about a girl who takes medication that alters her feelings |
its so disheartening to have your feelings created by a capsule a tiny oblong shape that will change your whole outlook on life right when you are in the middle of a beautiful, terrible bout of madness and you can’t breathe because it hurts so much right when you feel your whole body heaving with buried emotions that begin to spill out you step back and you can’t get any farther for what took you over the edge before is gone now in its place some sort of equilibrium that’s not quite as sufficient it leaves some sort of void some obstruction you cant get around no matter how you feel yourself careening out of control and you crave that sudden rush of feeling that quick release and then calm waters the waters barely ripple and you can’t comprehend why you cant get the satisfaction that you used to have without the malevolent tablet that steals away your passion and wonderful crash and burn so all you are left with is a feeling of incompleteness never quite one way or the other but to them you are better and teetering back and forth on the edge never off or on seems to resemble a better way to live. |