand. Two more appeared on the other side of the deck and emerging from the cabin was a shadow magic weaver. Lowshade was humming now, and as the cloaked men advanced,
“chaTHONK!” He yelled a sound blast, knocking the shadow spawn back.
The magic weaver blasted him with magic and he curled into a ball of agony. With all of his might he got ready to use pulse more electricity.
“Ha! Fool!” yelled the magic weaver, “I can easily block any energy you send towards me”
Pain continued to cut through Lowshade, as the two remaining shadow men advanced.
“B-but” said Lowshade, “I NOT AIMING FOR YOU!” he yelled.
Pulse electricity ran from his hands and into the thick cloudy sky. It was just enough to course a chain reaction. Lightning erupted from the clouds. The entire sky was a full sheet of it. After the bright flash, the magic weaver was smoldering ash that fell away with the first touch of wind. The other shadow spawn were not even seen.
Through all of this the watchmen, just watched.
“I’m not sure who is after you” said Lowshade “but they certainly want this ship stopped”
“Um, well, I guess you can stay,” mumbled the poor watchman.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Calls himself Riot

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Halfling (He's partially Human and Sestriazlan)

Appearance: Riot spikes his short dark hair upwards and has long sideburns that come down halfway along his face. His eyes are different colors, one being brown and the other blue. His skin is a light brown, a trait from his human mother. He also has a very noticeable birth defect from coupling of his parents, Riot has a single large black wing instead of two. He can glide but never could truly fly. He's fairly muscular being a fighter and average height.

Personality: He tends to be a serious person, but easy to get along with. He's not complex, just doesn't share much about himself although he likes to listen to others about their life or problems.

Weapons: Likes to use throwing weapons. Has an assortment of throwing knives, stars, and axes among his person; some concealed and some not.

History: His father was one of the winged people and his mother just a human. Their union was not a common thing. The father could not stay though, but Riot never let it bother him. He left his mother in the end to take up fighting. He felt out of place just having a normal life with only one wing.

Occupation: Warrior
"What do you think you are doing?" it was not a question, "who the blazes are you?"

Feather Bolt was back, she had just landed in the centre of the deck, scaring the already terrified watchman almost into hysteria. The watchman was new and did not have what it took to sail on this Sky Ship. Maya wondered where the rest of her crew where but then she remebered that she had sent most of them to gather supplies, none of them would have let a stranger walk onto her ship without so much as a stutter. She turned her eagle like eyes upon the intruder, "what the hell do you mean by this?"

The Aquasian looked back at her without a hint of fear or recognition in his eyes, they seemed almost lifeless. Maya's eyes flitted around the deck and came to rest on the pile of smouldering ashes. She nodded at them, "what is that?"

"That is the remains of the Ishadi who attacked me," replied the Aquisian calmly.

The captain felt blood ringing in her ears as she swallowed this piece of information, it couldn't be Yama could it? No, that was too awful to imagine.

"Don't worry captain, I'm here" came Yama's voice from behind her, he and brett had just scaled the rope ladder attached to the side of the ship.

Maya did not let the relief she felt show on her face. Her crew would be back soon, as would all the others who had been asked, or forced to accompany her on this voyage and Yama was safe.

She turned her attention back to the waiting Aquesian, "Whats your name?"


"What makes you think you can just walk on here and expect to be allowed to stay?"

Lowshade shrugged, " I'm a good fighter, I can handle electricity and I can sail well."

The captain looked back at him sizing him up, "what was that about?" she asked pointing at the pile of ashes again.

"As I've said, he attacked me, so I delt with him."

Maya made up her mind, "Brett, take Lowshade down and show him where he is to stay, he is part of the crew now. I will not tolerate any idleness Lowshade, I am the captain here and anyone who has a problem with that leaves now."

"Thank-you captain," replied Lowshade and turned to follow Brett down into the cabins.

Maya looked back at Yama, he nodded and the two of them made their way down into the captain's sleeping quarters, there they met Verity, the spy Shen was coming on board later in the evening. Maya wondered who else they would be taking on this venture, the ship needed a large crew if it were to sail such a long distance but Maya had all faith in her vessel. It could go the distance. A stomping noise from overhead signalled the arrival of the rest of her crew, a mismatched lot but adventurous clever and brave, she would not do without them on this voyage she was about to emabark upon. The council had said something about a Seer who would be joining them. The captain had never met a seer and wondered what they would be like, she was a warrior and adventurer through and through and wasn't sure about the oracle and mists of time side of life.

Brett sighed in frustration has he marched down from the deck, the cat meandering between his legs. Bloody idiot, some stupid watchman letting people randomnly board the Whisper. He had shown Lowshade to his room and beat a hasty retreat. Brett was slightly worried about the identity of the smouldering Ishadi, but it appeared that someone didn't like the whisper and it's crew at all.

