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Ailbhe Nakumura tells the story of her life with family, her rich fiance. |
Chapter 1 Four months ago, My Fiancé and I hoped our wedding plans would go perfectly since, in our engagement, I found out I was pregnant. Billy and I have a close and special relationship; however when I became pregnant, everything changed. It seemed I was becoming less of a priority to Billy. He worked more hours, stayed out late, and we barely spoke. Billy and the family were frightened of me having a child so early in my life, so I seemed to be the only person excited about the baby. “Honey I wish you would think this out properly.” Mother said, chopping lettuce for a salad. We usually had a Sunday dinner after church with the family. My mother always said it was a way to keep the family connected. “Mom please, having a baby is not so bad. You had seven children and you are a great mother.” I hugged my mother from behind and kissed her cheek. “Well I’m flattered, but it was different when I was younger Ailbhe.” My mother wants to protect me the most since I’ am her youngest child. I was also the most rebellious child in the family. While everyone was shopping or away from home, Rob Thompson and I were making out at his house. My family never knew of my rebellious streak. I smiled and laughed to myself thinking of the good old days. Mother noticed my happy expression, she brought me the salad bowl and nudged me in the side. “What are you thinking about. Are you feeling tickled about being a mother?” Mother hugged me tightly, rubbing her nose against mine. I didn’t want to tell my mother I was thinking about the great times Roby Thompson and I had on the beach. “I was just thinking about Billy.” That was the best answer I could think of. I came back to my senses. I found myself thinking about Rob Thompson sometimes. He and I are still very good friends, accept I’m engaged and he was always out of town. Mother smiled. “He is a good boy isn’t he.” I laughed and poked my mother on the nose. “He’s not a boy mama, he’s a man. The best man ever !” I happily poured ranch dressing in the salad bowl. I never expected to be with such a man as Billy Jones. He’s a very conservative guy and he works hard for his money. He takes care of me and makes sure that I’ am first(all things considering). Billy is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met because he wanted me for who I’ am and not what I looked like. However, every man that I date has some sort of flaw, no matter how prefect he is for me. Billy does not like to party like I do . I go to night clubs and dance; I go out with my friends and drive nowhere just for fun. Billy thinks my sense of fun is dangerous, however, I call it exciting. I Get pumped on the adrenaline. Since he is such a successful lawyer he does not have time for fun. He just WORKS! WORKS! WORKS! All work and no play is what people say, that explains some things about my fiancé. I love Billy, but sometimes he seems to love his work more than he loves me. “Well honey I know you will have a happy marriage.” “ I know I will too mother. Even though Billy is a workaholic, we will make it through as always.” When it comes down to it, my life could have never been better without my parents. If they had never met, I’d probably be with some dysfunctional druggies. Mother and I started setting the table in the dinning room. I looked at the dinnig table, it was so beautiful and formal. My mother is the best at making things look and feel special. I couldn't imagine my lifw without this house.I didn't want to move away from the house and the people I loved. Even though we would still be a family, it would not be the same as when we were all together. My mother has had this house since she was married in 1977. It is the stereotypical neighborhood in the suburbs, with a painted white house and a white picket fence. The neighbors are noisy, friendly, and gossip about everything and everyone in town. My family is the odd balls in the neighborhood. We are the gossip of the town. We are an interracial family, while everyone else is white. My mother is from Ireland, she has red hair, freckles, a fit body, and a strong Irish accent to top it off. My father is from Japan, he has black smooth hair, fluent in Japanese, and he is handsome. He has no accent. I always thought my parents were a weird combination, but they love each other. People always say my parents met by fate. My mom and dad met in a parking lot at a club. My father was fifteen and my mother was fourteen. My mom was the damsel in distress and dad was the knight in shining armor. There were two guys harassing my mother in the parking lot, my father just by chance happened to be leaving the club at the time. He did the noble thing and told the men to leave. Of course knowing how vulgar theses men were, they took it upon themselves to prove their manhood. My father boxed in his younger days in Japan, so he knew perfectly well how to defend himself. But these American men couldn’t even put their fists in the right position since they were so drunk. After a punch for one guy and a bloody nose for the other, they ran away like cowards. Mother said she was “knocked for six.” Mother said she had her hand on her heart and was panting robustly. “Thanks I never thought those jerks would leave me alone.” My mother said with her strong Irish accent. Father smiled at my mother. “Dou-itashimashite.” Which meant, you’re welcome, in Japanese. She cocked her head to the side and stared strangely at my father. “Excuse me, but do you speak English?” mother asked “Hai.” Yes. Father replied. My mother bit her lip and took a deep breath. “Thank you for your help. Goodness knows what could have happened if you had not shown up.” My mother kissed my father on the cheek. She was grateful for his heroism Father laughed and scratched his head. “You are welcome. I would not have felt right if I let those men hurt you.” My mother’s cheeks turned red. She was happy that he could speak English. She had her hands behind her back, twisting her foot on the ground shyly “My name is Shima Nakumura. Would you mind if I escorted you home Ms…” “My name is Shirley Adair. I would be happy if you would walk me home.” They dated soon after the incident at the club. By 1976 they were engaged, in 1977 they married, and in 1979 my brother was born. I mentioned my parents and their lives because my love for Billy is as strong as my parents was. I wanted my marriage to be as joyful and fulfilling as my parents had been. I sat down at the dining table and stared out the window. It was bright and sunny, there was no cloud in the sky. That said to me I had nothing to worry about. However, I felt very sad. I thought of how I soon would be married and would move out of my comfortable house. I’ve grown up here since day one. I wiped the tears from my eyes and finished setting the table. I Was pregnant at twenty years old. Even though I have a wealthy fiancé, a baby on the way, and a loving family, I still could not figure out where I was going. I have a whole new life ahead of me and I don’t know if I want it. How could I, the rebellious party animal, love goddess, no-strings-attached girl, become an old ball and chain? I don’t know one thing about being a mother or a wife. All my life I’ve had a no strings attached life. Now I have to find a maternity wedding gown! |