Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/939281-Search-for-the-Imperial-Treasure
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Fantasy · #939281
Edward and his friends go on an adventure to find an Emperor’s treasure.
Centuries after the Empire of the Red Hill dissolves, rumors abound as to where the Emperor hid his hoard of treasure. In a frontier pub, Edward, the leader of a band of street boys, hears these rumors. Hoping to discover the hoard on behalf of his secret society, he decides to venture into the Territory of the Amazons in search of the Emperor's treasure.

Please add a narrative and a bio-block in your first addition. Your bio-block should be as follows:

Name: (ex. Edward Garlossian)
Height: (ex. 6' 2")
Affilation: (ex. Eagle Order)
Rank: (ex. Captain)
Hair and Eye Colors: (ex. red and blue, respectively)
I'd like to explain the campfire some more. I did not do so lest the character limits would be applied. So here's some background information:

The Eagle Order: The secret society Edward belongs to. Divided into an Associates' Brotherhood and a Knights' Brotherhood. The Knights are the full members of the Order and lead Associates. The lowest rank of Eagle Order Knights are the captains that lead detachments of Associates; these Associates are often drawn from population of street children. Associates are divided into Junior Associates, Midlevel Associates, and Senior Associates. Knights are divided into captains, inspectors, masters, and of course the Grand Master, a mysterious man with the name, John Argossi.

The Amazons: A women's army formed in the chaos of tribal warfare. This army was amongst the invaders that took the outer provinces of the Red Hill's Empire as the inner provinces threw off imperial authority. The territory controlled by these women includes a mountain range containing a hoard of treasure left by the last Emperor three centuries ago.

Brian Seggert: A bartender living a few miles from Amazon territory. This bartender has pieced together the story of how the last Emperor buried the treasure hoard. Unable to retrieve the treasure himself, he drew a map and gave it to the Eagle Order as he died.

Clare Savvos: An Amazon border guard knocked by Edward's band.

Gweneth Savvos: Clare's older sister. When Edward's band takes Clare hostage, she leads a detachment of Amazons (friends of the two Savvos sisters) in pursuit.
Name: Kedwill Rayzort

Height: 6'3

Affiliation: Eagle Order

Rank: Knight captain

Hair and Eye color: Brown and blue

Kedwill paced back and forth inside the hut waiting for his sword to be fixed, the blacksmith was taking far too long in his estimate.

Being without a sword was dangerous, but Kedwill had been taught to fight with or without a weapon still the thought of not having a sword was one he dreaded.

Finally the blacksmith returned with his sword as Kedwill examined it closely, the blade was forged well and he was very pleased with the blacksmith's craftsmanship.

He pulled out 4 shiny half dollar sized Kirox coins which he had found from the silver mines outside of town as he paid the blacksmith walked out of the hut and back into the night air.

As he walked he remembered the day he met Edward he had been a young boy and had looked up to him for so long, finally when he was old enough he joined and moved up through the rankings with the help of a lot of hard work.

Now being a Knight captain he was Edward's equal and had become good friends with him, he walked a little ways further as he pulled out the sword and stared at it through the ilumination of the moonlight.

Name: Clare Savvos
Height: 5’4”
Affiliation: Amazon
Rank: Border Guard
Hair and Eye Colors: Black and Hazel-Gray


Clare, though young and the easily the smallest warrior in her tribe, looked just how an Amazon should. Her body was lithe, yet curved and perfectly toned from years of survival and warrior training. She had strong features that managed somehow to be completely feminine at the same time. Clare was dressed in typical Amazon clothing: a figure hugging corset-like battle tunic along with a short skirt and tall leather boots. If it had been a formal occasion, she would have been wearing a gown woven by her own hands. But this was not such a time, so her this wear was best suited for duty. At all times each Amazon was obligated to wear double silver armbands. They were verification that each girl had passed her tests of merit. On the right armband was engraved a symbol of passing the Fire Walk, a test of survival, and the band on the left arm was etched a representation of passing the Great Spirit’s Soul, a test of worthiness. A silver circlet with a single blue diamond in the middle was situated about her forehead signifying that she was the youngest daughter of the tribe’s queen.

But Clare would never be the next queen. No, that was to be Gweneth’s role, she was the eldest daughter and it was her destiny. Clare was fine with that. She didn’t want to be queen and knew that her sister was the right Amazon for the job. Clare wanted adventure and mystery in her life. More than an existence of rule making and leadership.

Every ounce of Clare exuded a quiet type of might. Just underneath her graceful and composed surface was a ruthless combatant. She was a fighter through and through with a warriors perception and a princess’ clever mind. There was nothing disconcerted about her and one’s own composure was always an ally in battle.

Clare looked over the border as the sun began its’ descent. A silver broadsword was strapped to her back a longbow resting nearby and a double tipped lance was held firmly in her right hand. Every border guard was required to have three weapons while on duty. One for offense, one defense and the last was to be the Amazon branded silver sword. She ran over in her mind how positively her tests had gone. Clare was grateful that she had been worthy of such an admirable promotion. She had been a midnight patrol guard for six months after her inception as a full fledged Amazon on her eighteenth birthday. Moon Watch, that was where everyone began, and Clare had been promoted summarily after passing the Great Spirit’s Soul. The youngest Amazon Border Guard. It was a great honor. Even her elder sister, Gweneth, had not advanced so quickly and Gweneth was the
fiercest woman Clare knew.

“Clare!” A voice came to her. “Moon Watch is up next.”

“Thanks Alexa.” Clare answered upon seeing the tall blonde woman. Alexa trained all of the young Amazons. She was in her early thirties and a mentor to both Gweneth and Clare. A guardian of sorts. “I think that I’d like to see the sunset though. I’ll meet you and Gwen in a while.”

Name: Gweneth Savvos
Height: 5'8"
Affiliation: Amazon
Rank: Future Queen, Captain
Hair and Eyes: Auburn, and Hazel

Gweneth watched her little sister from a tree. She sat, straddling a branch in some handmade breeches and a loose fitting shirt. She had bound her long, flowing red-brown hair beneath a scarf and smudged enough dirt on her hands and face to disguise her as an untried maiden, if no one looked closely. Gwen hugged the tree branch. It was her responsibility to rule over this outpost, a "trial Queendom" as her mother put it, so she could barely afford the ten minutes to get fresh air and watch her sister leave camp for a long solitary watch.

Gweneth, as future Queen, would never be allowed to go off alone, strong fighter as she was. Her mother had pushed her into the few scrolls and other records the Amazons retained, which she absorbed greedily, but now it seemed there was nothing more. The Amazons recorded little other than their geneology and the extent of their borders. There was no history to read, or hints to future rulers. It seemed that everyone was simply content to fight and eat and be merry when they could.

As Clare disappeared into the forests, Gweneth dropped from the tree. She draped a long flowing dress over her tall, slim body to hide the breeches, and straightened her back. Picking up her ceremonial bracelets: five in all, the two from the tests, one from the rite of the Heir, which still gave her nightmares, one to identify her as Captain, and the last... a small bracelet that fit inside the one from her rite as though it was made to. This bracelet had to stay hidden.

