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Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #962440
Don’t lament that life’s glass is half empty. Have hope and faith that it will be full.
HAVE FAITH AND HOPE--an acrostic

You say: “Life is just morbid,
Or, even, it’s death itself;
Under the shadow of death,
What use is living at all?”

On the other hand I say:
“No use lamenting your life.
There is nothing preordained,
Future is for us to make”.

In fact we’re empty handed,
Nothing we have when we’re born.
Does not a farmer, his field,
Till so as to reap harvest?

Have we all not seen that those
Entangled in poverty,
Through the dint of sheer hard work,
Rise to high status in life?

Under the shadow of death,
Though you may be living now,
Help yourself; God, too, will then
Offer His grace and support.

Follow His command and your
Life will be straightened henceforth.
Inside yourself look, you will
Find Him guiding you always.

Ensure that you do follow
Inner voice that beckons you.
Never let it be ignored.
Man will then never be doomed.

O traveler in this grand path,
Resigned, why, are you to fate?
Be brave, face adversity,
Instantly your woes will end.

During this earthly sojourn,
In your life you’ll find one day,
That though much pain you do have,
Your woes are less than others’.

Onward you must trudge along,
Never failing in your faith.
Like the ant pushing uphill,
You, too, must carry your load.

In this lies your salvation,
Never waiver in your faith.
He protects His children but,
Only those who seek His help.

Pray to Him with a true heart.
Ever will you be then blessed.

* Written in 7-7-7-7 format

* Awarded second place in the contest "Invalid Item where an acrostic had to be written around the prompt—“ You won't find the truth of life in morbidity, only in hope”.

* Included as Editor’s pick in Spiritual Newsletter dated 14 February 2007.

M C Gupta
19 April 2005
© Copyright 2005 Dr M C Gupta (mcgupta44 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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