He stomped doggedly down into the galley, grabbing a crust of stale bread. The cook, a portly fellow with a bad crush on brett, smiled weakly, and with alarm brett quickened his pace, pausing only to yell obcenities at one of the crew, who swore back loudly and went back to what he had been doing.

He had learnt a very disturbing thing whilst spying, one that he needed to share with someone. The prime-minister had sent someone abard Maya's ship a letter that ordered her death, if she were to find anything worth finding in the unknown land then she was to be killed quickly and the find be brought back to the Prime-minister, the bastard. Brett wondered who the traitor was, he had no doubt that Maya would soon find out and have him thrown from the ship but it still worried him that such a scum bag had managed to get onto the whisper in the first place. He scowled at the thick door of his cabin and pulled open the solid thing, slamming it into the frame with a crash that seemed to vibrate through the boning of the ship.

His room was quite big,for a cabin, but sparsley furnished. A shelf of books sat on one side, collecting dust and salt as their dog-eared and battered covers peeled with age. Well, they were a couple of centuries old. A navigation desk sat in the corner, lit by a thief's light that he had stolen years ago, and above it stood a chart of the waters around the Tryen's island. Papers and records were stashed behind a loose plank, and were so messy that it would take Maya, the most efficient person he knew, years to sort out, but him only minutes under a random code he had made up in the mid 1500s. (It was now well into the 2050s) a pale girl with auburn hair sat in his worn rope hammock, wearing one of his shirts nonchalantly.

" verity!" he swpre, what in god's name are you doing here? Shouldn't you be spying on the minister, that egotistical..."

" hot head? yeah, but i chose to visit you instead!"

She was stopped before she could even come on board.

"Who are you?" the sailor asked gruffly.

Shen blinked and gave away her name.

"Ah right then. You're okay then...I suppose. There was a...disturbance really, earlier today so were all being extra careful and the like."

Shen nodded and gave the man a comforting smile before moving on to plant her feet firmly on the deck.

It was evening once again and this time she watched the sun bleed over the horizon from a place much closer to the earth. A breeze sprang up and played with the stuff of night that was her hair, whispered in her ear and went off, bouncing merrily over the waves.

Where would this take her? she mused staring off into the sunset. Her strange urges and compulsions had taken her many places and she had seen many sights but never had she gone beyond the sea. She fingered her rosewood flute idly and someone cleared their throat from behind her.

"Ma'am. Captain wants you below deck."

She shifted her pack and nodded. Most of that which was supplied by the council she had either given away or sold except for a few items of food and the letter.

Below deck she met Mayella officially as Captain to her new crew member. The woman was sharp eyed and command fell over her like a cloak. A door shutting from behind them produced a woman exiting one of the rooms.

"This is Verity, an old and dear friend," Shen bowed her head and gave a soft smile. "And this is my layabout of a first mate Brett." Shen blinked and looked at the empty hold. She heard a voice and blink several more times before the man she had seen spying in the council building appeared before her. After introductions were made the two slipped past their captain and disappeared above deck to continue a conversation they were having.

"This will be the room you will be using." The Captain was moving again before Shen realized it. "We don't have much room so you will be sharing it will a Seer who should be arriving shortly."

"I thank you for your hospitality. Any company to this room will be welcome." It was the first time Shen had spoken and her voice lilted and carried a bit of an unidentifiable accent. She bowed as her Captain went to leave the room and began to unpack.
Verity and Brett continued their conversation on deck.

"So, a traitor," Verity murmured, pitching her voice so only Brett could hear her.

"Well, m'dear, we've both of us known Maya for quite some time, and traitors and people wanting her dead have never stopped her before. She may already know. I suppose you should say something to her, though."

Brett managed to make a face at her without marring his handsome features.

"I wasn't born yesterday, Verity, as you well know. I'll tell her as soon as she has a moment to spare for me."

He struggled to maintain his expression, failed, and they both dissolved into laughter, momentarily putting their worries aside.

"Oh, Brett. How have you been? Last I heard you were making trouble a couple hundred miles from here. It took me an amazing amount of trouble to clear you for that, by the way. I hope you appreciate it."

Brett didn't bother with pretending to be abashed.

"Oh well, I see you've wasted no time in making me pay you back for your troubles." He gestured at his shirt, which she was still wearing.

"You obviously weren't using it. How would you like to walk around here in a corset, eh Brett? I know you're vain, but I don't think you'd stoop to that."

He swatted at her, and she ducked his blow easily, laughing at him.

He raised his hands in truce.

"I might ask how you're doing too, Verity. Still spying on that good for nothing Minister, you said. Someday he'll find out and you'll be dead, you know."

"Oh, I'm better than that. Besides, I'm useful to the Minister. Nobody's bothered him about taxes since I've been around, and that's all it took to keep him from asking questions. I've gotten some more practice with the magic, too, so I can walk my way out of a potentially," she hesitated, "volitile situation. You know me."

"Yes, yes I do. Civilization'll crumble before you do, and you'll be standing there laughing when it happens."

They laughed together and walked along the deck continuing their conversation, and after a few moments Verity decided she was hungry.