Gwen tucked the bracelet away, and holding a naked blade in her hand, strolled back into camp, the very image of a fierce Amazon.

Edward Garlossian met with Robert Sensall of the Eagle Order's Council of Masters.

"On behalf of our Grand Master, Don Sebastos*, I'd like to thank you for getting that tavernkeeper to reveal the location of the Imperial Treasure. Now that you know the location, I want you to scout the area so we know where the location is more precisely. Pick any captain you want to go with you, provided that the two of you leave for Amazon Territory before this day ends.

When you find the treasure, leave your inspector there and report back to the Order."

*John Argossi is more commonly known by the alias of "Don Sebastos". The alias means "Great Lord", a rather grandiose title for the leader of a secret society composed largely of street boys.

"I have an inspector?" asked Edward.

"Yes," replied Master Sensall, "I have appointed Thomas Morgory as the Inspector of your Expeditionary Force."

"Him?" asked Edward.

"Yes, him. You're make sure that the Expeditionary Force evades the Amazons if possible and he'll make sure it defeats the Amazons if neccessary."

Edward sighed. "Anything else?"

"No, Edward, there's nothing else. Now go and get the gold!"

Master Sensall left. The six associates around Edward just stared at him.

"You," he said, pointing to a early-teenaged Junior Associate, "tell Captain Rayzort what happened and tell him Captain Garlossian picked you. Tell him that we'll meet at the bridge at the border of Amazon territory. Come back with Captain Rayzort."

"You," said Edward to a Senior Associate, "get us ready to go. I want to reach the bridge as soon as possible."

Three hours later, Edward was at the bridge where he met with Inspector Morgory. Morgory had five guards with him. The guards had a young Amazon woman with her hands tied behind her back.

Morgory asked, "Where's the other captain?"

"He'll come as soon as he can."

"Good. In the meantime, let's find a cage for this little birdie," Morgory said as he pointed at the captured Amazon.

“Please do not wander too far.” Alexa said.

“I won’t.”

Clare vividly remembered the words her guardian said to her the day she had been captured. The young woman had grabbed her longbow and strapped the quiver to her back alongside her sword. She walked away from her fellow warriors. Clare had found herself reflecting on her Sisters as she headed to a high hill, watching as the sun continued its’ journey. Within minutes the cerulean sky had turned various shades of violet, pink, orange and even red here and there. It was stunningly beautiful. The sky turned darker going from a myriad of colors to a dark navy blue.

I should head back. Gweneth will go on the warpath if she thinks I’m missing too long. Clare laughed to herself as she began her hike back home.

But before she had reached the bottom of the hill, several young men accosted her. Clare fought tooth and nail, but to no advantage. She received a nasty hit to the head by the butt of a spear. Blackness enveloped her. The next thing she remembered was waking up across someone’s shoulder. She couldn’t yell because of the gag and movement was restricted by tight bonds. Clare took a calm, even breath and kept her eyes closed, in hopes of learning more about her captors. However, the only speaker was a man who seemed too caught up in his own pompous rambling that nothing was useful to her.

Think Clare! You come from a long line of warriors bred and trained for anything that threatened to cause harm to the Amazon nation. Though her tribe was a small one, they were all proud and skilled women. Clare was one of them. She was an Amazon and not about to be bested by a group of arrogant men. If escape is not an option, then I will simply bide my time until my Sisters come for me. Gweneth would never leave me and once the High Queen finds out about my capture, she will commission a search party to come to my rescue.

Bernadette was the High Queen. She was the leader of the Council of Queens and her word was final. Every ten years a new High Queen was chosen. Bernadette had four years left. By that time Gweneth would be queen and have a say in who the next High Queen would be. Bernadette needed to be reelected, but to do that she required Gweneth on her side. To do that, Bernadette would have to show good intentions by saving Clare.

Yes. Gweneth would do everything in her power to save her little sister... that much was clear. Clare actually living though the ordeal was another story. She would not give up information about any of her Sisters. She would not allow herself to physically dishonored by any of the men, and most of all, if she had to die, she would take as many as the men with her as she could. Cunning and resolve. Two of many things that they cannot take away from me

“Wake the captive. We are coming to the bridge.” The ostentatious man said.

Clare was tossed unceremoniously to the ground and immediately opened her eyes to save herself from being beaten awake. She did not know what these men were capable of, and she would not test them until she was positive that the outcome would be in her favor.

“Ahh, you’re awake. I am Thomas Morgory, your captor.” He smiled a snake-like grin that made Clare feel sick to her stomach. So this is the man who thinks himself a prince among peasants. Morgory ordered her legs to be untied and her gag taken off. “You may yell if you wish, but no one will hear you. Besides, every outburst will earn you three days without food or water.”

Clare stood up and looked past the man, toward the horizon. How long had she been out? An entire day? Longer? She and the men walked to a bridge. A new group of men met up with them. Men? Most of them are naught but boys... Clare did not pay attention to the conversation that took place as they reached the rendezvous point..

“Good. In the meantime, let’s find a cage for this little birdie.” Morgory pointed to Clare and licked his lips. He brought his hand to her face and traced her jaw line. She could feel her blood begin to boil as he spoke the next words. “Pretty thing isn’t she? A bit rough around the edges, but that’s to be expected for an Amazon. One wouldn’t need to be gentle with this one. Quite the opposite I‘d surmise.”

Kedwill had made it back home and slept for a few hours as a messenger knocked on his door "Captain Rayzort I have news".

Kedwill stretched his arms out as he made his way over to the door and opened it, the messenger filled Kedwill in on what was happening as he grabbed his sword.

He followed the messenger to where Edward and the others were at "Ah my friend you've made it..finally".

Kedwill nodded as he replied "Yeah your messenger filled me in with the briefing but how about a more fleshed out version of the details Edward".

Edward nodded as he replied "Still the same old Kedwill..always wanting to know the specifics of everything".
Gweneth shoved the scroll under her sleeping pallet as the curtain to her bower was pulled open. She stood, tall and furious, to face whoever had dared enter without permission. Instead her angry gaze fell on Alexa, her mentor. The older woman's eyes were burning with anger. "What is it?" Gweneth asked, slightly softened. She then saw Alexa's shoulders shake slightly, though the woman's hands and knees were firm as ever, still gripping her bow and spear. "Clare?"

* * * * *

Gweneth ran through the forest, almost too fast for her guards to keep up. She was strong and young and very very frightened. She allowed them a bare five hours sleep, though she slept not at all, and they ran onwards, deep into the heart of the Amazon kingdom, until they collapsed at the center of the capital. Gweneth did not allow herself to fall as they did, though her head was spinning and her body weak. Instead she took a breath and strode towards her mother's chamber, a dense crowd of trees draped in rich handwoven linen so old it had settled into rigid folds to form the walls of council room. Inside her mother sat, hair glistening with silver, kneeling before a small fire. She heard Gweneth come in and she stood, carefully and gracefully.

