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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Experience · #952804
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Chapter One


Today has been awful. I mean truly terrible. Infact probably one of the worst days of my life. For weeks there had been talk of some unknown enemy attacking us. I didn’t take much notice; I never really do with things like that. Mainly because nine times out of ten it’s all talk. Besides, I would never have thought this would happen, I thought they meant bombs and stuff. I guess I really should pay more attention to things like this.

What happened this morning has to go down as one of the most surreal experiences I’ve ever had. One minute we where taking the register and then the next Miss Moorely was telling us to line up in the hall. When the alarm went off we thought it was a fire drill at first. Then Mr Burberry dropped the bombshell. We’re in the midst of biological warfare. Apparently nearly everyone outside the school is catching terrible diseases and dieing because of them. Apparently we’re lucky. They managed to seal the school off in time and we where all inside when all this kicked off. What’s left of the army are building a wall round us so no one ‘contaminated’ can get in. They should have finished by tomorrow. They seem to think they’re doing us a favour. Yeah because it’s everyone’s ideal situation, to be trapped inside their school. Wondering how they’re family is. Wondering if they’re still alive. I’m so worried about my family and I have no way of getting in touch with them. The phone lines are down and there’s no one to fix them and I left my mobile at home this morning like the idiot I am. I swear I feel like a prisoner. We could be here for a YEAR at the very least! A YEAR! IN SCHOOL! The only halfway decent thing is that there are no lessons. Not that that makes up for not being able to see my family, not knowing how they are.

It’s about half nine in the evening now and we’re all settling down. We’ve got given sleeping bags and stuff to get washed with. Again all courtesy of the army. The only thing I’ve got to be thankful for is that I was going to be sleeping over at Sam’s tonight so I brought my PJs to school. At least I’m not stuck in my uniform like the others! Still, Mr Burberry did mention something about food and clothes packages from the army, we’ll be ok, or I hope we will anyway. I’m sleeping in a corner of the hall with Sam, Steve, Hailey, Becca and Terry. I’m really glad I’ve got my mates in this, especially Hailey and my lovely boyfriend sam, don’t know what I’d do without them! I don’t half wish Terry wasn’t here though. The guy’s such a creep. I just know he’ll cause trouble with Sam and me again. The thing is they’re such good mates that Sam always believes what he says. Oh well, I guess I’ve bigger things to worry about than idiots like Terry, like how the hell am I going to get in touch with my family? Oh God I miss them already. I just want to go home!



This morning I felt so damn weird. When I woke up I was totally disorientated. It took me a good ten minutes to fully register where I was. I can’t believe we’re stuck in the school but I guess we’ll just have to get on with things. They’ve finished putting the wall up, they’ve put this huge metal roof on as well. We didn’t think the army would finish it so quick. It feels like they’ve caged us in. If it was up to me I’d take my chances outside but well it isn’t up to me is it? One of the things I really can’t get my head round is that we’re not going to get to see the sky anymore. We’re trapped in the dark, living on crap army rations chucked at us through these stupid little chutes. It’s like living in a bubble. We’re not going to get anywhere near the real world for a year and I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself.

At least I’ve got my mates though. Terry’s been a big help keeping my spirits up, he just doesn’t seem to be letting this get to him, I don’t half wish I could think a bit more like him sometimes. I’m so glad I’ve got Jules; as well she’s just amazing. I know she’s feeling as crappy as I am but I can talk to her about stuff, which is a big help. That’s one positive thing. I can wake up with the most beautiful girl in the world sleeping next to me every day.



We’ve been in the school a few days now and although the situations far from great, I guess I’m getting used to it. One of the weirdest changes that I’ve noticed is the rush for the showers. Usually after games or P.E everyone used to avoid showers like the plague. Everyone hated being made to have one because it was so damn embarrassing! I mean come on, queuing up in the nuddy, waiting for some evil bitch to make a joke about one thing or another. Everyone hated them. But now there isn’t much water to get showered with so it’s first come first served and if the water’s run out by the time your turn comes, tough luck! And, there’s the fact that the lads are allowed in the girls changing rooms and visa versa now. Don’t ask me why but no one seems to care anymore. It is piss funny though! Watching Sam swanning round the room wearing nothing but a towel, it’s hilarious!

The food’s crap though. Mostly biscuits and tinned stuff the army’s sent us. Everyone’s been foraging through their school bags looking for left over bits of chocolate and old packets of polos! Jules was lucky because unlike the rest of us she brings a packed lunch. She shared it with the rest of us, which was dead kind of her. We where going to sort of ration it but we where all too damn hungry, so basically we scoffed the lot! Anyway speaking of food it’s teatime, better go get my helping of gruel I suppose…



Sam and me are in so much trouble! We got caught tryin to nick food from the kitchens. It’s not our fault, we where so hungry, we had to get something to eat! The whole thing started when we caught doctor knowland eating a mars bar this morning. Sam convinced me that the teachers had been stashing away all the decent food and well I believed him because I’ve seen a few teachers eatin sweets and stuff myself. Any way Sam suggested looking in the kitchens and getting some grub for our selves. I agreed and we waited while everyone else was eating and all the dinner ladies where out of the kitchen, serving people. When we went in we soon realised there was nothing there that we’d want but Sam knocked this huge pan over. It was full to the brim with tomato soup and it spilt everywhere. The dinner ladies came running in when they heard the pan clatter to the floor and well, we got caught.

We where in Burberry’s office all afternoon and we got so arsed. He made us do all the washing up for the dinner ladies and clean up all the soup (and the rest of the kitchen but that was the dinner ladies getting revenge.) I’m really tired now, it took ages to get that place clean, you’d think it hadn’t been washed before! Well that’s the last time I get involved in one of Sam’s plans!

