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This is an essay on Rhetoric, I wrote for a class. |
Children services is one of the most corrupt organizations in America. Americans spend over twelve billion dollars annually to fund them. Money is than distributed throughout the organization to lawyers, judges, court personal, counselors, therapists, and many other people who are linked with them. Money is power and this country has always been dictated by greed. Their slogan “ All Kids Count and we’re counting on you”, is altruistic or so it seems. CPS’s status is now known to be higher than the IRS, and more secret than the CIA. All of this in hopes noone unveils the truth about the trafficking of children that is going on in good ole America. Many have raised their suspicion on the validity of CPS’s accusations, with the new and uprising numbers of children that are being ripped from their loving parents arms. According to Cornwell University 68% of all child protective cases do not involve maltreatment. So where is all of the money going to? Right in their pockets without a question asked. CPS has disguised themselves to play martyrs to abused and neglected children, when in fact caseworkers have quotas they have to meet and could care less about the child’s well-fare. Consider this, if 68% of the children were home with their parents then who would lose out? Case studies have been done on the uprising amount of children going into foster care. The findings conclude that many of the parents are homeless, so the caseworkers confuse poverty for neglect. There is an increasing number of children who are in placement where CPS has ordered that the parents rights be terminated. The justification, the big pay off for every child that is adopted out there goes another four to six thousand dollar bonus. Many of us have the picture in our minds of the child who is being adopted. This child we see as unfortunate, scrawny, and suffering from having a normal family life. How clever these people are. Don’t confuse our children with children from another country. They want are healthy, normal, beautiful children just to get the bonuses and the tax breaks. Sad, however true. The noble foster parent is just about as phoney as they CPS is. Many will lie and say they do not get a subsidy from the state which isn’t true. Truth is they are paid a subsidy of about 1,900 a month for keeping someone else’s kids plus bonuses depending on the amount of children they have. CPS pays all of the medical bills, gives clothing and food allowances and everything else to accommodate the child’s future parents. After case studies had been done, the numbers determined that the majority of the families were below the poverty level. So in essence one might think that instead of giving money and funds to someone who isn’t the parent, that they would give it to the child’s parent. After all “All Kids Count”. Many are not aware, but all it takes is a phone call to Cps and they could be at your door. What is more frightening is that you could have an enemy or someone who knows nothing about you expect have a license number or an address with the intent to make your life HELL. Workers have the power in 28 of all 55 states to go in and take any child for a suspected reason of child abuse. After Clinton passed the law to keep children from being in the system too long CPS had two options, return the children, or have them adopted out. These impetuous decisions are outlandish and uncalled for. After CPS has made their investigation and has successfully taken your children they then set up barriers which keep the parent filling hopeless. This is all the work of the Satan. Who could be so manipulative, while at the same time come off as being the savior for children? After CPS found out how many children were being taken, they decided to get more people involved in their scheme. The plan is for everyone to report any form of suspected abuse. This is now the law. Let’s not think they are not getting a big check for that one either. People have seen or have heard that judges are supposed to rule on fact when in turn 98% of the judges will rule against the wrongly accused parent. Remember they are working “ For the children”. Cps’s biased ways against poverty stricken people has gone to far. It’s time for all Americans to wake up and do their homework along with the math. Another case study that was done by a New York City case worker, has her openly admitting to taking children, “for no good reason”. In another instance there was a worker boasting, “about having the power of God”. The frightening part of that statement is it is true. There are No checks and balances within this system at all, which makes it corrupt. The attorneys that represent the parents could care less and are usually only representing them as a side job. What is entertaining about this all is that it is taxpayers money and votes which is entrusted into a system to provide protection for abused children. If 32% of all US children are truthfully being abused then where is the rest of the money? Like vultures circling their prey before devouring it Cps attacks the parent’s of the children in custody the same way. The parent in most cases is usually the victim as well as the child in this malicious game of life. These cases are not made public because CPS doesn’t want people to realize that the taxpayers money is going directly in their pockets. Parents endure, years of extreme injustice of the system while trying to get their children back. These classes, tests, and counseling sessions are all barriers a parent most overcome to be reunited with their children. Empathy may be feelings that people have for the parents, but what about the children? The children are the ones mostly affected by the atrocities brought on by CPS. The risk that a child in foster care is badly injured or even killed is far greater than if the child was with it’s natural parents. Also many children are battered, or sexually abused, or neglected in foster care, something that wasn’t going on in the parent’s home to begin with. Children are affected socially and mentally by these home invasions that are going on, not knowing what to believe or who to trust. Cps also makes sure they have a psychiatrist diagnosis them with adhd, or another child disorder anything to get more money. True not all parent’s are blameless, however, not all are vicious sadistic monsters as CPS makes them out to be. After Cps finally exasperates all of their continuances and returns your children back to you the real work starts. Most parents find themselves wondering what they fought so hard for, or shed countless hours of tears for children who don’t remember them. After all Cps fails to mention once they take a child they let them see the parent for one hour once a week. Yet again this is just another form of their wicked ways being unveiled. If the legislation has turned a blind eye to this abuse of power than who will speak up for the children? Before CPS became as powerful as they were their were never has many suspected or reported cases of child abuse. In every system there has to be a checks and balances. If the president and the judicial system has one then why is there noone speaking up about the abuse of power against CPS. There are several possible solutions on how to resolve this issue. No child should be removed, or the bond broken without an irrevocable evidence that is proven to a Judge and not a magistrate. All CPS caseworkers need more hands on training to deal with issues of poverty so this will not affect their decisions. All money that is given to the Foster parents should be at a bare minimum if they love what they are doing then they should do it for free. Cps should also be willing to assist families in need, whether this is finding housing paying bills, or whatever to prevent the bonds of a family being severed. Children have been the main focus of Cps it is time for them to return the children to start the healing. After in depth studying of this situation and countless numbers of parents who are outrage over the abuse the conclusion here is quite obvious. Everyone has a voice. Everyone has a vote I implore anyone who reads this essay to read and further your knowledge on the abuse going on nationwide with CPS. It’s time for the children to be released back to their parents who have played CPS’s sick game. After all of this has been said, I would like to say that I was a victim of their schemes and lies. To this day my family suffers, with my children who are six and seven taking three and four different medicines each day. Many days I think to myself I have won, but what did I win? Children who are not mine, children who don’t know me. This was my punishment and reward for being a mother. Parents like me everywhere are asking for someone to have a voice to share to the world the injustice. Give us back what is ours!!! Here are some sites that I recommend that anyone who is uneducated or still in the dark about cps is enlightened by. www.fightcps.com, www.geocities.com, www.familyrightsassociation.com, www.childprotectionreform.com , and www.supercrawler.com. There are a lot of families that are going through unbearable things and the only answer cps can offer is a case plan. |