"A sight I thought I'd never see... the great Gweneth exhausted." muttered an old voice contained a twinge of bitterness as she looked at her very alive daughter and felt her own life fading.

Gweneth checked her frustration and cleared her face. "I come to beg," she breathed to emphasize the word, "permission for a search party."

Helen Savvos, Queen of the Jerra Amazons, stared deep into her daughter's eyes.

"And which of your little guards has run away?" Helen pulled on her long ceremonial robe to contrast Gweneth's resting gown, now ripped to shreds by her long run.

"Your daughter, Clare." The Queen of the Jerra Amazons froze, and turned slightly. She said nothing for several long moments. "I will find her," Gweneth stepped forward, although her legs protested ever step, "with or without your permission, I will go after my sister."

"And what of your duty? Your tribe. You will do nothing. The Council will meet tonight and we will set a time for a selection. The search party will be ready in a few days."

"That's not good enough!" Gweneth slammed her spear on the ground. "I'm going after her as soon as I return to the border, which of your women will come with me?"

Helen did not answer. Gweneth stared at her mother's back and whispered, "Don't think I won't do it."

"Why?" The older woman whipped around. "For her, or for you?" She stepped up to stand close to her daughter's face. "I love you dearly, child, but your impulsive desire to leave here has not disappeared from my memory. You ask permission to leave our borders, to search for your sister, to see other people. If I let you go, you'll never come back. You'll disappear into some scroll, and fall in love with some ideal that can never, will never, enter this chamber!"

"And if you don't let me go, I will be gone before morning. And you will not see me again." Gweneth glared at her mother, drawing herself up to her full height.

Helen did not tremble, instead she waved her hand. "Let the Council decide."
The Eagle Order Expeditionary Force of about 200 young men and boys entered Amazon Territory with a caravan of donkeys, oxen, wagons, and supplies. Captain Edward Garlossian, Knight of the Eagle Order and Chief-of-Staff (second in commmand) of the Expeditionary Force, had sent scouts to find a secure place for the night.


"We're here."

Edward replied, "Good work, Midlevel Associate Bradson."

"Inspector, this is where my scouts think we can rest for the night. I ask you, the commander of the Expeditionary Force, for permission to set up camp for the night."

"Permission granted."

"Alright, men!" roared Edward, "It's time to set up camp for the night!"

The order passed through the caravan.

"I want all senior officers of this expedition to meet me as my command tent is erected," said Thomas Morgory. "You're my Chief-of-Staff so that includes you, Garlossian. You're the only other captain, Rayzort, making you third in command so that includes you too, Rayzort. Other than that, I want only your Chiefs of Staff. That's all for now!"
Kedwill walked around admiring the beauty of the land before him, as he watched the command tent being put up.

Edward walked over as he stared at him "What's wrong now Kedwill?" he shook his head as he replied "Nothing just thinking a little".

Edward nodded as he replied "Well the tent is almost up so then it will be time for the meeting with Morgory".

Kedwill nodded as he answered "Yeah I think I'll go get some water first...be back in a minute ok?"

Edward nodded as Kedwill walked over to his belongings and pulled out his water canteen, he took a big sip as he was called for the meeting.

Gweneth had every intention of waiting for the council. She washed her face and hair, changed into a rich ceremonial robe, shined her bracelets, staff, knives, and sword. Then she resorted to pacing. Within the hour she stood in the center of the clearing, with a group of Amazons around her. From there she selected the eleven strongest, fastest warriors, one from each region of the kingdom.

She stepped back into the council chamber, and watched her mother face the small fire. The woman looked old and frail, will alone holding her aloft. Gweneth had meant to go forward, to scorn this woman and to boast of her success. Instead, she slipped the ceremonial robe from her shoulders and hung it over the tallest chair. She stretched silently in her short shift and, with one more look at her mother, slipped out as silently as she had entered.

Her mother heard her leave and threw a handful of herbs on the fire. She then pondered whether to call for a blessing... or a curse.

Clare waited and watched. She listened to every word and tried her best to learn the most she could about her captors. They were all young men and boys. Few of them said anything of interest, but Clare knew that sooner or later someone would let a tidbit slip. That tiny bit of information could give Clare a bargaining chip, or at least help her understand why on earth she was detained in the first place.

Camp was set up for the night, Clare saw that they were back in Amazon territory. The border of Aras Clan land to be exact. They were a larger clan and the Savvos sisters had grown up playing with the future queen Erin. Each of the girls had other friends, but when they were together, nothing else existed save their unbreakable Sisterhood. The threesome had been a whirlwind of terror in their days of make believe. The girls would find ways to annoy and provoke the elder Amazons as much as they could. They grew to be thick as thieves, but when Erin was needed by her ill mother’s bedside, she went back to the Aras capital in order to prepare for her new role as Queen.

Those were the days. Clare thought to herself. She laughed inwardly, remembering her antics with her sister and friend.

One of the boys unlocked Clare’s makeshift cage. She was led, under heavy guard, to a large tent. There were no boys inside this tent. It was apparent that the men in the tent were the ones in charge. These were then men who were used to having their way.

Gwen... Hurry. I haven‘t any ideas what they have in mind for me.

(Sorry so little... Not much to say.)
Thomas Morgory, Edward Garlossian, and Kedwill Rayzort were seated at a table within the Command Tent. In front of them stood their prisoner.

Thomas Morgory said, "We know that you are someone important. Identify yourself."

The prisoner said, "My name is Clare Savvos, daughter of Helen Savvos the Queen of the Jerra Amazons."

"Who is the High Queen?"

"Bernadette Argalos, queen of the Iseri."

"Are we in her territory yet?"

"No, we are in the territory of Queen Erin Aras of the Aras Clan."

"So this Erin rules only one clan...and yet for the leader of but a single clan to be equal to the queens of multi-clan tribes, she would have to have a powerful clan indeed under her command," Morgory mused, "How much of a threat should we then consider her to be?"

Clare laughed. "You must face not only Erin but all the Amazon tribes. The Amazons still united against all enemies!"

"Yes, the Amazons are united. Yet this works to our advantage. For as an united people, they must all be wary should we harm you as you are a daughter of a queen!"

"My comrades were rescue me. And then you will all sorry!"

"Not neccessarily. Remember that to rescue you, your comrades must use stealth lest we execute you. And with 200 personnel I have 400 eyes to be on the lookout for any commandos your mother may send against me. No, I have a very great bargaining power indeed."

Morgory laughed. "Garlossian, have the guards take her away. The Grand Master will be overjoyed when we capture our prize."
Lao Fei awoke to the splash of water on his face. Edward stared at him. Then Edward smiled. His smile was not nice, not nice at all.

All of a sudden, Lao Fei's face was struck three times with a bullwhip.

"How dare you try to kill us?!?"

"Bring out the princess!" roared Edward. "Let her see what happens when you try to kill us!"

Two guards brought Clare before Lao Fei.

"Look at his face! That's what happens when you fight us. So don't bother escaping!"

Clare sighed. "Look, I don't know what your problem is."

