Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/935893-Dragon-Morphers
by Paige
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #935893
A story about a young girl who finds a delightful game she is better at than a champion.
A lot of people were making a huge crowd around someone, or something, cheering. What could this be about? 4 girls, Catherine, Kasha, Brianna and Courtney all walked down the street to see what all the fuss was for.
Kasha had brunette hair about shoulder length and had blue eyes. Her best friends were Breanne, Catherine, and Courtney. She had no main interests, until that one faithful day when she discovered the delights of Dragon Morphers.

Dragon Morphers

“Yeah! Go Marcie!” Someone from the crowd yelled. “Go Farseth! Yeah!” another yelled. “What do you think is happening over there?” Catherine asked her friends Kasha, Courtney and Breanne. “I don’t know, but I think its time to find out!” Kasha exclaimed as she ran into the crowd. Her friends attempted to follow her in, but became caught in the middle. More people came to see what was going on.
Kasha finally got to the front and saw it. There were two dragons about 1½ foot tall. Kasha was curious about why they were so small, and why everyone was crowding them, so she asked someone from the crowd.

“Excuse me, would you mind explaining to me as to why everyone’s surrounding these dragons? They’re not even that big.” Kasha asked in a polite voice.

“They’re Dragon Morphers,” the person answered.

“Dragon what sits?” Kasha asked.

“Dragon Morphers. They are people who get morphed into dragons temporarily and fight.”

“What kind of rules is there?” Kasha asked with slight interest. She was starting to like the idea.

The woman sighed. “The rules are simple. The object of the game is to take the armbands,” she pointed at the armband on the dragons shoulders, “off their arms and bring it to the green circle,” she pointed to the green circles which were on opposite sides of the court, “and that person is the winner. The more games you win, the more coins you get, the more games you win, the more coins you get, and you can use the coins for spells, enchantments, you can even make your dragon self look different! Cool, eh?”

* * *

30 minutes later

The “Dragon morpher” named Marcie won, and exclaimed to the crowd, “I stay the champion!!!!!” and soon asked, “Any challenges?”

“I Challenge you!” Kasha exclaimed to Marcie.

“Have you Ever done this before?”

“No, but I know a lot about it! How do I morph into a dragon?”

“You don’t. I want a challenge, not a newcomer with a big ego. You’ve never even played before and you want to play the regional champion??? Now are there any real challenges?”

“I am your challenge! You just don’t want to play me because you know I can kick your butt!!!” Many people in the crowd gasped because no one had ever spoken to Marcie like that before. There was a long silence.

Marcie hesitated a moment. “Fine. I’ll play Dragon Morphers with you; however, do not think I’m going to soften because you are new. Now, since you are the challenger, you get to decide what arena we choose. Here.”

She took out a tiny device that looked like a game boy, “you use this to create your dragon. You start with 500 coins so you can buy looks for your dragon and other things. Keep this in mind; do not say the word ‘save’ into it or you will overwrite my dragon. Simply create your dragon here, then put weapons and anything else next to the dragon. Then say ‘next’, and look at all the arenas. Choose one. Now, do all that, then come back in about 30 minutes and we can play Dragon Morphers.”

* * *

10 minutes later

Kasha and her friends all stared at the Device, also known as the “Dragon Morpher”.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Turn it on!!!!!” Courtney finally said. Kasha quickly looked for some kind of switch or button, but there was none. For 5 minutes she searched, but nothing.

“Maybe it’s voice activated,” Breanne put in.

“On!” Kasha yelled. It quickly turned on, and said in a computer voice, “please select color of scales.”

“Blue!” Kasha replied.

“Color of scales blue is 100 coins. Accept or Decline?”

“Accept!” Kasha quickly put in.

“Accepted. Select color of eyes.”

“Green!” Kasha replied. “Color of eyes green is 50 coins. Accept or decline?” “Accept!” Kasha answered.

She decided on having green eyes, blue scales, a pink armband, soft scales, an extra tight armband, and had an advance in speed. It cost her 450 coins, as she wanted to save up for higher power-ups. She then decided to have an icy area, as she picked to have her scales extra thick. Beat that Marcie! Advantage for me! Kasha thought. She quickly realized it had been 25 minutes, so she took the dragon morpher and ran with her friends to the place Marcie had told her to go to.

* * *

“So, you ready to lose yet?” Marcie asked as Kasha and her friends met up with her.