"Let's go get something to eat, Brett. As I recall, you eat almost constantly."

Brett looked distinctly uncomfortable.

"Look, Verity, maybe you should wait until later. I'm really not hungry."


"Er, you see, the cook has grown rather fond of me..."

Verity burst into laughter as Brett turned slightly pink.

"Come on, you, I'll protect you from the cook."

She dragged him off to the galley with her, promising to tell him more about what she had been up to after they ate.
Elise fingered the paper in her pocket already anticipating what was to come. As she made her way closer to the air ship, one of the sailors stopped her. Before he could say a word, she pulled the paper out, holding the letter from the council for him to see.

“So you’re the Seer,” he began eyeing her curiously; Elise could sense a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Only nodding in reply, Elise put the letter away.

“Well then,” he smirked, “The captain, said she wanted to see you the moment you arrived,” he paused for a moment calling another one of the crew over to him. “Follow this bloke, here. He’ll take you to the captain.”

Elise nodded again and did as he asked. Soon she found herself in the captain’s quarters, face to face with the Feather Bolt she had heard so much about. Elise knew of the Captains true name, and dare she say now being in her presence she was quite impressed with what she found. It was no wonder the council fared Mayella.

Their talk was brief, which was to Elise’s liking. They soon parted ways but not before Elise was directed to the room, she would share with another.

As Elise entered the room, a slight glint of worry came over to her. Socializing had never really been a strong point of hers; homely her new roommate would be bearable.

“You must be the Seer,” the girl inside the room smiled. What was so hard to believe about me being a Seer, Elsie thought to herself chuckling a bit inside.

“That would be me,” Elise replied smiling which was a little outside character, “Elise Vindergoth, and who would you be?”

“Shen, pleasure to make you acquaintance,” she replied simply.

Shen is it, Elsie said to herself giving the girl a quick look over, she seems nice enough. “I think I should warn you in advance, I might not be as social as I should be. But that’s no fault of your own, it’s just the way I am.”

“I understand,” Shen smiled again, Elsie only now catching her accent.
Lowshade unpacked his belongings in a few beats of time.
“since this ship is about to set sail… I better get to work” he said to himself.
Lowshade started immediately working at whatever job needed doing. His hands were constantly like wasps of fire moving faster than they could be seen. He volunteered to anything that had to be done and orders were obeyed almost before they were spoken. All the while he worked in quiet determination. In truth Lowshade loved it on such a wondrous vessel. He felt free, fresh and alive. The only constraint was the lack of water but he felt sure there would be no problem in adapting.
A Non-Existent User
Full name: Ray Renara (Most humans just call him Woody, but he likes to be called Ray).

Age: ??? He wishes nobody to know his age (He looks about 22).

Gender: Male.

Race: Cogra (A gecko race).

Appearance: 4.5 feet tall gecko, brown bark-like skin (He looks a lot like bark when he stands perfectly still), dark brown, very good eyes, a fat woody tail and suction feet. He wears brown clothing, a brown cloak, and never wears shoes.

Personality: He keeps to himself. He has a fear of water (He can’t swim), but he never shows it and he never tells anyone. He loves heights; it makes him fell more secure. He is very trust worthy, and has faith in others. He is also empathic; this means that he can sense other people’s feelings.

Weapons: A longbow (He is a sniper), poisoned arrows, poisoned darts and a black dagger.

History: The Cogra were always a nomadic that lived deep in the forests and jungles, some tribes of them were captured and made as slaves, but the Cogra retaliated, war broke out and many of both sides died. The Cogra almost got wiped out completely, now there are only a few left; however none of them live as slaves. Most humans hate them.

Occupation: Foreign languages expert. Ray can speak 47 different languages witch include His own native language – Cogrien – and he knows the root words for many more, so he can learn a new one very quickly.

Favorite foods: Most insects, vegetables and especially fruit! Ray can’t be poisoned; he can smell poisons a mile away and has a resistance to it. He loves the sweet taste of fresh water, he doesn’t like milk and he hates beer!

Other: Ray’s skin is slightly chameleon; he can make his shin go a darker brown or a lighter brown.


Ray looked around at the sky ship; most of the crew were very busy. He scanned the ship for the captain. There were lots of people of all different races; he could recognize all of them… Sestriazlans, Ishadis, Tryens, Oracles and many more other races, one creature that he could only see one of was an Aquesian (Fish-like person), the Aquesian was working very hard scrubbing the deck with a brush and a big bucket of water and soap, Ray could feel a happiness on the Aquesian that he didn’t feel on any of the other creatures. Ray still couldn’t see the captain when someone called out from behind him.

“What are you looking for?” Ray turned around quickly and gazed upon the captain, Maya.

“Well sir, I was eager to find you, I’m new ‘ere an’ I was…” Ray was interrupted so he stopped talking and listened.

"Whats your name?"

“Ray Renara, sir” he answered respectfully.