"My problem is that the world is out to get us!"

"Maybe if you didn't try to lash out at the world, life would be easier."

"So you think you are superior to us?" whispered Morgory.

A long moment of silence passed.

"Sir!" exclaimed Edward, "What shall we do now?"

"That's a good question. Edward, summon the men. Kedwill, arm these two prisoners. Then have a security detachment ready to prevent their escape. We're going to have a gladiatorial fight!"

"But sir, if Clare dies then she'll be useless as a hostage!" exclaimed Edward.

"Not necessarily. We don't have to inform the Amazons that she is dead."

Clare was shocked. A tournament of slaves, in this day and age? It was barbaric. Sparring was one thing. But battle for the sake of battling? There was no reason for it and any Amazon in her place would feel the same way. Amazons pride themselves on fighting for a purpose. Life, Freedom and Equality. What else was there to fight for?

The man called Kedwill took her to a tent and handed her light armor and a knife. She looked at him, amusement on her face.


“You realize that with a flick of my wrist I can kill you with this pitiful little blade, don’t you?” Clare shook her head and laughed. She picked the knife up by the tip and threw it swiftly. It flashed past his head and out through the canvas of the tent.

“You missed.”

“No I didn’t... your cheek is bleeding.” She said. “If I have to fight, at least get me something worthy of my years of study. That knife isn‘t even worth the steel it is forged of.”

He stepped out of the tent, a hand to his cheek. The blade had barely grazed his cheek. Not deep enough to scar, but it would bleed like crazy if he put any pressure on it.

Clare sighed to herself. A good offence is the best defense Alexa had always said. That was why she had thrown the knife. It made her seem confident and that was always the beginning of a good offensive move. She took a deep breath and left the tent.

Two older boys led her back to the clearing. Morgory looked at Clare and sneered.

“Where is her armor and dagger?” He shouted.

“Sir, she threw the dagger at me and refused to wear the armor.”

“An Amazon has no need of tempered body plating. It dishonors our way.” Clare said, head held high. “If I am to fight, I require my broadsword or nothing at all.”

“A lot of demands you’re making missy.” Morgory snapped.

“Sir, if we give the assassin an ax, the fight would be fair.” Edward spoke up quickly.

“Do it.” Morgory commanded.

Idiot. I don’t care who this assassin is. I am an Amazon and Amazons do not loose to men. Especially, cowardly ones who shy away from a fair fight and resort to trickery.

“On second thought, give the Amazon nothing.”

The circle formed and the assassin stood before her. She was smaller than he was, but this was nothing new. Clare had always found a way to use her small size as an advantage. The assassin held a two-handed oversized hatchet. He looked uncomfortable, as if it were out of his area of expertise. He tested the arc of the ax with a swing and he lost his grip. Clare took this opening and kicked his hands. He dropped the ax and backed away. She looked at him, as if daring him to pick it up. He took two more steps backwards and sat on the ground. Clare nodded and smiled, then sat down. Maybe the assassin wasn’t a coward after all. He showed respect by not picking the ax back up.

“Get up.” Morgory fumed. “Get up and fight!”

“No.” Assassin and Amazon spoke in unison.

Morgory pulled Clare up by the hair and dragged her out of the clearing. “I’ll teach you respect birdie.” He said low, then shouted behind him. “Kedwill, 30 lashes to the assassin and no food or drink for three days. This one comes with me.”
Kedwill did as he was instructed; after the assassin had been taken care of, he went to find Morgory.

He didn't like to be told what to do by anyone especially Morgory; Edward looked at him, as he tried to stop him.

"Where are you going?"

Kedwill shook his head, as he replied, "I'm going to see what's happening with the Amazon".

Edward put his hand on his shoulder, as he replied, "Morgory won't like this." Kedwill looked at his friend, as he replied, "Well to hell with what he likes and doesn't like!"

Gwenneth's new force flooded her once small border output. She had too many volunteers for a stealth expedition, that she knew, but dismissing the women might trivialize the issue or even dishearten those who's friends were sent away. Later, she knew she would have to send a few away on "errands" that could not be finished, but for now more eyes and ears could only help.

The young woman stood in her chambers feeling as though she were saying good bye forever, and not altogether sad at the thought. Gwenneth chastened herself, remembering her mother's accusations about leaving the tribe. She wouldn't, would she. Pulling a few small scrolls and a bottle of precious ink from under her pallet, the Amazon swung a small sack over her shoulders. She left her elaborate head ornament on her pillow, and only hesitantly fastened the smaller jewels over her hair. Although she was leaving her territory, she was not leaving her rank.

She ran from her room with a feral cry that called her fellow warriors to her. They set off on the trail, running at a steady but not exhausting pace. Their quarry was slow, loaded with wagons and numbers. From their findings, Gwenneth could guess that they were some 300, tightly ordered and well controlled. And they had a purpose.

As the force entered Aras territory, Gwenneth sent out a few runners to Erin. They returned with the Amazon queen herself. Still a young woman, and a former playfellow, Erin wore authority uneasily. She embraced Gwenneth and pulled her aside into a confidential hollow. "The men did pass this way," she confided. "But I..."

"You did nothing?" Gwenneth hissed, gripping her friend's arm harshly. "You let an armed force enter Amazon territory..."

"I raised the alarm." Erin snapped. "Do not think me so stupid. But the Aras clan is not equipped to fight 200 men, and there are stories among my women. No one will go near them."

"What stories?"

"They say that these men have captured some Elemental. He moves like lightning and his face is half-fox half-man. My women will not go near the train."

"Discipline must be very slack in your clan." Gwenneth spoke harshly. "I will not trouble you for aid. And Amazons and Elementals are on the same side. If there is one here, then it is the invaders and disloyal Amazons who have cause to worry." With that Gwenneth turned away, furious with her old friend. Erin stood as tall as she could, although even that was nothing to Gwenneth's height, and called her warriors to her side, leaving the fuming woman to snap at her own people.
Edward entered Clare's tent. He grinned. "It appears that the men you cut down were only wounded."

Clare stared at him.

Edward grabbed Clare by the shoulder. "Now you will learn to cooperate!"

He took her to the Command Tent and untied her hands.

"Here is a map, woman. Draw where each tribe is. You notice no doubt that there is a paper next to the map. I want you to describe what danger each tribe poses on the paper. When you are done, we will discuss your fate with Morgory!"

"No." Clare said resolutely. "Kill me and be done with it. I'll not give my Sister's secrets to little boys playing as soldiers."

Edward backhanded her soundly across the cheek. Clare closed her eyes from the sting, but did not cry out.

"Boys? Do I look like a boy to you? I'm certainly older than you are!"

Clare ignored him. She opened her eyes and looked straight ahead. "Only a coward would strike an unarmed woman. Do you fear me Captain?"

"Fear you? A woman? No, a girl!"

"I passed my Trials. I am a woman. A true Amazon." Edward smacked her again, harder this time, causing her to wheel back from the force. "You only strike me because you perceive me as weak. You are the weak one. A make-believe captain with no honor, who hids behind other play-soldiers."

