Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/950666-Project-Chimera-Chapter-One
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #950666
Another What if story that is a little less believeable
“…Many years ago it is said that our government funded a certain operation known as project Chimera. The program was supposed to take in female victims of rape who were impregnated by the attack. These young women were told that care would be provided for them and for their unborn children.”
“Please! What is so amazing about that?”
“Read on”
“Though the government did look after the women, it came at a terrible price”
“What they had to give up their first born?”
“Christ will you just read?”
“During the first weeks of pregnancy, federal doctors would perform various ‘therapies’ to ensure that the children were in good health. In truth however, the doctors were playing god, messing with the embryos genes.”
“Yah know that sounds a lot like this show I watch.”
“You mean that stupid one you tried to get me into? Nah this is entirely different!”
“You see the rapist’s were actually super hero’s that were corrupted or blackmailed into copulating with these young women.”
“AAWWW come on! You can not honestly expect me to believe this!”
“Just read on okay! I mean isn’t it a little bit interesting?”
“The lab where the doctors ‘experiments’ were held was disguised as a nuclear plant. Therefore the government could secretly run funds without raising eyebrows.”
“So? The feds are always pulling that sneak n’ creep shit!”
“I’m reading I’m reading!”
“Yet one day some of the women overheard a doctors conversation about orders for these private guards.
It was then realized that the entire operation was undertaken so that the rich and powerful could obtain their own personal ‘super guards’ to protect them from the many foes they no doubt had. Doctors could also be heard talking about the days where they could produce entire armies!”
“You really believe this?”
“Not so much believe as I am wanting to believe, but the good part is coming up!”
“Let me guess, you want me to read on?”
“These women were very brave, and to save their children’s lives they attempted an escape. Some gave their lives rather than force their children to live a life as slaves. However, it is said that a very large majority of those who escaped are still out there, and their mutant children could be among us as we speak.
A warning, these children will know nothing of their powers, thus one day they could implode, sending the earth to a certain doom!”
“Isn’t that cool?”
“Sure, doomsday by a bunch of mutant kids. Sounds like my kinda way to bite the big one.” Alex said as she put down the latest issue of Conspiracy Today. “Kellie, you have got to stop reading this kinda bullshit, it will rot what is left of your tangled mind! You don’t want me to send you to good ole’ Augusta Mental Health Institution do you?”
“Like you could send me to AMHI, but think of it Al’s! I mean just look at all the power plants the feds shut down! It is like so plausible, and genetic engineering is not all that new, think of all those breeding cults!”
“I find it very hard to believe that you don’t take an interest in my show.” Alex said as they walked out of the small town bookstore.
“Well it’s just too…too…”
“Too realistic for you?”
“Hey whadda yah mean by that!”
“What I mean is that you never like anything unless it’s some hopeless and totally whacked out idea that nobody could possibly believe!”
Kellie thought for a moment, trying to think of a decent denial, but it never came. However, she did have a very good counter!
“As opposed to a hopeless teen girl, living her life vicariously through some Sci-Fi channel? ADMIT IT! You sit and watch all of those corruptive shows because you like to pretend you are someone else for a while, and totally give up on the real world!”
Alex tried to react accordingly, but Kellie was right. Yet that didn’t make her any less annoyed.
“Oh yeah? Well yah know what?”
“What oh great one?”
“You’re fired!”
“Fired from what?”
“From the prestigious position of bestest friend forever!”
Kellie put on the best ‘shocked’ face she could, as if her world were going to end.
“But I have worked so hard oh great one!”
“Well…” Alex started in a high and mighty voice “you should have thought of that before you insulted me!”
Alex puffed out her chest while trying to stifle her uncontrollable laughter.
“Go now” she continued, “You are expelled from your duties as bestest friend”
“…Forever?” Kellie added
The duo burst out laughing at their insanity as they walked down the street of the sleepy town.

“Sidra come, tell me of this good news of yours” a silhouette called from the background.
“Yes boss. Rade has not yet acquired all of the lost Scrath Series that was lost.”
“How is it that you know this?” The boss questioned
“Well boss, you remember that equipment you said not to try because it was a waste?”
“Indeed I recall, it would have been a waste of my money”
“Well the chairman said to go ahead and we scanned the area around the old site.”
“What could you possibly scan for? You probably got half of the population in the scanning radius!”
“Well the Scrath Series emits a certain chemical in the air due to their molecular make up. That is what we scanned for”
“So Rade doesn’t keep the series under quarantine, it was probably one of them.”
“No, he gives them an injection to cover the chemical, so his Scrath’s won’t make a track to follow.”
“Where was the chemical signature found?”
“In a small town, approximately thirty miles from the old site. Aysel Maine.”
“Well” the boss said, “I think it’s time we take a business trip up to ole Aysel.”

“Joeni, we have a confirmation!”
What?” a sleepy thirtyish man yawned.
“Channery is on the move.”
“Were too?” Joeni said slightly more awake.
“Fifty miles from here, some rural town no one knows about, can’t get a clear reading on Channery’s target but the towns name is…”
“Aysel” Joeni said white faced
“Yes sir how did you…?”
“Never mind, we’ve been getting our own Intel. I know where the place is.”
“Romney prepare transportation. I’ll meet you there in an half an hour with the coordinates, tell no one!”
“Understood sir!”
© Copyright 2005 Ellaven (ticonderoga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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