“Ah Ray, you are one of the foreign languages experts that I have been expecting! Have you found your cabin yet?” Maya wasn’t prejudice with the lizard, but she still wasn’t sure weather to trust him or not.

“Aye, I am sir! What would ya like me ta do?”

“I have heard that you have good eyesight, is that true?”


“And you are good with heights?” Maya continued.

“Aye! Do ya wont me ta be the watchman?”

“Yes, you can be a part time watchman when we leave, go up and check out the bird nest, see it for yourself, but for now we have plenty of workers cleaning up and doing all that needs to be done, you just settle in and tomorrow we will see if there is something for you to do.”

Ray could feel on her that she was very pleased with the lizard being so respectful and happy to start work right away. He didn’t tell her that he was an empath though; he knew that it may be useful someday.
A Non-Existent User
Name: Anya

Age: looks 16

Gender: Female

Race: 1/2 Vampire 1/2 Sestriazlan

Appearence: Standing just over 5', she's short, but has a curved body shape. Her complexion is a light shade but very toned. She weighs just about 100lbs, but is pretty strong from being a vampire. Her hair is a dark brown shade, falling to her shoulders in layers, and a few locks in her eyes. Her left eye is a light indigo color while her right is purple shade.

Personality: She is calm even in the worst of situtations, always staying level headed and controlling of her actions. She speaks in a pure melancholy voice, making her seem cold and harsh, but she has a heavy, compassionate heart. She's extermaly protective of her friends, and will never let anything happen to them. If you get close enough to her, she'll speak more human and show emotion, she'll even smile.

Weapons: Twin daggers, Ether Bow, black magic

History: She's been living most her life as mercenary, living off the money from jobs she takes. She doesn't remember much before that, and wont dig into it. Ask her about her past, you'll get a evil glare then a cold shoulder.

Occupation: Theif, mercenary, pay her to do any job and shell get it down
Maya turned from the lizardlike Ray, she was glad to have found a good watchman, The Whisper hadn't needed one when they only sailed up and down the coast but now they were heading for the horizon and beyond so it was much more important. Lowshade was working well, getting down to his tasks without complaint and getting them done well. The wind was whistling through the canvass, which reminded Maya that she was expecting the delivery of the sail silk she had paid the fat merchant for. It was turning out to be a rather strange day, not only were people turning up who had been asked to accompany her on this voyage, but people like Lowshade and Ray were volunteering their services without obvious motivation although the captain knew that they must have some. In her mind she quickly ran over the people whom had joined her crew becuase of the voyage. Brett had told her of the letter moments before Ray had boarded and although she had suspecting some form of treachery, she had needed his confirmation and the details he had been able to provide.

There was Yama, although Maya knew at once it was not him, he was a true friend. He controlled the weather with his Ishadi skills and so was indespensible.

She also knew it could not be Verity, although she was a council member, those two had been friends since they had meet all those years ago when Maya was young and had only just left her mountaintop home. Verity was an excellent diplomat, spoke a lot of languages (although as she had recently discovered not as many as Ray who spoke more than 40!) and was a good theif and Bard, good knows they would need some entertainment!

That left Elise, the Seer and Shen, the spy, Ray, the languages expert or Lowshade the mercenary. Somehow she could not believe it of any of them but her instinct told her to be careful of them, and her instinct had never been wrong. Of course it could be someone who had not boarded the ship yet, she needed to collect a few more fighters and sailers to bulk out her crew and she knew that a proffessor or scholar would be coming aboard to direct them to where they were supposed to be going. A map expert and a scribe would also be useful and Maya did not know whether the council were going to sort them out or whether she was supposed to.

Yama had been testing the breezes for hours, a warm front was coming their way for the eastern mountains and from the north ran a cold wind that he knew would cause problems once they were out at sea. He stretched himself out further, his mind riding the thermals like a bird. Out of nowhere a blackening gale shattered the peace of his travels. It's voice rang like a warning, screaming at him in words that all at once made sense and yet did not. He should be able to seperate himself from this, but it was no natural wind that was ensnaring him. Gripping his body tightly it's grasp it whispered the only thing he would remember of the encounter

"You maybe part of the wind. You may understand the purity of Weather Wind but even you can't handle the Seas of Time. The Winds of Mist will take you down."

Then it was gone, his mind went white. The words seemingly coming from nothing. The black gale forgotten in an instant. Something was wrong though and as he found himself on the thermals, he understood that something had just happened and he needed to tell one someone. Danger lay ahead but how he knew it was a mystery.

As he seperated his mind from the weather he brought himself out of meditation. Sinking back to the floor after being so far away made his head spin. This was normal and yet... Something about it seemed different. Shaking away the feelings that shrouded him, Yama rose to his feet. He wanted to talk to Maya or Brett, he knew he could trust them... The words in his head echoed like a thunderstorm in his head. He did not understand. Comeing away from the top deck he returned to the hubbub of the readying ship.