He rose his hand once more and Clare held her head higher.

"Do you have the information yet?" Morgory yelled coming into the tent.

"No sir."

Morgory grabbed Clare roughly and tossed her to the ground.

Clare blinked slowly and spoke softly. "As I said. No honor."
In a shocked tone of voice, Edward asked Clare, "No honor? By capturing you, we achieved a victory over your tribe. Face it, Clare: You're a defeated soldier who refuses to cooperate with her victorious enemies. What else could you expect?"

A boy entered the Command Tent. "Sir, our scout on the hill sighted a party of seven warriors coming our way."

"Morgory," said Edward, "perhaps it is time to use another strategy. Let us send a boy to the Amazons and have him present our terms to them."

"Very well."


Twelve-year-old Seamus Morgan was afraid. Edward had sent him to deliver a message, sure to anger the Amazons. Yet Edward had told him that Morgory would not negotiate an exchange should the Amazons capture him.

He walked up to Gweneth Savvos and her six warriors. "We demand safe passage to one of your mountains to collect a vast treasure hidden there by the Emperor three centuries ago. Then you must grant us safe passage out of your territory with the treasure in our hands. At the edge of the territory, we will release Clare. If you refuse to cooperate, then our leaders can not guarantee Clare's safety."
Gwenneth raised her hand and the rest of her warriors emerged from the forest. Two grabbed the boy as Gwenneth smiled. "We demand the return of my sister. If you refuse to cooperate it will be your safety that will be in question." The Amazons turned him loose and pushed him slightly down the small hill. "And you may tell your master that if he wishes to discuss entering the mountains, he will have to come to me to do it. I don't negotiate with children." Her eyes were harsh, and as Seamus looked up at him he saw no maternal warmth or instinct. She looked like a warrior, through and through. He ran.

Gwenneth watched him leave. "They will not come to us, I suspect. So we must go to them." She smiled lightly. "But first, let's see who our visitor in the tree is." All the Amazons whirled to point their spears and swords at a figure crouched on a tree branch.

Lao nimbly sprang from the tree to land next to Gwenneth. "Lao Fei at your service" he bowed sardonically. "You must be a relative of Clare's."

"Her sister." Gwenneth answered, slightly hesitantly. "You're the Elemental?"

Lao smiled and changed the subject. "Your sister fights well." Gwenneth stepped forward, pulling a dagger from its sheath. "Easy," he wrapped strong fingers around her wrist quicker than she could move. She only looked at him witheringly, as if she could have stopped him. His smile only broadened and his hand did not leave her arm. "Gladiatorial contests. Don't worry, I didn't win." Gwenneth's mouth twitched, almost smiling in relief.

"We decided to give them more of a fight than they'd meant to see... interactive entertainment, one could say. I don't think she got out though." Lao's grin faded slightly. "They wouldn't hurt her. They want something from her..."

"Hostage." Gwenneth filled in.

"I thought as much. And they're quite handy with poison darts. The worst she'll have is a headache and a little rough handling."

"I hope you're right." Gwenneth scowled. "For their sakes."

"So," Lao stretched his arms and yawned. "When do we attack?"

Kedwill paced back and forth as his friend Edward walked out of the tent.

"Why did you send that boy? You could get him killed!" Edward shook his head as he replied, "Come on Kedwill since when have you ever cared about anyone but yourself."

The boy returned and told them what the Amazons had said. Kedwill shook his head as he replied, "You didn't really think it would be that easy did you?"

Edward shook his head as he replied, "No, but at least we still have the upperhand...we have the Amazon."

He walked to where Clare and Morgory were as Edward told them what the Amazons had told the boy.

"I knew my sisters wouldn't bargain...they will kill you all!" Clare smiled as Morgory slapped her in the face again.
"Morgory, leave her alone! We have work to do!"

"I'm tired of taking your stupid advice. You always were a stupid know-it-all, Garlossian."

"What did you say?"

"You heard me."

Edward rushed Thomas Morgory and pushed him to ground, kicking him in the shin.

Morgory pulled out a knife. "Back up!" he roared. "I marked you once and I can mark you again!"

Edward unconsciously stroked the vertical line where Morgory had struck his cheek with the red-hot edge of his fork.

"And I can make you piss out blood again, you vile bastard!"

"Guys, let's end this quarrel," pleaded Kedwill, "We must focus on the work at hand. When we are done, you can appeal to the Council of Masters to judge who is right!"

"We'll never achieve our goals as long as this moron has any say!" sneered Morgory.

Kedwill said, "Master Sensall appointed him Chief of Staff just as he appointed you commander of the expedition, Morgory. Now if neither of you will focus on the mission, I will appeal to our men and have you two declared unfit for duty!"

The prospect of losing command sobered Morgory. He said to Edward, "I'll calm down if you will, Garlossian. I may not like you but I do realize that the Council of Masters will back the Expeditionary Force if they relive us of command. And the Council would have good reason too, considering the vast treasure hidden in that mountain."

"Very well, Morgory, but do not provoke me."


Edward rode out to Gweneth's band with twenty horsemen behind him.

"This is the Chief of Staff of the Eagle Order Expeditionary Force to the captain of the Amazon rescue team. I sent that boy and I am ready to talk about Clare's release."

Gwen replied, "Very well, release her."

"First I must know who you are."

Hesitantly Gwen replied, "I am Clare's sister. I speak on behalf of the Council of Queens, especially on behalf of our mother. My name is Gweneth Savvos and I am a Captain of the Amazon Armed Forces."

"Well, Captain Savvos, I am pleased to inform you that I am ready to release your sister. But not immediately. As you know, it is my goal to retrieve some treasure from a mountain within Amazon territory. You might attack me for that treasure, you might attack me for being an intruder in Amazon territory, you might attack out of revenge, or you might attack me for all of the above. Yet if I keep Clare, I can prevent the possibility of being attacked. So I will release Clare but only after I leave with the treasure. That is my only term for releasing her and I solemnly swear not to harm her if both you and she are ready to cooperate. Considering the vastness of the treasure and the high regard I have both for my life and the lives of my comrades, I cannot change the terms of this offer: It is non-negotiable and you can either take or leave it."

Gweneth was stunned by the courage of this renegade.

"One more thing, my lady. Since you are stunned by my inflexibility, I will grant one minor concession: The sun is now setting and night is coming. I will give you that night to think of your response to my offer. By morning, you must send one messenger to my camp. She will inform us whether or not you accept my offer. Think wisely, my Lady Captain. I hope you have a good night so that you can think it over and see the wisdom in my offer!"

Edward and his twenty horsemen departed. And still Gweneth Savvos was stunned, uncertain of what to do now.
Gwenneth's blood boiled. This man had treated her like some idiot, not even willing to negotiate. As for the treasure, she had no intention of surrendering it. She had read of it, although she didn't know the precise location. It was not the gold that she was so protective of, but rather several important scrolls that she, and many authors, agreed could influence the modernization of the Amazons. She decided it was time to do something very unorthodox.

