Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/944917-When-Darkness-Calls
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #944917
Short story of a broken love and a transition into a new life by a Vampire

Do you take pleasure in hurting me?
My arms open wide to embrace you for life.
Do you take pleasure in betraying me?
No more defences, blinded by love.
Did you take pleasure in taking my light?
When darkness calls, I’ll welcome it home.

- Gabriel -

Why did it have to happen to him? He had promised himself he would never let anybody get so close again. He didn’t need the pain anymore. Why does everybody search for love?

The rains keeps coming down as Gabriel crosses the road. The lamp-posts are reflected by the cobbles. His coat is letting through the rain. Yet, He’s his so deep inside his mind he doesn’t notice the cold.
After another difficult conversation he’s walked out the door. He didn’t even know whereto. He just had to leave. Get away from all the trouble. He felt he had finally found his happiness but tonight his life has burst like a bubble. Again. He didn’t see it coming.
Shortly after a relationship of eleven years had ended he had met her. She was so different, so free. Somebody he felt was made for him. He was overwhelmed with happiness. It had been a long time since he felt this good. In his enthusiasm things had gone way too fast. It’s not like he has to take all the blame. She had surrendered herself to their love as well. After a couple of weeks they felt like they had known each other all their lives. The beginning of the end.
She felt her freedom had been taken away from her. He just didn’t understand. He never felt so much freedom in his life. He had dropped his defences. Things we alright. Why protect yourself when you feel good about it? Why had she told him she loved him when she didn’t mean it? Yes, at the time she had meant it but things had changed. It all turned out to be lie. Damn it, why hadn’t they taken things a bit slower? Why so impetuous? Everything seemed so sure, so easy. And now the pain again. The pain he promised himself he would never feel again. He blames himself. He should have paid more attention, he shouldn’t have let it come to this…..

He is startled when he looks into the headlights of a car. Just in time he makes it to the sidewalk. Where is he? In an attempt to take his bearings he looks up and realises he has to be walking for about two hours. He’s farther from home than he expected to be. The clock in the bell-tower tells that it’s ten to four in the morning. He doesn’t feel like going back home. Back to loneliness. He needs people, he doesn’t care who. If he remembers correctly there’s a bar nearby. He puts up his collar and walks towards the church. It’s around there somewhere.
As he turns the corner he can see the sign. Then he remembers. It is called Darkness. Still thinking, he opens the door to the bar. It’s warm inside. He slips off his coat and shakes off the rain. He walks up to the bar and orders a tequila. Maybe a drink will get some feeling back into his hands. At least it will stop him thinking so much. The barkeepers pours a glass and puts it in front of him. He drinks the glass in one go and asks for a refill.
“I shall leave you the bottle, you look like you can use it.”
At last somebody who understands.

It’s still quite busy. It seems like he isn’t the only one who doesn’t want to go home. Some people are deep in conversation, a couple is dancing. Though, most of them are just sitting and thinking. Weary after a night out on the town. It’s pretty dark so it’s hard to distinguish their faces.
“You’re lovesick. I can recognise it a mile away”. A woman sat down next to him. She’s in her late twenties. Dressed in black, short black hair and dark eyes. She looks at him. “You don’t have to deny it. It’s no use. I’ve seen it so many times before.”
He can’t help but smile. “You’re right. Can I buy you a drink?”
“I’ll have some of that tequila. You’ve got plenty and I hope you’re not planning on drinking the whole bottle by yourself.”
“Well, to be honest, I was planning on that. I don’t want to think anymore. I’ve had enough for one day”.
He asks the bartender to put down another glass, then turns to her again. “How come you can recognise somebody who’s lovesick?”
“Ah well, we’ve all been there, haven’t we. And then again, somebody who walks in doesn’t look up, goes straight to the bar and orders a bottle of tequila is either an alcoholic or he’s lovesick, and you don’t look like an alcoholic.”
“Ok, I won’t deny it. You’re right, but I don’t want to talk about it. But if I may be so rude. What’s somebody like you doing here at four in the morning?”
“I followed you”
“You what?! Why? Do I know you from somewhere?”
“Well, not really. But I’ll tell you about that later, if you don’t mind. Do you feel like dancing?”

He didn’t really feel like dancing but he didn’t want to end the conversation. He was still wondering why she had followed him and he didn’t want to leave without finding out. As they walked to the dance floor, the music changed and the speakers played Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. He held her close as they slowly danced. It felt strange. A couple of hours ago he was involved in a heavy conversation with the woman he thought he would spend the rest of his life with, finding out it wasn’t meant to be. And yet, here he was dancing with a total stranger and it didn’t even feel wrong.
“What’s your name?’ he whispered. “Mine is Gabriel”.
“I’m Dionne” She answered “pleased to meet you Gabriel”.