“Oh, yeah? We’ll see who’s ready to lose!!!” Kasha replied.
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot!” Marcie exclaimed. “Since you think you’re so great, I’ve decided to invite the whole town. Hope you don’t mind!!” She snapped her fingers and suddenly, they were in the ice arena Kasha wanted to be in. The only difference was, there were ten thousand people surrounding them!
Kasha quickly took the dragon scanner from Marcie and scanned herself. She turned into that one ½ foot dragon. She handed the scanner to Marcie, And Marcie scanned herself as well.

“Ready to lose?” Marcie asked.

“Bring it!” was Kasha’s reply. The man with the red flag explained the game to new comers. The goal was to get the armbands off the dragon’s arm and bring it to the green circle behind that dragon. He then said since the challenger was challenging the champion, the winner would receive 10,000gp-not that Marcie needed it. As soon as everything was explained, the man with the red flag said “ready…” Marcie sank her head so low it was almost touching the icy surface of the arena.

“Tell you what,” Marcie whispered to Kasha, “I’ll give you a head start.”

The man with the flag then said, “set…”

“And I’ll even let you take my armband and run for ten seconds. After that, you’re finished!” She chuckled.

Then Kasha began, “Okay, just don’t step back, or you’ll fall into a hole. I promise you, there is no power up behind you!”

“Oh, really? Like I am going to fall for that one!”

The man with the red flag waved the flag and yelled, “Go!” and Marcie stood there, waiting for Kasha to take the armband. Kasha took it. As soon as she did, Marcie started running back, and walked right into Kasha’s trap! Marcie ran backwards, onto thin ice! Unfortunately for Marcie, it didn’t stay thin for long.

Most of the crowd started booing, for their champion for 5 years was being beaten by someone they had never heard about, and was just starting the game for the first time in her life! However, there was a slight chanting in the background. It was so soft compared to the booing, however, that Kasha could barely hear it. However, she could hear it, and that was what kept her going.

Marcie was not finished, however. As soon as she fell through the hole, she attempted to use her wings to fly out. Unfortunately for her, her scales were too thin, and her wings were too wet, so she could not only fly out, she could not swim out either! She was just too cold. Marcie just floated there, a mild expression upon her face. Kasha ran and ran and ran and… 10 meters away, 5 meters away… suddenly, Kasha’s life flew across her very eyes.

Kasha saw herself at one year old. She was in her hut, when something caught fire, and burned the hut as soon as her and her mother left it. Her father was not so lucky, however. He had been sleeping, and did not make it out.

She then saw herself at four. She was playing outside, when she saw three little kids, about her age, hanging around in a little sand area. She decided to go over and play too. They all became BFF, or Best Friends Forever.

She saw herself at seven. This was when her mother went to the market to buy some food. Since there was a well nearby, she always stopped by with her bucket to grab some water. Unfortunately for her, she tripped over a root before she reached the well, then tumbled over the side and into the well. Since there was so much water in the well, and she could not swim, she drowned. Since Kasha did not have any parents to live with, she got to live with one of her best friends, Courtney.

Kasha had no idea why she was seeing all this. She wondered and wondered, but couldn’t think. Then, all of a sudden, it hit her. She had a wonderful life, other than her parent’s death. Everyone has some bad things happen to them, though. They have rough times, and Since Kasha had had a rough life, she understood that better than most people. She couldn’t stand having Marcie, the champion of dragon morphers, All of a sudden be beaten by a newcomer. Even anyone beating her would be terrible, but a newcomer…
Kasha turned around, and headed for Marcie. She went towards the broken ice, then held out her hand towards Marcie. Marcie accepted it, and was pulled out of the thin ice. Kasha then handed Marcie the armband.

“Why are you doing this?” Marcie asked as she took the armband.

“You’ve been champion for 5 years. There’s no way I could take that away from you, especially since this is my first time playing!”

Marcie shed a single tear. “Thanks.” She replied to Kasha. She then took off towards the circle.

* * *

Kasha explained after the game to her friends what she had done. Her friends thought it was a great thing, not embarrassing Marcie. They all hang out together even more, and Kasha trains Breanne, Courtney, and Katie how to play Dragon Morphers really well. Marcie remained the champion, and became one of Kasha’s best friends.

The End.

© Copyright 2005 Paige (paigeorose92 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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