Telling her warriors that they were to sleep early, she retreated to her tent under the pretext of sleeping and mulling over the decisions. The women, although confused, did not dare defy her and willed themselves to sleep. She told the guard on watch to wake them two hours before sunrise, for an attack. The guard bowed and left at a quick march to inform the next woman along. Gwen took this opportunity to slip silently down the hill. Once near the camp she disrobed and pulled on her old breeches, and tucked her hair beneath a cap. She looked enough like a young page to be inconspicuous and she quickly whistled herself a horse and lead it into camp, directly to Edward's tent.

He was already inside, sulking from his fight with Morgory. Silent, and capturing him unaware, she managed to slip her knife against his throat before she spoke. "Let's reopen negotiations, sir." Edward moved to sit up, but stopped at the feel of steel on his skin. "Yes, I thought that might change your perspective slightly. At one scream from me, my women will feather this entire camp with arrows, so let's keep this friendly, shall we?"

Edward nodded, still slightly perplexed and quite annoyed.

"First, what is your name?"

"Edward Garlossian."

"Do you have complete control of this force?" Edward opened his mouth but Gwenneth cut him off. "Of course you aren't, bureaucrats like lots of people to blame, just in case." Edward almost smiled. "Now, here's the deal. You can pretend to search the valley all you like, under my supervision, but do not remove a single piece of gold. You will return, claiming that the treasure is not there, and let my sister go, as agreed. No more gladiatorial contests, if you please. If not, a joint force of Amazons and Elementals will ensure that none of you leave this valley alive. I hope that my presence here is evidence enough that we are willing to sacrifice one for the sake of many. Don't imagine that we will behave any differently in the future. Now, do you accept my terms?"
Edward saw how Gwen was silent before Lao, a man that he had once captured. So he figured that he could capture Gwen now that her knife had been pulled from her grip.

"Guards! Come quickly! The Amazon Captain is here in our midst!"

Gwen ran out...into the arms of Edward's men.

"Caught you!" crowed Edward. "Let's how ready the Amazons are to negotiate without their fearless leader! I've doubled my hostages yet I more than doubled my leverage over your people!"

Morgory ran up to Edward. "So you've got something right for once," he sneered.

Then he said in a drawling voice, "And you're right about how you've more than doubled your leverage over their people. 'Cause even if they defy us, we'll have an advantage: You can execute one of them and let their people see how horrible it'd be if we executed the other one!"


That night Edward's men celebrated. But Edward was not amongst the men who were celebrating Gwenneth's capture.

Instead he had summoned Kedwill for a secret meeting.

"I need your help, Kedwill. Morgory may ruin our chances of getting the treasure with his reckless treatment of the hostages. If both die and the Amazons find out, they will kill us all! Now Morgory probably won't be that reckless. But you've seen how aggressive and rough he's been even if with me, his second-in-command. Therefore if he argues with me again, I want you to support me in leading a coup d'etat* against Inspector Morgory. Can I rely on the support of you and your men?"

*A coup d'etat is the sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority. In the way Edward uses the word, it means organizing a revolt against Morgory.
Kedwill looked at him and then outside the tent towards Morgory as he turned his head back towards Edward with a smile.

"You damn right count me in" Edward nodded as he replied "We will have to formulate a plan...one false move and we may both perish".

Kedwill shook his head as he replied "Don't worry I'm not afraid to die...besides I've been waiting a long time to get back at Morgory".

Edward nodded as he replied "I need you to go check on the hostages...make sure they're ok and make sure you're not spotted".

Kedwill smiled a little as he replied "Don't worry I'm real good about being sneaky...I'll be back in a few minutes ok?"
When Kedwill arrived to check on the hostages he found only one. In horror he looked around the pen and, confirming that Clare was the only one left there, he ran back to Edward.

Gwenneth watched Kedwill from a tree. She waited and sure enough Lao Fei emerged as the other man's figure disappeared. She waited patiently, although her heart was begging her to just ignore him, wait for him to leave, and get Clare. But he had disrupted her plans with his hidden agenda. So she waited until he was directly beneath her and pounced.

Even the greatest warrior couldn't fight when he was unconscious and the flat of Gwenneth's dagger had connected solidly with Lao's head. He fell like a stone. She sprang from his back, knife out, ready for someone to attack after the small noise, but no one did. So Gwenneth lifted the man, not easily, and ran back to her camp.

Once there she called her women and they tied him securely to a tree, having taken all his weapons and his mask. Then, accepting a glass of cool water, Gwenneth napped until he awoke.

He didn't wake happily, snarling. Gwenneth rolled her eyes and allowed herself a vindictive kick to his ribs. He glowered at him.

"Well? You had better have a good explanation for your behavior. I had understood that we would attack these men together and then you betray me. Give me a single good reason why you should live."

"How did you escape?" asked the still dazed man.

"Don't imagine that I am stupid, or that I carry only a single weapon, which is more than can be said for our friends down the hill. Or, perhaps they are you friends. Nevertheless, I'm still waiting for a reason why I shouldn't send this knife," she pulled one from her sash, "straight into whatever excuse for a heart you have."
Morgory had summoned Captain Garlossian to the Command Tent.

"You let one of the hostages escape!" he yelled at Edward.

"I didn't let her escape--she used a hidden weapon to cut herself loose and fend the guard."

"I'm sick and tired of your excuses, Garlossian. I relieve you of your command."

"No, Morgory, I relieve you of yours. On behalf of the officers of the Expeditionary Force, I declare you unfit for duty," explained Edward. Then he summoned guards. "By the majority vote of the Knights of the Expeditionary Force, this man has been relieved of duty. Secure him and then meet me at the center of the camp. There a vote shall be held to confirm whether or not Inspector Morgory is unfit for duty due to mental instability!"

"You dare accuse me of mental instability?" the Inspector said with seething rage. "Master Sensall did not see me as unstable when he appointed me!"

"Perhaps you are unaware of the trouble we are in with the Amazons, Inspector. Yet you have done nothing but badger me. You simply can't do anything constructive under the pressure. But I need not convince you that I am right. Instead we state our case before our men and let them vote on who is right!"

Edward tapped one of the guards on the shoulder. "Go to Captain Rayzort. Tell him to assemble the men to judge who is right: me or Morgory!"

"What about the hostage?" asked the lead guard. "Who will guard her if all the men are at the center of the camp?"

"She can stand amongst the men as they judge us. We aren't going to be stupid enough to hide a public trial. At any rate, there's not much we can do except make sure she does not escape. And how will she escape from a crowd of 200 men and teenage boys armed with more weaponry than she alone could carry!"
The guard found Kedwill getting a drink from his canteen as he saluted "Captain Rayzort I am here on behalf of Captain Garlossian".

Kedwill stopped drinking as he nodded "The captain says to round up the men to form a committee to judge if Captain Garlossian or Morgory is right".

Kedwill smiled a little as he replied "Go and tell Edward I will be there shortly with the others".

The guard nodded as he saluted and ran back to tell Edward, Kedwill gathered the rest of the men as he entered the tent and brushed into Morgory.