As he was swept away in the music he became even more aware of the woman he was dancing with, Dionne. He smelled her hair and felt her heartbeat against his chest. She seemed pale but it be could that her black hair made her look that way. He was startled when she kissed his neck. Talk about fast. It send shivers down his spine. He hadn’t expected this. He backed away gently and suggested they would sit down at a table nearby. She agreed and took his hand in hers to lead him to the table. What was going on here? The whole situation made him feel strange.
As they said down she, again, asked him why he was feeling so bad.
“I’d rather not talk about it,” he said “but if you must know, I think tonight I’ve lost the love of my life and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“There will be others” she whispered.
“No, I don’t think so. I won’t let it happen to me again. This has been the last time. I will never get used to the pain and I don’t want to. It has happened to me twice now in about four months and I don’t know if I can take anymore. You see, women deceive. That’s why they are on this planet. Just to earn your trust and then to betray it. And we guys, we fall for it every time. We think they’re angels when in fact they are Satan in disguise. Backstabbing Angels.
“Not me, I’m different”
“Yeah right, in what way. I can’t be fooled that easy anymore. Tell me, what makes you think you’re different?”
“I’m a Vampire”
“A what?” He looked at her, eyes questioning. That was an answer he hadn’t expected. “A Vampire? And how did you get that idea?”
“No, I really am”. She opened he mouth and in the dim light he could distinguish her fangs.
“Any dentist can do that. It doesn’t impress me. I’m sorry but I don’t believe you. If this is your idea of helping me get back my trust in women, you’re definitely on the wrong track”

He got up and started looking for his coat.
“I think it’s time I went home, wherever that may be. It’s been nice talking to you. Thanks for the dance”

As he put on his coat and started to leave, she didn’t move. She just sat there at the table, staring at him. He went over to the bar and paid for his bottle of tequila. Then he made his way towards the door. She was still sitting at the table. She hadn’t moved or said a thing.
He opened the door and walked out. The rain had stopped. As he turned around the corner, he noticed a figure standing in front of him. It was Dionne. How could it be? She hadn’t passed him on the way out. She hadn’t even moved.
“Please let me explain” she said “I’m not lying to you and I think I can help you”.
“I don’t want your help” he replied “Women are all the same and I don’t trust anybody at the moment. I see no reason for you to help me. So please leave me alone.”

He could see that last remark really hurt her. Her eyes were sad and her body had an expression of emptiness about it. He didn’t quite know what to say. He really didn’t want to say anything anymore. He just wanted to go home and be alone. Just think about what had happened and where he should go next. Everything had seemed so clear and now, once again, he was back were he started.
“I know how you feel” she whispered “I’ve been there myself. That’s how I knew you were lovesick. I once lost the one person I thought was made for me as well.”

He didn’t even listen to her anymore. He just wanted to get away. Go back into the darkness of his lonely existence. Out of the light, into the shadows again.
“At least give me your phone number, here’s mine” she gave him a calling card “You can always call me when you need somebody to talk to. I’d hate to see your life go to waste.”

Just to get out of this awkward situation he handed her his number and without saying a word he walked passed her back the way he had come a couple of hours ago.

After walking for a couple of miles, he decided to call a cab. Taking out his mobile phone he called the central and about ten minutes later a cab arrived to take him back to the place he wanted desperately to forget.
As he opened the front door he half expected the lights to be on. Somehow he hoped she would be sitting there on the couch, crying, waiting for him to come back. Yet everything was dark. He switched on the lights and looked around the room. It felt empty. Everything that had been there for the last couple of weeks was now gone. She had taken the books she had brought him. Even the folders they’d had send from the travel agency were no longer on the dining room table. To Gabriel it seemed clear that she hadn’t even considered talking again. Trying to solve their problems. For her this really was the end.
He went over to the fridge just to find he didn’t have anymore beer. How could something so right go so wrong so quickly. Even though he knew he wouldn’t get any sleep, he decided to go to bed anyway. As he entered the bedroom he could still see the imprint of two bodies in the mattress. One of the pillows had fallen on the floor. It could have been an omen. He closed the curtains and lay down on the bed. It still smelled of her. Blonde hairs sticking to the sheets. He brushed them away. He didn’t want to be reminded.
He just lay there, staring at the ceiling for what seemed hours. Eventually his eyes became heavy and he fell asleep. Weary, tired, not wanting to think anymore.

