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by Caffy
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Tragedy · #942018
a couple that slowly break away from each other
Somber Bridge

The two of them lying in heap at the bottom of the stairs giving off an immense melancholy emotion. They lay on the marble floor with their necks broken and skulls fractured. Who would have guessed ? They hated each other with tremendous obsession, but they loved each other, and further more they loved each other. Not anymore.
It wasn’t always like this. They did love each other, great. They used to lead a normal life and have no such problems as winning an endless saga that was created in the future. Possible the only reason this had started was when James , or Jim, Gelway had won a million dollars. His wife, Lucia was thrilled. She thought that all her problems would end. She was completely wrong.
Jim and Lucia moved into a huge mansion with all real wood cabinet, and porcelain floors and countertops. They were living larger than life. Then soon the two of them would fight more and more. It was like this for over five years. They had all the money in the world and they hated each other. The more important thing was that they were unhappy and expressed their anger and depression at one another. In essence, the only reason that Jim and Lucia didn’t get along was they were unhappy. The best things in life are free.

“ I hate you! Your nothing but an unethical cheap loser. I have hated you more than anyone else in this existence!” Lucia shrieked like a banshee. Her eyes were wide and they expressed the anger for Jim.
“ Oh ho ho.” Jim chuckled, “ Well at least I am not a fraud and not mention mentally challenged. As a matter of fact, you are by far a waste of life and human tissue!” Lucia was in total shock. She didn’t believe that her know-it-all husband had finally crossed the line after all these years. She picked up a pitcher that was poisoned on a corner table and hurled it at him. It hit Jim in the shoulder and he fell to one knee with pain surging on his left shoulder.
Lucia realized was he had done and ran to him, “ Oh my god I’m sorry !” Lucia gasped. Then Jim jumped up and punched her the head and she fell. Her adrenalin must have been racing because she was up and kicked him in the left rib. Jim fell to the ground and Lucia was frozen with fear and pain. It was as if her feet were nailed to the floor. Jim got up and tackled her to the floor. The two of them were invested with violence and apathy. It truly was a ghoulish thing to watch. Jim and Lucia hit the ground rolling around periodically with their arms and legs wailing on each other while they were screaming and cursing at each other. Lucia drastically needed to get loose, and she remembered that she was wearing her engagement ring with a giant diamond enclosed on the band. She scraped it across her eye. Jim yelped with pain. Jim jumped back from Lucia as she ran from the hall with all the happy pictures of them from the past. Jim persuaded just behind her.
Lucia was looking for a weapon. Her eyes locked in a gaze on the fire extinguisher that sprayed the gas rather than the smudge. She waited for Jim and she could hear him yelling at her and when he turned the corner Lucia sprayed Jim right in the eyes.
“ Lucia where are you ?! I swear I am gonna kill you, you stupid…” Jim yelled until he blasted abruptly by the extinguisher. His eyes were burning like a pine eyes a blaze in a fire. Lucia ran strait into him a gave him a high kick to the chest. Lucia could really put up a fight and defend herself. Jim was learning that the hard way. Still blinded, Jim miraculously grabbed his wife and pie faced her into the all glass cabinet. What did not spider web and crack was shattered and cutting Lucia’s shirt and her skin. She screamed from the agony and misery from the deep lacerations on her back. Jim snatched the extinguisher and he sprayed her with fury and then belted her left knee. She fell like a ton of bricks and let a scream. Jim jumped on top of Lucia once again they were rolling around on the glass and their fists wailing. Lucia kicked him off again and then she jumped up and snatched a butcher knife.