Morgory glared at him as Kedwill smiled a little "What's wrong there tough guy...got yourself into a little trouble I see".

Morgory shook his head as he replied "This is a farce I will be found to be quite fit for duty then you and Edward will be punished".

Kedwill grabbed Morgory by the arm as he touched the handle of his sword "Keep those lips sealed...or I will take care of dealing out the punishment myself!"
Gweneth smiled as she shook the dirt out of her skirt. One of her women nodded to her, the spies she had sent after Lao were following him. Men!, she thought. Will they never stop underestimating me?

Gwenneth followed the signs her Amazons had left without trouble. Soon she stood behind them, and they bowed and moved aside. Lao Fei stood in a clearing in front of them, conferring.

"Jin Tao." Lao Fei addressed a man with a Wolf Insignia. "The Amazons will attack the Eagle Order. Their leader, Gwenneth, she is recklessly determined to get her sister back." Gwenneth's ears burned at this.

"Well you will have to prevent that" answered Jin Tao scathingly. "I've told you, the Eagle Order must obtain that treasure so that we can procure it from them." Gwenneth's mouth fell open. The Amazons around her stood straighter.

For one who had always faulted the Amazons on their policy of shoot first, diplomacy later; it did not take long for Gwenneth to make her decision. She drew an arrow from the quiver beneath her cloak and shot true into Jin Tao's throat. The man looked at it in surprise and fell, dead. Lao Fei stood on alert as more arrows shot men, presumably guards, on the edges of the clearing. An arrow grazed Lao's hand, knocking his knife, the one weapon he still had, across the clearing.

Gwenneth handed her bow to the two guards and stepped forward. Lao stood before her. "I want to know everything. You can either tell me, or you can run and the next time you set foot in my camp, I'll have you killed on the spot. The only thing that has saved your life thus far is that you didn't kill my sister. Now speak, or leave. Your choice. I don't particularly mind which."

Gwenneth waited a moment, before she turned and walked away. If Lao Fei disrupted her plans again, he would die.

Clare sighed to herself. There was nothing more she could do. Her sister had not come for her and she had not been able to escape. At one point she thought she had overheard something about her sister, but it was only a passing whisper.

What now?

She would wait. That was all she could do.

“Garlossian is challenging Morgory’s authority, this should be interesting.” Clare overheard the guards talking.

This is a good thing. Clare thought to herself. If my sister is here, this will be the perfect time to launch an attack. Even if she isn’t the men will be far to preoccupied with their own problems to chase after me. I'll know when the time is right. Then I'll be free again...

The men assembled for Morgory's trial. "Men, Captain Rayzort will argue my case for me. I'll take twenty men with me for a special mission."

Nineteen men (well, most of them were boys) assembled by Senior Associate Timothy Largos (Edward's Chief-of-Staff) walked with him towards Edward.

(Raiden, explain why Kedwill has a grudge against Morgory when write what happens during the trial.)

"Largos, take nine men with you and go to the Amazons. The other nine men and I will stand at the edge of the camp where we can summon help if we need it."


Gwen was exhausted. She took a long nap to refresh herself after the stress she had gone through lately. Unfortunately for her, the nap was not long enough. Her guards woke her up.

"What is it?"

"Some merchants have arrived at our camp. They say that Captain Garlossian hired them to present two gifts and a message to you."

Gwenneth Savvos approached the merchants. "What did Garlossian want you to give to me?"

The lead merchant explained, "He says that your raid shows him the futility of fighting you. Therefore he is ready to stop fighting you if you stop fighting him. As a goodwill gift, he sent you two slaves wait on you hand and foot. After all, he says, a princess deserves no less."

"Luke, Benjamin, come forward!" exclaimed the lead merchant.

Two men approached the lead merchant. They wore metal cuffs on their wrists and carried fans in their hands.

"As you can see, the slaves have fans to keep you cool in their sweltering heat. The captain says that if you're ready for peace, then you should post a slave onto each of your sides to attend to you."

Gwen scornfully asked "Why does he care?"

"My lady," replied the merchant, "Surely you know that diplomacy and good manners require people to accept when others give them gifts."

"At any rate, it is time for me to leave. Captain Garlossian says that you know where his camp is so just go to him and ask him to release your sister."


At the camp, Edward smiled broadly. Gwen had refused to cooperate with him. Yet the Amazons might change their mind if he captured their fearless leader. And that task was already half done.

If Gwen refused to come with her new slaves, then she wasn't ready to let Edward and his group of adventurers leave in peace. Therefore he would have to keep Clare as leverage. Gwen knew that and Edward knew that she knew that. So he was certain that Gwen would arrive with the slaves.

But if she arrived with the slaves at her sides, then the slaves would seize, using the knives hidden in their cuffs. Because the slaves were not slaves, rather they were agents placed at Gwen's sides to capture her when she met Edward.

Now Gwen might get suspicious and follow the "merchants" led by Timothy Largos. But Largos was told to zig-zag his way through Amazon territory for a few days and then meet their colleagues at the treasure. So Gwen would not find them to be connected to the Eagle Order.

(Unbeknowedst to Edward, the real merchants that he hired to gather intelligence on the Amazons were shot dead when Gwen had killed "Jin Tao's guards". Unlike Edward, they did not see how dangerous it was to bring your enemies close.)

But all of this eloberate planning may well have been unnecessary. Perhaps Gwen's suspicions would not be raised at all. Yet even if her suspicions were raised, Edward had planned well on how to deal with them. Which was why Edward had smiled so broadly.
Kedwill walked back and forth as he thought of what he was going to say to help argue Edward's case.

Kedwill had never been much of a talker more of a fighter, but he wanted to help his friend Edward and also to take down the slimy Morgory.

Morgory waved at him with a cocky smile on his face as Kedwill remembered a few years back and what had happened on that night.

It was a dark rainy night and Kedwill had found himself in a battle against 10 men, Morgory had went inside the tavern and caused a fight with the men due to his drunken state.

And had let Kedwill fend for himself, when the fighting began Morgory took off running with his tail between his legs.

So the battle between the men and Kedwill waged on, swords were drawn and men were killed but in the crossfire a small boy was severly injured.

On that night the boy lost his sight and would never be able to see the flowers bloom or the suns magnificence again.

Kedwill thought about this as he looked over at Morgory with a look of pure and utter disgust on his face.

Each time he looked at Morgory he pictured the small boy's face knowing he would never be able to see again.

Gwenneth sent the slaves back with a note. "I do not like slavery, though I thank you for the thought, I'm sure. If you are so willing to create a peace simply send Clare back and I swear I will not fire another shot against you."

She let the men trudge their way back down the hill, having unchained them and taken the knives they had hidden in their handcuffs. She smiled and pocketed them. They were after all, rather good quality. Then, on a second thought she pulled one out and flung it behind her.

Lao Fei found himself pinned to a tree by his trailing robe. Gwenneth smiled at him and the sword in his hand. She drew her own blade. "Plotting revenge?"