"Yama! There you are!" It was Maya. Had she been looking for him? Why had she not found him? He was only on top deck... "You look like ship fodder..." She said, quite frankly as he came closer.

"Thank you." He replied, a little put out. He had just been warned in meditation and all she could say was that.

"You're alright though, right?"

He nodded slightly before taking her by the arm, into the shadows. He did not want anyone else to hear this. Maya looked worried, something had ben bother er before and she knew he was not one to fool around, "I have to tell you something. I don't think you'll like it."

As he murmered the words, her brow furrowed. "You're right. I don't like the sound of it one bit."
Brett stalked doggedly over to where maya and yama stood. His eyes storming angrily as he walked, muttering darkly to the cat.

"what on lacrile is wrong with you brett?" Maya asked carefully.

He sighed and sat down on the teak bench beside yama, his face buried in his scarred hands as he swore in several languages at once.

"I tend to not like it when someone is trying to kill my friends."

Yama's faced darkened intensely. "you haven't found them"

" do i look like i've found them?" Brett muttered darkly.

"i mean, i look like the prime-minister's backside and i'm a tryen! Everyone on this ship is clean, all have inner beauty. One of the mercenaries is slightly on the ugly side but its just acne, which means its not permanent, possibly got dumped. Trust me, murderers look like they've been through a meat grinder and been re-assembled."

"Are you positive you've seen everyone?" Maya asked, a lock of her tawny brown hair flying across her face, as she gazed into the distant skies.

"yes i'm sure. I would recognise them. Besides, I'm the only tryen not cooped up on that island at the moment. Whoever it is is coming, and won't know i'm a tryen, i'll just look like one of their species.... so they don't know we can catch them before they start."

"Keep your friends close..." yama started, the idea dawning through his cerulean blue eyes.

"...and your enemies closer." Maya finished for him.

"we know the prime minister and the council hired them, don't we?" yama said quietly. his face filled with a sad thoughtfullness, "so... what if they've persuaded some poor sucker that they're killing someone evil. they might have thought you'd enlist the help of a tryen. They don't know who it is, but they might think you know one. in that case, the person would be fine to brett, as they would have inner beauty."

"true... i'll keep a close watch on the crew. while they're still new here they won't recognise me. I'm inclined to think that the person is a mercenary or one of the people the council made us take along." Brett replied, the cat stalking between his legs with agitation, as though it knew what was going on. Normally possesive of brett, it jumped over to maya and into her weather beaten arms. sitting and watching with keen, all-seeing eyes.

Brett smiled limply, as though it were foreign to him. "hows about that. I thought birds and kitties didn't mix." He scratched the cat behind its ears lightly, "the bugger deserts me when i start getting slightly fond of it."
The inkpot monkey waited patiently as finished drawing the sky.

She completed the complex work circles, overlapping and intersecting with stars hanging onto them as jewels on a string. She blew on it slightly to dry the ink and thought to herself, and it is this day we leave.

She pushed the inkpot back and the tiny primate grabbed it and drank the rest of the black liquid, sitting back comfortably and going to sleep when it had finished.

She smiled at it and rose to put the charts away in her pack. As she buried them in a small inner pocket her hand brushed another paper. That letter. What did it say again? Ah no matter. All she remembered was that it had made her smile but some part of her made her keep it hidden. The part that only began to understand these people among whom she wandered told her to keep it secret.

She stood and made her way to the deck, leaving her roommate some down time and the room to herself. Dodging between shadow and light she surfaced onto the deck which was awash with activity.

"We are leaving soon," she asked the captain, appearing suddenly at her side.
Name: Skylar

Age: 2308, but looks more like she would be in her late teens.

Gender: Female

Race: Kalimora (a type of elf, she is the only one left.)

Appearence: Skylar is built small, only 5'2 with few well choosen curves. Her long golden blonde hair falls to the middle of her back, and is almost always left down. She has large navy blue eyes that are surrounded by dark, long eyelashes. She has a small face with a long nose, thin light pink lips, a prefect pointed jaw and a pair of pointed ears. Skylar has two tattoos one of a K on the small of her back and another of a cresent moon on the back of her neck. She usually wears a pair of dark blue pants that cut off right above her knees, a long sleeved white shirt that is covered by a silver vest that falls to midthigh, white stockings, a pair of colonial shoes, and a long dark blue cloak that keeps her body and face hidden from on-lookers. Skylar can stay hidden if she does not wish to be seen.She is an elf, what do you want.

Personality: Everyone can feel her experience around her. She also has the gift of having a calming affect. Skylar is intelligent, honest, caring, repected, is quite serious most of the time, but likes to joke around. She is shy and still very young.

Weapons: Skylar has a longsword with the ensign of her people, a deep blue K on the silver hilt. Although it has hardly ever been used.

History: Skylar was born on the large island of Kalimor, where her people survived for thousands of years. She was little when a tribe of outlanders killed off the rest of her dying race, her mother hid her in the floorboards of her house. Skylar letft Kalimor vowing never to go back. She has roamed the lands looking for knowledge.