He woke to the sound of the telephone ringing. He grabbed the phone that was next to the bed. Too late, the line was already dead.
He turned to his other side to find the bed empty. He was still tired. Rolling onto his back he closed his eyes.. In his mind he relived the day before. His girlfriend telling him she was leaving. Walking out the door. The rain. The bar. The girl, Dionne.
She had given him her phone number. He searched through his pockets and came up with a piece of paper with a number on it. He looked at it for a couple of seconds then tossed it aside. He had to get his mind straight first.
He got up and walked downstairs, through the living room into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. His head felt heavy. His eyes hurt.

Going back into the living room he switched on the TV and sat down on the couch. As usually MTV started playing. The music depressed him. Somehow all the songs that were ever written reflected the way he felt. He switched channels and landed on Discovery Channel. There was some sort of documentary about legendary monsters and ancient myths. As he got up to find his cigarettes he heard the narrator talk about the powers that were ascribed to Vampires. He lit up a cigarette and stood there watching the screen. Hadn’t Dionne told him she was a Vampire? He had been vaguely interested in the subject but he didn’t know that much about it. He just stood there watching, listening, learning.
He wondered if they would ever meet again. Then he would get to know if she really was what she had told him. He could ask her what it was like to be a Vampire, if the stories were for real. It all was probably a lie. It’s all make believe. Maybe she use it as a pick up line. Women are strange creatures.

He turned of the TV and put on some music as loud as his speakers would allow. He needed to get everything out of his system and music always helped.
Looking out the window he noticed the sun was already going down. He must have slept all through the day. He didn’t mind, he had nowhere to go.

Suddenly he noticed the light on his telephone flickering. Somebody was calling. He picked up the phone and went over to the stereo to turn down the volume.
“Hi, it’s me. How are you doing? Are you ok? I’m sorry about what happened yesterday but I felt we just couldn’t go on. Things were too messed up.”

Gabriel didn’t quite know how to react. He hadn’t expected her to call.
“What do you mean, too messed up, I thought things were going great until you started talking about your lack of freedom” he replied.
“I know”, she said, “I hadn’t talked about it before but it’s something I really miss. I feel bound by our relationship. Not being able to do what I want and just the thought of you depending on me, of having somebody as my boyfriend, chokes me. I’m sorry I screwed up”.
“You didn’t screw up anything, we can still talk about. I can give you some more freedom. To my knowledge I never tied you down or at least it never was my intention to do so. I just felt we were happy together.
“I know, that’s why this is so hard for me. I really screwed up Gabriel”
“ Why?” he asked.
“You know, yesterday, when I went to that bar? I met somebody and when we said goodbye we kissed. Not just a quick kiss. I didn’t do anything to resist. I hate to say it but I liked it although he meant nothing to me. That’s when I realised I really missed my freedom. Being able to do things without feeling guilty about them or having to explain them”

Gabriel went silent. He felt like his heart had just been torn into a thousand pieces and scattered to the wind. He felt empty, so very empty. The pain inside him grew. Too Angry to cry. Hate swept through his body. How could she have done it? Why? What had he done to deserve this? It had happened to him before. Somebody cheating on him. She knew that. Why had she done it? Damn….
“Gabriel?” she enquired, “Gabriel, are you still there?”

“Yes I’m still here” he replied “but not for long”
“I’m sorry Gabriel. I don’t know why I did it. I do know it reminded me of how much I miss my freedom.”
“Freedom? You mean, being able to just kiss every guy you wish”
“I told you I was bad in relationships, you knew that. I did tell you”
“Yes, I know. You should have told me you were into cheating. I never would have gotten into this in the first place. You have no idea how much this hurts. Damn, you said you loved me. It was all a lie. My whole life is a goddamn lie”
“Will you please come over to my place?” she asked “I don’t want it to end it like this. You still mean a lot to me and I want us to still be friends”
“Fat chance on that.” Gabriel whispered.
“Please come over” she tried again “There’s still some clothes of you at my place. You can collect them and then you’ll never have to see me again”

Gabriel agreed, put down the phone and then just sat there, in silence, listening to the soft music coming from the speakers. He tried to think things over but he just couldn’t get his mind straightened out. Breaking up ‘cause she needed her freedom was something he could get over, but this. No, no chance in hell would they ever be friends again. He had to get over there and collect his stuff so he would never have to see her again. No, better still, he wouldn’t go over there at all. Let her keep his clothes. He didn’t need them anymore if it meant facing her. On the other hand, he could go over there to make sure this really was the end. Really let her know how he felt. Let her know what she would be missing.
He put on his leather jacket and got into his car. It was already dark so he switched on the lights. As he pulled away the tyres screeched on the asphalt.
She didn’t live that far off so it would only take about fifteen minutes to get there. The way he was driving he would probably be there in ten.

