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A screenplay about a girl who is pshycic |
FADE IN: INT. SIMPSON JALOPY - DAY We are in a car. Old Jalopy. 10 to 15 years old, easily. A blizzard screams outside of the car.In the car we have a middle aged man and a middle aged woman in the two front seats. JUDY sits in the passenger seat with her husband JACK behind the wheel. Behind them in the back seat is their daughter ERICA and her best friend LISA. We can hear the engine on the verge of exploding. ERICA (sighs) This is crap... We exchange shots to a shot of Judy. JUDY Whats that honey? ERICA (O.S.) Nothing... We now have a shot from outside of the car locked to the back window of the car. It's fogged, but we can barely see Lisa and Erica, but they're visible ERICA My sweet sixteen and I'm in a dying Jalopy... LISA It's not that bad... The car continues to drive through the blizzard. Out side the wind makes a noise. It sounds like it says the word "die", but it's to faint to be for sure. This catches Erica's attention, and she looks out her window, her eyes playing ping pong. LISA (O.S.) What are you looking at, man? We are now back in the car, and we are looking into Erica's palm at her cell phone. She is typing something in a text message. It reads: Ths is crap. my sweet16 and im in a car wif my parents. She shows it to Lisa 2. LISA (whispers) it's not that bad... Erica gives Lisa a nasty look. ON LISA: LISA (whispers) okay, maybe it is. "Die." The wind whispers it again. It's louder that before. Loud enough to hear through the screaming blizzard outside. ERICA did you hear that? LISA Hear what? ON JUDY: She knows her daughter is not enjoying this. It's obvious. JUDY What do you want to do when we get to San-Antonio, Erica-Pie? ON ERICA: ERICA Go home... Erica's mother judy sighs. We can tell by the look on her face she thinks she's failed as a mother. "DIE." Louder this time. No longer a whisper but a growl. ERICA Lisa, tell me you heard that. ON LISA: LISA Hear what? What the hell are you talking about Erica? We have a shot looking out the back right window. Slowly the car rolls past a sign sitting crookedly in the ground, roofed with snow reading "Dead end." We quickly cut closer to the sign, having only the "DEAD" in the frame. 3. ON ERICA: She blinks a couple of times and rapidly shakes her head. We can hear the crack in her spine. LISA (O.S.) That sounded gross. We can hear Lisa countinuing talking, but the noise is soon buired by HIGH PITCHED MUSIC AS WE SLOWLY ZOOM IN ON ERICA'S FACE. Her face seems frozen like the river to side of the street. Her eyes are grey when they used to be blue. Her face has turned as white as the snow wedged inbetween the street and the sidewalk. QUICK CUT TO: We are now at the back wheel of the Jalopy. Everything is going in slow motion. We hear the scream of brakes being slammed, and the screetch of burning rubber. We hear people screaming. We are now back in the car, still in slow motion, screaming continuing. We see that the winshield is severly damaged, slowly we see the siloette of a person roll over the top of the car, and a spatter blood goes on the windshield. QUICK CUT TO: We are back in the Jalopy again. Everyone is calm. The car is fine and undamaged. Erica's facade remains in a frozen state of shock. Lisa snaps her fingers in front of Erica's face. LISA Hello? Earth to Erica? Erica's face and eyes go back to their normal colors, but she starts screaming like she's gone mad! Her eyes start to leak tears. Erica's father Jack takes his eyes off the road to see what's wrong with his daughter. JUDY Jack, watch the road! We hear the scream of brakes being slammed, and the screetch of burning rubber.... Everything flashes white. We now have a birds eye view on the car. The car is on the road, flipped over on it's side. We see on the side of the car is a trail of blood. FADE TO BLACK. INT. HOSPITAL--NIGHT |