Occupation: Skylar is a scholar, although she does have a background with warrior skills.
Verity took her evening meal with Maya. The two had had a trying day, to say the least, and both were exhausted.

Verity glanced at Maya over the plate of food that had been waiting for them when they entered the room.

"What's on your mind, friend? This obviously isn't the first time your life has been threatened. Tell me what's worrying you."

"Something feels different about this Verity. I don't like that Brett can't see our culprit. This is much more complex than most of the tangles I've been in involving my life."

Maya sighed deeply, then reached for the wine.

"Serve yourself Verity, I'm not so hungry."

"Ooh, the Captain's meal. Stop spoiling me, Maya."

Verity laughed and reached for the leg of turkey that had been prepared for Maya. She ate it demurely with her quick fingers, picking apart the meat instead of biting directly into it. She and Maya discussed the course of the ship and its occupants, Maya idly tapping her fingertips against the wooden table as Verity ate.

"Here Verity, have some of the pastry. I can't eat it, and we won't have anything like this once we've been out at see for a few days."

She pushed the tart in Verity's direction. Verity reached for it, then stopped, a strange look blossoming on her face.

"Verity, are you all right? You look even more pale than usual."

Maya stood looking at her. Verity's hands had begun to shake violently.

"P-poison!" Verity managed, trying to push aside the pastry plate. She stood to look at the remainder of the turkey leg and fell suddenly, unconsious.


An hour later she awoke in her bunk. She lay, feeling as though her insides were full of daggers, staring at the wall, then noticed she was not alone in the room. Yama sat in a corner watching her silently. When he noticed that she had awakened he nodded to her, then left the room silently. A moment later he returned with Maya and Brett.

Brett gave her a worried grin as Maya stalked up to the bunk.

"What happened? Are you all right?"

Verity nodded weakly, tried to pull herself into a sitting position, and collapsed.

"I'm all right, thank you. Just a bit angry at myself that I didn't suspect poison to begin with. Fortunately it wasn't a very good one. A good poison takes a good while longer to take effect. Besides that, my body is different enough from yours that it would take a lot more poison that I ingested to do me in. If you'd eaten, though, you wouldn't have been so lucky."

She stopped to catch her breath, then continued.

"Whoever did this uses a much lower quality of poisons than I have ever used myself. I'd say this was just a halfhearted attempt, not the final or master plan. Still, I'll have to check all meals before they are eaten. I have some herbal mixtures that can help me find poison. I also think we should check the holds for remnants of the herb used, but I don't think we'll find anything."

She closed her eyes again, tired from the exertion of speaking.

"I'll see you back up top once you feel up to it, Verity, until then try to rest. I'll keep guards posted outside your door and Brett will check on you now and then."

Maya turned with a swish of plumage and left the room, followed by Brett and Yama.


After the sun had set Verity began the painful task of getting up and dressing. She held onto the bunk for support as she searched for her clothes, then laid down again to slip into her loosest breeches and a black tunic. She shoved on her boots, then stood again, stopping a moment to catch her breath. Pushing off the support of the bunk, she started slowly for the door and opened it, waving away her guards. She had to have a look around to make sure everything was normal on deck.

She made a slow, agonizing circuit around the deck, stopping every few seconds to clutch her stomach as the feeling of daggers in it worsened.

After what seened an eternity, she had made it almost around the deck. She saw a dark figure perched on the rail, and headed for it, silent even moving as awkwardly as she was.

Suddenly the pain within her worsened unbearably, and she lost her footing, hitting the deck face first. She dragged herself up doggedly, grasping the rail for support, and looked up at the figure beside her. It was Yama.

"You shouldn't be moving around just yet," he said, easily lifting her so that she was leaning next to him on the rail.

"Just stay here and rest."

Shen had just left, and Elise appreciated her time alone. She decided to make use of it.

Elise soon realized that the walls were thin and she could here undertones of the clamor above deck. She did well to block out the sounds, soon slipping in to a short mediation, as was her habit.

After she reawakened, Elise too decided to head on deck, perhaps she could be of some use. She scanned face to face on her way taking in the variety of people and emotions present on the vessel.

She was at a lost why the council would have wished her to go on this mission when they had so many other Seers in their employ. Perhaps it was because she was the best, or perhaps for reasons even unknown to one such as her.