The road was slippery from the rain and he felt the car slide as he rounded the corner near the church. This was were he had walked yesterday. It had only been a day. How easily a life can change. Usually from good to bad.
As he passed Darkness, he couldn’t help but try and see if Dionne was around here somewhere. Did she visit here often? He had forgotten to ask her.
Turning his eyes to the road again, he noticed the silhouette of a man in the headlights of his car. Instinctively he turned the wheel but he was driving way too fast. His car started skidding. He passed the guy by an inch then hit the sidewalk. No control. No way of avoiding the streetlights up ahead. A crash. The windscreen smashed to pieces. Glass everywhere. The car started to roll over. Trying to save himself he attempted to crouch down. The seatbelt prevented him from moving. He felt something heavy hitting his legs. Blood. Blood streaming down his face. Stone hitting metal, metal piercing flesh. The car came to a halt. A final thump, then there was silence.

When he opened his eyes he felt the rain in his face. He couldn’t move. There was no pain, just blood. He tried to tilt his head but nothing happened. He was too weak. Then he heard the voices of people standing around. He closed his eyes again. He felt he was dying. So this was how it was meant to be. He always said he would go out with a bang.

“Let me through, I can help him” he heard a familiar voice call out. It was Dionne. He opened his eyes and saw her standing over him. He tried to speak but no sound came out of his mouth. She crouched down.
“I can help you” she whispered “But it will mean your live as a human being will be over. You will have to live in the shadows. Live of the blood of others. It might turn out to be a fate worse than death but it’s the only choice you’ve got now. Your life is fading away. Your soul is getting ready to depart, leaving your body an empty shell to be burned or buried. Do you want me to make you a Vampire? It’s your only chance of survival. Your only way to live on. Your only chance of revenge”
Gathering all his strength he tried to tell her he wanted her to save him yet he couldn’t speak. Still she understood.
With her back to the crowd she bit her wrist and held it to his mouth.
“Try to drink my blood” she urged him “please try to swallow some, it will heal the wounds.”
Her blood squirted into his mouth almost choking him. The taste of her warm blood on his tongue made him feel nauseous. As he swallowed, he felt her power flow through his veins. The feeling in his arms and legs slowly returned and so did the pain. Oh, the pain. He felt like he was being turned inside out. His head was about to explode. The heat of his blood mixed with hers almost burned through his skin.
“You’re dying.” Dionne whispered “But it’s only mortal death. Hold on, it will only last another minute or so.”
It may have been minutes but to Gabriel it seemed like hours. He saw his life pass before him, realising it would never be the same again. Somehow it seemed like his internal organs were being rearranged. Everything hurt yet it was a kind of pain he could not describe. It felt like he was be hauled into hell and then pulled back again.
Then slowly the pain disappeared and he felt that he could move again. He felt strong. Stronger that ever before. Pushing himself out of the car he sat upright on the pavement. Dionne sitting besides him turned to the crowd.
“He’s alright. It looks worse than it is. There’s just some loss of blood but other than that he isn’t hurt at all. Let’s get him into the Darkness.”
“I think you already did that” Gabriel said as he stood up and stumbling made his way to the bar.

When they entered the bar, everybody was looking at them. Gabriel’s clothes were torn and there was blood all over them. Somebody informed them that they’d dialled the police and that they would be here any minute now. Dionne walked over to the bar and asked the bartender for a first aid kit. He handed it over. She leaned over the bar and thanked him for it. Then she walked back to Gabriel.
“You won’t be needing this”, she said, holding up the kit “but we can’t let them know.”
As they made their way into the bathroom, the smell of urine and vomit filled their nostrils. Gabriel sat down on one of the toilets leaving door open. He looked at Dionne who was sitting in front of him, crouched down, making sure her long black dress didn’t touch the floor.
“You’ve got a lot to learn. I must teach you about the ways of a Vampire” she whispered “your life as you knew it lies behind you now. There are so many new experiences ahead of you. Your wounds have healed already. We could slip out the backway and nobody would ever find out what has happened here tonight.”
“What about my car” Gabriel replied “The police are on their way. They’re bound to check out the licence plate and trace it back to me.”
“I know.” Dionne nodded “Just let it be. It’s a relic of a past life. You’ve moved on now. There’s no turning back, no returning to old habits. You’re born again. A new life lies ahead. Forget about the past.”
“I can’t. I’ve still got some unfinished business. You say my wounds have healed. You’re wrong. Maybe physically I’m whole again, but my mind is still a mess. Unfinished business. I’ve got to go now. No way I’m just going to let it be this way. I’m not going to carry these memories with me for the rest of my life. No way.”
Dionne wanted to hold him back but she could feel by the look in his eyes that it was no use.
“Sorry Dionne. I’ve got to go now. I still have your phone number somewhere. I’ll call you.
Not knowing whether to embrace or maybe even kiss him, Dionne just stepped back to let him by as Gabriel got up and opened the window of the bathroom. As he had expected it opened up into the alley behind the bar. Somehow they always do. With a quick glance over his shoulder, he crawled through the window”
“I’ll call you” he said.