“ James you are gonna die!” she hollered. As she ran at him Jim figured out what was happening and he grabbed a French blade. The battle had now gotten worse. Before Jim could get the knife up in a battle position she swung the knife and hit his knife out of his hand. Lucia was gonna try to kill him. She threw the knife in the air, and as she was gonna thrust it downward Jim aimed his hand her wrist with the knife. They struggled for seconds until Jim’s left hook found its way to Lucia’s face. When his fist hit her face there was a cracking sound both sick and yet wonderful to Jim. She gasped and staggered back . Lucia needed to get away for a while. She picked up a glass vase and heaved it at Jims chest. It gave her the chance to sprint to the attic. She ran up the stairs at full speed. Jim had no idea what was happening. She pulled down the cherry wood lid and scrambled up the steps and pulled the lid up. She looked around for something to jam the door with. There was a metal rod that just fit under the railings and just above the frame work. It worked so that Jim couldn’t get up there.
Finally Jim got up looked around the huge living and saw a trail up blood that led up the stairs. He followed it until it stopped. He looked up and saw the attic entrance. He didn’t think he could be up there. She wasn’t that fast , was she ? He reached up and pulled down on the door. He was in disbelief she was up there. He yanked and jerked down on it hard. It still wouldn’t have come down. He figured she must barracked the doorway. Jim’s mind was racing, he was sweating , and his heart beat was speeding. Then Jim got an idea to fix it so that Lucia wouldn’t get away from him. A crazed grin from ear to ear formed and Jim couldn’t stop it. He laughed manically and ran to the basement.
In the attic, Lucia was looking for a weapon, but instead discovered dozens and dozen of possessions from Jim and Lucia were still happy. That seemed like eons ago. She looked through the old photographs and love letters from when they were high school sweet hearts. It seemed like decades ago and all at the same just yesterday. Have I lost too much blood or am I falling for him again ? Lucia thought and then ignored the memory. Then she drifted away again and the only thing that disturbed her was a banging sound that came from downstairs. She wondered what it was. Lucia was exhausted and sat down.
Lucia thought about love. Love was like a bridge. The two soul mates had to help build the bridge but also meet each other have way on the bridge. The outlook of the bridge depended on how powerful love was between the two. Lucia and Jim had a sad bridge. A somber bridge.
Once again Lucia heard the banging sound. It had been like that for the next hour and she was wondering aimlessly what it was. Finally, Lucia got up because the suspense was killing her. She slinked around the attic careful not to give away her position. She didn’t want Jim to know where she was in her vast top story. After some searching, she found a small hole in the floor and got a perfect view of living and front door. She was truly horrified. Jim had boarded up the doors and windows ! There was no escape. She was trapped with the mad man she said “ I do.”
There was nothing to left to do. She couldn’t hide in the attic for much longer. All she could do was fight back. Quickly, Lucia scanned the attic for possible weapons. All she found was a re-enforced baseball. She then walked to the entrance to the attic and she took deep breaths . Lucia heard footsteps. She knew it was Jim.
Suddenly an axe slammed to the door violently. The axe ripped through it like a wet cardboard box. She screamed as the axe ripped through the door and Jim reached up to grab her. As Jim’s hand was flush with the framework to climb up, Lucia slammed the bat down hard on his hands. Jim yelled from the pain as his hand immediately swelled up and bruised. He dropped to the floor as the axe clattered to the ground and Lucia defied the five foot drop. She dived on top of him. Jim back handed her and she fell to the floor. Jim grabbed the axe and jumped on Lucia. She was on her back and Jim was forcing the handle on her neck. She was gasping for air when she elbowed him hard in the face. Jim staggered back and realized that Lucia broke his nose.
On her feet, Lucia gave a powerful kick up Jim’s chin as he sat up. Jim fell back and was near the long marble stairs with a slight curve. Jim discovered where he was and jumped on his feet. He went to give an upper-cut to Lucia but she kicked him high in the chest. He fell back and was teeter-tottering on the edge of the top step.
Lucia’s eyes squinted and she waved “ Good-bye” Jim grabbed for Lucia as he fell back and they took a tumble down the stairs. Jim broke his neck on the third step he hit and then he fractured his skull. While Lucia fell and broke her neck at the bottom. She cracked her skull on the hard floor.
The somber bridge had finally gave way.
© Copyright 2005 Caffy (caffy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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