Shaking of the bad feelings as some as they came, Elise decided it would be best the search out the caption within the mass of faces. Then she could find out what her task onboard would be.
Lowshade worked without letup; yet his sound sight caught any movement around. His hands wove at some ropes and coils. Then his spine shuddered; looking around he focused and saw what appeared to be a dark creature!
Eyes shot into dark dots.
“Vampire!” He yelled.
Anya had merely walked aboard the ship, and the commotion of the ship had blocked out Lowshade’s scream.
Power built up in his hands, as he watched from afar. He had almost reached Anya, when the mass of searing anger drained away.
Almost forgotten was any reminiscent reason to attack the Vampire. A pretty Elf appeared next to Lowshade.
“You seem to be in a bit of a rush,” she said.
“Um, yeah, but no matter,” he replied.
“My name is Skylar.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Lowshade.”
The Vampire, Anya slipped from Lowshade’s sight. Lost in conversation, and predigest washed away with the wind.
Anya couldn’t help but notice the fishman; it almost made her walk right away. Sense stepped in, soon she calmly walked away to find the captain.
What were the chances of two arch enemy races walking aboard the same ship? The Aquesians and Vampire war had been over for generation, yet they still spat in each others face.
A Non-Existent User
Ray carefully watched the crew as they gossiped to each other and worked away to their jobs.

Another lizard was there. He wasn’t an Oakra or any other type of Cogra lizard, he looked a bit like a crockadile, he was taller then the other creatures, but didn’t work as hard. Occasionally the lizard would stop and quickly look around.

Ray felt there was something out of place. He was acting strange and Ray got a bad feeling from him.

“I’ll keep a watch on this one” Ray thought as he walked off to his quarters.

Ray sat on a small box, reading one of his books. Suddenly he could feel the presents of someone else in the room with him. He pretended to keep on reading. Behind him the feeling grew like the warmth of a campfire, he slowly turned his head…
Right people, I'm closing this campfire to outsiders so no more people will be allowed to join, therefore we will all need to help with a few extra characters who I will bring aboard in this addition, if you want to add a second character please do but remember what we need is a scribe and a map expert. I am presuming that Skylar is the scholar that Maya is expecting. I am also going to say that any chacter who has had a bio blog written for them but not been introduced to the story yet is now a member or the crew and always has been, in this list are Riot and Anya and I'm also going to make those two the next most important poeple in Maya's crew after Brett and Maya as they are both part Sezlestrian. If there are any problems with this then please email me.

* * *

Maya surveyed her crew, there had been 26 of them but now with the extra people the number was closer to 30. If the winds were kind, and that bloody scholar got here and the merchant delivered the silk on time, she was planning to leave by noon the next day. She had already asked Brett to resurvey everyone on board the ship but he had met very little success, as far as he could deduce the poisoning hadn't come from someone on board. That gave her at least a little comfort, the poisoner would be left behind when they sailed, at least that was what she hoped. She was also concerned about the Ishadi who'd attacked Lowshade. She doubted either of these attacks had been made by the council as they wanted her out of the way and possibly to find the treasure therefore they wouldn't try to wipe her out at this stage. The very real possibility of a number of other enemies was uncomfortably close to the top of Maya's mind and, in her opinion, the sooner they sailed the better.
Brett stumbled out of his room slowly, opened his eyes and winced at the pulsing headache that last night's conversation had given him. Pain, Intense pain. HIs mind buzzed slowly, the cogs starting to turn as he jerkily walked over to maya's cabin, barely knocking before walking in. His captain jumped off her bed, the map she was reading floating easily to the mahogany floors of her plush cabin and her wings giving one beat. Looking up blearily, brett held one hand to his lips.


"Brett...are you hungover?"

"Maybe." he slurred softly as his eyes focused on the end of his nose.

She sighed. "brett, what are YOUR OWN rules about drinking on the ship?"

"don't unless we're fucked or its needed for epsioin...espionage."

She nodded her head slowly, her piercing blue eyes locking on his own. The cat began to pace, caught between its new friend that gave it fish and the pretty cat-man. As a trans daemon, cat had picked up that brett was not a cat a while ago, but he had a nice aura, so cat had stuck around.... and yet those fishes were so good.

Brett looked at his feet. "you know i think better when i'm," hiccup "hungover."

"why? because it's the only time your not drunk?"

"you know that's bloody well not true. when we set sail i can be sober for three months." Brett looked ccomical, and yet it was true. If he had to look after a ship full of dimwits who didn't know what a boom was then he would do it sober.

Maya took one look at him, and gave up. It was one of Brett's perks that he could still function whilst hungover, although she would go and warn Verity to hide her rum from Brett in the future. That, and he knew the waters around tryen's island better than anyone, up to 50 miles out, (he had tried to escape so many times) and they needed to navigate past without stopping and losing half of the female crew.

sighing softly she looked at the crusty old map that now lay, abandoned in the corner. The first thing brett had ever shoved at her.....
"You were poisoned?"

Shen appeared suddenly at Verity's elbow as the woman leaned against the railing, sweat beading lightly on her forehead. She gave Shen a sharp look, then nodded and closed her eyes.

"What is it like? To be poisoned I mean?"

The woman next to her gave Shen another odd look and breathed out a deep sigh. "It's not fun," she growled.

Shen smiled and looked out over the waves and into the sky beyond. It was amazing how fragile these bodies were. Suddenly she dug into her pockets and pulled out a small stone about the lenth of the tip of her index finger. It was flat and smooth and shone silver when the light caught it. She had gotten it, and many others, long ago on the streets in a dusty city where hawkers cried their wares to men in long coats and to women in jeweled bird masks. But that was long ago.