It was still raining as he made his way through the lonely, empty streets. A police car passed him, the blue lights lighting up the street.
Everything had gone so fast. Only now did he realise the changes inside of him. His senses had sharpened. He could hear the people watching television inside the houses he passed. A couple fighting over the remote control and lovers making out. He knew he had changed but he still felt human. His mind was that of a human. His memories were still the same. The pain was still there. What was he to do. He didn’t exist anymore. He had left everything behind. He hadn’t had a choice or had he? Lying there on the ground the only thing on his mind was dying. She had offered him a chance to go on. To get away from the dawning light and step into her darkness. He had excepted without thinking. Did he make the right choice? Why hadn’t he just chosen death. It would have been so much simpler. Nothing to worry about anymore. No more thoughts of pain. No more being unhappy. Just emptiness. Yet had chosen eternity. A life in darkness. Away from everything he ever knew. Everybody he loved.
After about half an hour he arrived at her house. Time for revenge. He walked up to the front door, his hand reached for the bell, but he didn’t ring it. He hesitated. Was it worth all this? As he stepped back from the doorway he noticed the lights in her bedroom were still on. He climbed over the small fence and made his way through the garden. Her bedroom was on the ground floor. The curtains weren’t drawn so he was able to see inside the room. As he stood in front of the window he could see that the bedroom was empty. He decided to wait.
An hour went by. Just as he wanted to make his way back to the front door, she walked in. She had just taken a shower, her hair still wet. She wore the same T-shirt she had worn the last night they had slept side by side. Gabriel stood in silence. She drew back the sheets and laid down in the bed, staring at the ceiling. After a few minutes she picked up the phone beside her bed and dialled. She didn’t wait for the phone to be answered though. Instead she put it down again almost immediately and rolled on her back, holding her pillow like she was holding a lover. Only now Gabriel noticed she was crying. Her tears creating tiny dark speckles on the blanket.
Reaching under her bed, she took out a book. By the zebra print on the cover Gabriel recognised it as her dairy. As she was reading a little smile shone through her tears. Sometimes it’s nice to hold on to memories. As she reached the last of the written pages her smile faded and she turned her eyes to the window. Gabriel was startled by this but quickly realised she would not be able to see him due to the darkness outside. She got up out of bed and walked towards the window. Gabriel stood there frozen. In an instant she stood right in front of him staring into the black of night. He could see her breath on the window. The stains of tears on her cheek. Her blue eyes looking right through him. The light in her bedroom shone through her hair, making it look like a halo. The face of an Angel. He wanted to hold her, tell her he still loved her. Yet, this was the face of the girl that had hurt him. The mouth that had lied to him. The eyes that had deceived him.
She put her hands against the window, like she was reaching out for forgiveness. Gabriel gently pressed his hands against the glass, making sure she wouldn’t be able to see it. He felt the glass get warmer under her touch. So close and yet so far.

Would revenge take away the pain? She was hurting but then so was he. A life shattered. A soul taken away. There was no point in looking back. He had crossed the line. He had to look ahead. Forget about the past. Holding on to the good memories, letting go of the bad ones. Watching the sunset on that summer evening in June. He had seen it through her eyes. It had opened a new world for him. A world which he had now left again. His final sunset. Yet he had grown. He had felt true happiness, true love. Nobody would ever be able to take that away from him. Experience makes you richer, pain makes you grow stronger.

Then she turned around and walked out of the room, leaving Gabriel just his own reflection. He backed away from the window. No more need for revenge. Her pain would be his vengeance. Would he ever understand?

He walked back down the driveway. The rain hit his face as he looked up at the moon. Tears washed away.

A new life, a new beginning.
© Copyright 2005 Twisted Logic (twistedlogic at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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