Tonight is going to be amazing! We’ve managed to sort out this really big party and it’ll be so cool! You see the military are starting to worry about us lot all going mad or something, what with us being stuck in here. They decided to give us the stuff we need for a party to keep moral up. They’ve even given us a load of booze! It looks crap like; to be honest it might as well be pure alcohol with flavourings. But still booze is booze! It’s hardly going to be the party of the century but it’ll give us all a break and it should be a real laugh!



I am so bloody stupid! I seriously cannot believe what happened last night. I really shouldn’t have got so drunk; it was my own fault really. I probably wouldn’t have gotten so hammered but well we’ve not got much food to eat so I was basically drinking on an empty stomach and the stuff the army gave us was really strong. To be honest it didn’t even taste nice but I was gagging for a drink. I drank it too fast as well. I spent most of the night with sam so I didn’t think I had to worry too much because I had him looking out for me. Then towards the end of the night Sam came over with a really bad headache and I didn’t want him stopping around for me if he wasn’t well so I told him to go up to the library where it was quiet and have a rest. I was ok for a while after he’d gone but then I started to feel really disorientated. I went into a corner of the room but I couldn’t really focus much anymore and I think I must have sort of blacked out. I could feel someone help me up and I stupidly assumed it must be Sam. When I started to come round I realised I was in the toilets which didn’t seem too odd considering I’d just passed out and all, it was a pretty sensible place to go what with there being loads of cold water and stuff. I started feeling slightly better but I still wasn’t focusing properly. Then everything started to go wrong. I could feel someone kissing me but I was seriously confused and god only knows why but I thought it was Sam (I completely forgot I’d sent him to the library.) Anyway thinking it was Sam I didn’t exactly pull away. Then things really did start to get intense. Now sam and me have had sex loads of times but by the time I’d come to my senses it was way too late to stop. My first thought was ‘shit we didn’t use a condom!’ and then my vision started coming back. It wasn’t sam at all. It was Terry. It was fucking Terry. The dirty rat took advantage of me when I was completely off my face. To top it all off he just walked out of the loos the minute I came round. He will never let me forget this and Sam would never forgive me if I ever told him. There is no end to all the bad out comes that could come out of this. I sat on the floor in the loos and just cried for about an hour until I couldn’t cry anymore. I have so many what ifs going through my head it’s unbelievable. What if I’m pregnant? What if Sam finds out? What if Terry tries it on again? This is so incredibly shit it’s unbelievable! Oh god I need to get out of this place before it f**king kills me.



God knows what’s got into Jules; she’s been acting like a right loony all day! Mostly likely she’s hung over from yesterday, she had a bloody skin full. She really does need to learn to handle her drink a bit better, daft cow! Not that I don’t feel rough myself, I think I might have had just a bit too much…

Today’s been pretty good though. I had a bit of a laugh with Terry just chatting and prattin about and stuff. He really understands me, what with having lived across the road from me for so long he knows exactly what I’m missing. Pretty handy to have him round if I need to talk about stuff. I really wish Jules would make more of an effort to get on with him. I really thought they where starting to get along but today its been even worse than usual. As much as I love Jules she’s going to have to understand that Terry means a lot to me as well and if it came to choosing I guess friends come first. I’m probably over reacting though, losing Jules doesn’t bear thinking about!



I think I’m actually starting to get used to life in hear and I can’t quite believe it. Of course I still miss my family, I miss them loads but I reckon it’s better to just get on with things rather than dwell on more depressing stuff.

I’ve been getting on with Steve really well. It’s funny how situations like this can bring people together. I’ve always thought of him as really sweet but I never thought I’d fancy him! We’ve been spending a lot of time together since all this happened and well I think something might happen between us. I hope so anyway, it’d definitely help keep my spirits up!



Sam’s been really down today. He say’s Julia’s giving him the cold shoulder or something. Personally I think he might be over reacting a bit. Usually I wouldn’t mind helping him but it’s awful when anyone’s depressed in here because their mood sort of rubs off on everyone. I just told him to stop being an idiot basically; I reckon he’s probably imagining it. Can’t say I’ve noticed anything much wrong with Jules and besides, she loves Sam too much to hurt him. He needs to have a bit more faith in her!

I’m thinking about asking Hailey out. We seem to be getting on great and it would be brilliant if we got together. The thing is I’m really scared of asking her out! For starters she might say no. I mean what if I’ve got it all wrong? She might just see me as a mate and if she does then asking her out would seriously screw things up. And if we did go out there’s a chance we’d break up. I know it’s early days to be thinking like that but I’d hate to ruin our friendship. I guess I’ll have to take a chance but I’ll have to work up the bottle first. I’m just so scared of what might happen! I know it sounds really soft but I can’t help panicking like this. I’m just going to have to calm down!



Terry won’t leave me alone. He’s constantly leering at me and today he threatened to tell Sam. Sam would never forgive me if he found out. It’s Terry’s word against mine and Sam thinks the sun shines of Terry’s backside. There is no way he’d believe that Terry took advantage never mind that I thought Terry was him.

I was on my own this afternoon and he cornered me. Sam and David where off playing football in the sports hall and Hailey was off doing something or other so I’d gone up to the library. I was chillin out in the reference section where it was nice and quiet and he took me completely by surprise. He grabbed hold of my arm and there was no way I could get away, I was so damn scared. He basically said unless I do him a few “favours” he’ll tell sam. Well it’s pretty obvious what he means by favours and there’s no way I’m going to meet him. I’m just going to have to tell sam myself.


*Flower3* *Flower2* *Flower3*
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