She placed it on the rail next to Verity and said softely, "You're herbs will cure you, but not quick enough. If you want to get healthy fast, place that little gem under your tongue for a day. It reacts with your saliva to produce a natural antidote and strengthen your system. Use it if you want, I don't really care."

It was the truth. In fact, she didn't even know if the woman would even take her stone. No matter, she had plenty more.

She turned and began to wander off again, remembering suddenly she needed to write another report to the council. She supposed she had better include the details of the poisoning, it seemed like something they would want to know about. If she was beginning to understand them at all, they probably would not want anyone dead until they were out at sea and closer to whatever the pretty things were that they valued.
A sharp, cold wind had picked up by the time Skylar was ready to leave. Letting her foot fall on the wooden plank, she knew there was no going back. She let down the hood of her cloak.

It was rude to arrive so late, but her business could not be delayed. "At least being late was better then never showing up", Skylar thought. She stood still for a moment before taking another step and finally stepping on to the ship.

"Excuse me, I am looking for Mayella Cin Var Alastre?" The man looked at her, not knowing who the name belonged to or why it would be asked. "I am looking for your captain. My name is Skylar, she has been expecting me."

A Non-Existent User
Ray lifted his eyes from his book ever so slowly as the feeling got stronger.
There stood that crock lizard that he had seen earlier.
The crock stood a bit over twice Rays size. Ray haddn't notest this before but there was a scar running down the side of its neck, it looked like he had gotten the scar from a fight, a savage fight!
Then it spoke to him, carmly but on edge at the same time.
"You lizard too ay?" - he asked a question that didn't need an answer.
"me names "Gaddor" Where you kind from?"

Ray hesitated for a moment before he answered, there was something very strange about this big crock-man.
"I don't wish to talk about it... I have a bad history. I'm Ray Renara by the way."

"Oh, you languages person?"

"Aye! I am."

"You know me language? I from Daggoria Island."

Ray smiled before answering
"E Ccagh nic 47 ggre agh! Yipnee E Ccagh iuuz!" (I know over 47 different languages! Ofcourse I know yours!)

Gaddor was overjoyed to hear his native language again.

Ray dicided that maybe this creature wasn't so bad - they are both reptiles and Gaddor doesn't speek english very well - they could make great friends.
Ray also wondered who else on this ship didn't speek very good english.

Maya had been bent over a map on her table, plotting a route as far as the map went, at the man's voice she started and spun around, her cold eyes surveying the two people who had interupted her thought. One was a member of her crew and this man she waved away immediately. He left quietly leaving a girl whom Maya presumed was the scholar she had been expecting. The girl looked young but the sky captain knew enough not to judge this book by the over.

"You are the scholar I presume?" she asked

"Yes, my name is Skylar, I am here to offer my services."

"Good, I am presuming you can write decently."

Skylar nodded.

"Do you have any background in caligraphy? We are a map expert short."

Skylar thought for a moment, "I do not pretend to be an expert in the area but I can draw well enough and since there are no maps of the area we will be sailing into I can draw and work off my own."

Mayella smiled to herself, "good, that means we can sail when I'd planned, otherwise we'd have had to wait, something I don't want to do in the present situation.

* I hope you don't mind that I've altered your character slightly but we needed a map expert so I imporovised.*
Ishadi... once considered mythical, until the leader, Takeo became determined to make them great. He had been the first Ishadi to better the Clan and to spread the word of their gifts. But Yama could remember nothing of that life. He remembered pain, blood and tortured screams and for some reason the ship, as it began to sail through the air, reminded him of all that he had experianced.

He was scared. He refused to admit it but... He knew it deep down... The bitter, cold numbness knawing at his stomach was fear. The heat that tingled in his fingers, aching down his spine and curling in his brain, that was fear. He did not know why. The wind was strong but easily controlled by the sails of the magnificent ship. Fluffy white clouds, like the sea far below, parted to let the great hull of the ship pass, almost lapping on the sides of the hull. Holding on the rail, leaning out over the side, he shivered. Wind ran it's fingers through his hair. He did not like being afraid.

"Yama!" Brett was beside him, looking anxious, "Hey, someone said you looked unwell. You alright?" The tryen appeared trully concerned and Yama smiled slightly.

"I'm ok... just something doesn't feel like. It's in the wind... the sky... even the sea." He shook his head and watched as a flock of birds swooped around the booming sailsin the wake of the ship.

"I know what you mean. Beyond the horizen... who knows what we may find..."

Please remember that this is an air ship not one that travels on water.

© Copyright 2005 Staryl free as a Sparrow, Dr Matticakes Myra, Flex 5th birthday just gone., WithyWindle, Nightbreeze terribly busy, A Light in the Darkness, Tagra, xx-xx, xx-xx, xx-xx, M. E. Levin, (known as GROUP).
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