She sauntered nearer. "I offered you a chance to call it even. We have no quarrel between us."

Lao sneered at her, but couldn't help but admire her hearing. Every time he thought he had outsmarted her, her apparent weaknesses turned out to be some sort of magnanimous offer to save his ego. It stung him, and he couldn't hold his tongue as his late master's name slipped out.

"Jin Tao?" Gwenneth shook her head. "But he is the man written of in the scrolls!" Guiltily she pulled a small sheaf of parchment from her sleeve and showed it to Lao Fei. "His father was a friend of my grandmother." She looked down. "I am sorry to have ended his life. And for your loss."

Lao Fei found her sympathy unnerving. It seemed so genuine. "Jin Tao would not go against the Amazons." Gwenneth continued. "He was a friend to us. Perhaps I was right and we really are working for the same cause."

Lao, still very unsure, found himself telling Gwenneth of his assigned mission. To steal the map back.

Gwenneth nodded. "It is an old treasure to us," she said, "one that we keep more for pride than for use." Again she bowed her head. "I cannot help but agree with Jin Tao's writings that the treasure could be used to broker a compromise and exchange with other nations. To bring light and education to our two tribes. To bring us out of war and into commerce. It could be our modernization. But," Gwenneth's voice was suddenly fierce. "It should be OUR modernization. Amazon and Midori alike."

She looked at Lao, as he worked his way free of her knife, forced to rip his noble robes as he found the dagger, hilt deep in the tree, would not budge.

"A war is costly," she commented, nodding to his ruined expensive robes.

Lao Fei nodded. "We can afford it." He said proudly.

Gwenneth smiled. "I never implied that you couldn't. But think what we could do together, rather than apart."
Edward and his men followed Luke and Benjamin to where the Amazons were. As they approached, they heard Gwen's voice: "You tricked us!"

Edward ordered the men to surround the Amazons. Something was going on. He waited and watched as the ninjas tied up the Amazons.

A young ninja asked, "Will we set up an ambush?"

Lao Fei replied, "How shrewd of you to figure out our goal! Yes, young Wa Lin, we will set up an ambush. We must capture more Amazons. At least ten should be forced to pay the penalty for the blood of Jin Tao and that penalty must be the loss of their lives! In the meantime, these bitches shall be our bait as we hide in the trees above them!"

Edward arose and walked his nearest follower. They crawled to one of his comrades, then to another and another and another, going in a circle around the Amazons and ninjas while trying to avoid the wrath of the ninjas with their mysterious agenda. After gathering his men, Edward walked with them as they returned to the camp. The camp where Morgory was now on trial.

(Now, raiden, you should add a post about the trial of Morgory.)
Kedwill paced back and forth occassionally looking at Morgory, he pleaded Edwards case to the others as Morgory yawned a little.

Kedwill told the others about how Morgory's actions were less than respectable and that he should be removed of his duties.

The others listened to Kedwill as one of them spoke out "Is it true that you hold a grudge against this man Captain Rayzort?"

Kedwill sighed a little as he replied "Yes but this has nothing to do with my dislike for him..this has to do with what is right and what is wrong".

"Edward runs a tight ship but is never unfair...while Morgory here does anything he wants and doesn't give one piece of donkey crap about anyone else!"

Morgory looked at Kedwill as the man that had asked Kedwill the question shook his head "I'm afraid we will have to talk about this further...we will adjurn until after sunset".

Kedwill watched them walk out as Morgory laughed a little "Not going so well there is it?" Kedwill started to hit him but thought better of it as he walked out to get some fresh air.

Clare listened intently as the trial dragged on. Sunset had come and the sky was darkening. This was the prime opportunity for her to find a way out. A viscous older boy had tied her hands behind her back and then looped the rope around her feet and neck. If she moved too much in any direction, strangling herself was a real possibility. There was no way to loosen the ropes without literally killing herself.

Then, an idea struck her. She began coughing and feigning loud heaving noises. One of the guards came over quickly.

“Idiot! You tied the ropes too tight. We’re supposed to keep her alive and captive, not dead!”

“Shut up! I only did as I was told. You fix it. I need to get something to drink.”

The boy loosened the ropes. Clare began gasping for breath and forced her face into a grimace. The ropes were taken from about her neck and she was rolled over onto her back. Clare began to “recover” and caught the guard unaware with a quick kick in the groin. He passed out cold. Clare quickly wriggled her hands free and untied herself. The other guard came back and was about to yell a warning when she thrust her elbow upwards to his jaw. She jammed her boot heel hard into the man’s chest and spat on him.

“One word and you’re dead.” Clare looked about quickly and took the rope (that had a few moments ago been around her neck) tying the two boys together. She ripped one of the boy’s tunics and gagged them, then she slipped away into the coming night. Her first stop was the tent where her weapons were. She stunned the guard and left the camp.

Gathering her position mentally, she spat on the blade of her sword and rubbed it into the dirt, masking its’ sheen. She skirted the trees and saw her sister tied to a tree before her. Loosing herself, she cried aloud.


Immediately she regretted it as several men dropped from the trees.
Ali Bobbin, Sultan of Sequbah, was not pleased with his latest plan. Having conquered Arasina's capital of Queensburg had been easy. First he had sent small bands of soldiers in with the Midori ninjas. Then they poured into the Queendom of Arasina, even
capturing the Queen. Better yet, they made an alliance with the street kids to divide the Imperial Treasure.

Unfortunately for the Sultan, he had enraged the Midori when he punished them for their treachery. Having failed to kill the street kids as ordered, they were expelled from newly-conquered Arasina. The ninjas had formed an alliance with the clan elders of the Aras. With the help of the ninjas, the Sultan was driven out. But before he left, he had killed the captured Queen in revenge.

As for Lao Fei, he had learned that the Grand Master of the Midori had driven out the Sultan. He had received the Queen's corpse from the Grand Master, with instructions to blame the Eagle Order. Then when the Amazons launched a blood feud against the Eagle Order, the Midori would shelter them in return for learning of the Imperial Treasure's location. Which they would smuggle out of Amazon Territory as the Amazons fending off the Sultan. For the Sultan would soon return with an army as powerful as many small Amazon tribes, marching to the location revealed by the Eagle Order. After blaming the Eagle Order, Lao Fei's job would be to force the Eagle Order into the hands of the Midori rather than the Sultan.

*The Sultan of Sequbah is chief of the Sequbatari, a coalition of three tribes divided into ten clans, that conquered a portion of the Empire. This portion was called Sequbah and was used as a base from which they attacked their rivals, including the Alliance of Amazon Queendoms.
Kedwill walked around a little trying to ge the anger out of his system, but each time he pictured Morgory he felt rage.

He lookd up at the dark skies as he pictured the boy and wondered if he still was alive it had been a few years since last he saw him.

His thoughts were interupted as a man walked over and told him it was time they were ready to start again.

Kedwill looked at him as he nodded, he followed him back into the hut as Morgory smiled at him.

© Copyright 2005 Hidden Author, raiden, Daizy, Madeleine goes to Brown, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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